♦ Burglars ♦ Sims1 vs Sims2 vs Sims3

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Hello, burglars has been one of the most requested videos since I started comparing and I always answered I'd wait to see if Sims 4 reintroduced them, but you know what? I'm starting to think we're not getting burglars in Sims 4 after all. I wanted this to be a short but lately all my short ideas have turned into full videos (lol) so here it is, a not so brief comparison of burglars

I don't know if Sims 4 will reintroduce them eventually but if they do I guess I'll find a way to compare it without repeating everything I said on this video.

What do yall think about them? Me?

I absolutely hated him in Sims 1 because there's no possibility for revenge, it's an NPC which you cannot seek nor interact with in any way so if you forgot to buy the alarm chances are you won't see him again. But that's a good mechanic imo, something out of your control that you cannot predict and it's just there to make your game more challenging

Sims 2 did a great job of giving them a bit more personality, it's no longer a sneaky sim (which doesn't even sneak) but just a bunch of sims coming to get your stuff and you have many ways to prevent robberies. I don't like that they're not wearing a mask though.

Sims 3 mostly followed Sims 2 except they added even more ways to prevent burglars from robbing, I like how you can follow them and they're in the criminal career and how Sims can steal stuff for themselves, it's fun to utilize the open world concept to just go around houses stealing stuff, I'd love it if you could steal things back from burglars by following them home

For me it goes Sims 3 with Sims 2 very close behind and Sims 1. Altho, the way Sims 2 react to everything going on around them is always a big plus. But that's just my opinion, let me know yours and I'll see you on the next one, will probably be infants seeing they're coming in march but let's see if I can fit in a few shorts I've been meaning to do before they come.

0:00 Stealing and Basics
4:38 Alarm and Capture
7:38 Freeing the Burglar
8:32 Extras
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Burglars were in The Sims 4. They stole all the content we wanted, leaving us with buggy replicas. The ultimate heist


Sims 1 & 2 music : scary moment
Sims 3 : Dramatic desperate housewives scene


I love how they try to sneak in sims 2 and 3 but walk around like they own the place in sims 1.


Can we appreciate the effort that went into recreating the same house in all 3 games near flawlessly?


Sims 1:Wake up, throw a tantrum, call the cops, arrive late.
Sims 2:Wake up, call the cops, cop shows up immediately.
Sims 3:Wake up, fight the burglar yourself.
Sims 4:What's a burglar?


I love the little detail in the The Sims 2 and 3 that your sim will cover their mouth over the phone receiver because there is a burglar in the house and they don’t want to be heard calling the police.


In Sims 3, if your sim has the coward trait, they will faint whenever there’s a burglar!


No matter how poor my sims were, I'll always spend simoleons for a burglar and fire alarm.


It always boggles my mind how Sims4 doesn't even have some of the basic and most memorable parts of the older games. Burglars, newspapers, cars (which at this point is probably impossible to add into the game) and a bunch of other things that I'm too lazy to list.


It’s the fact that it’s only ONE thief in the Sims 1 and his name is “Some Sneaky Sim” you would think they knew who was the culprit.


I’ll never forget when I first got robbed playing Sims 1, I was 7-8 years old and that sound terrified me so much I turned my game off and went to play outside LMAOOO! Great vid thanks❤!


The sims 1 tune always freaked me out ☠️


Nobody talks about 6:48-6:56. Such a comedic scene, burst out laughing while both of them panicking like one of those old family TV shows in the 2000s


The Sims 3 burglar theme always gave me the giggles. The drama of it all.

Sims 1's sound instills so much fear in me lol


Lol when I was a little kid, I didn't understand NPCs and thought 'Some Sneaky Sim' was just a neighbor that didnt like me so I thought if maybe I befriend the entire neighborhood I won't be robbed. I was disappointed to learn that didnt work :D


I love how they just open the doors with ease


Don't you just love it when the burglars just stop and scream at the alarms and don't even try to grab and go in Sims 3? That's realistic.


The fact that you can set the burglar free is so insane. I have been playing the Sims since 2000 and had no idea.


"Its likely the police will arrive late" god the realism they nailed even back then was amazing


Years ago I had a burglar enter my house in Sims 3 but he didn't steal anything from me, he just chill and watch my television and I wasn't even wealthy though.
