My Experience with JavaScript as a Java Developer

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As you may know, I'm a Java Developer. But I've been using JavaScript on and off for most of this year. Coming from Java, I have a unique outlook on JavaScript and want to share my experience with it.


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Just by making this video I'm already a better JavaScript Developer. Thanks to everyone for sharing their knowledge and correcting where I was incorrect. That was actually a big goal of mine in making this video and putting myself out there - to learn.
A lot of individuals that post on social media want to act like they know everything, when in reality, they don't. I'm not talking about the commenters here, I'm talking about people trying to up themselves. But in doing so, they won't learn just as I did by making this video - even the simple things, like how JavaScript has classical inheritance and not just prototypal inheritance lol. Hope you enjoyed this video and learned something along the way.


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Views: 17574
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Ratio: 97.5%
Last Updated: Dec-29-2021
YouTube, please don't ban or shadowban me. I learned how to do this from your own docs.
Lol thanks.


In javascript you can also use extends keyword in your class definition and it works almost the same like in java.


My tip for learning JS is: Don't strictly follow paradigms. Javascript is a multiparadigm language, you can use whatever paradigm you like in it. As you start learning JS, you'll se that most modern JS relies on functional patterns, such as HOFs, closures and functors.


The Java does look neat, but I would recommend that you write Javascript classes the ES6 way. Like so:

class Bike {
constructor(wheels = 2) {
this.wheels = wheels;

class Dirtbike extends Bike {
constructor(engine = 125) {
this.engine = engine;

const ktm = new Dirtbike();
console.log(`Amount of wheels: ${ktm.wheels}`);
console.log(`Engine size: ${ktm.engine}`);


a newbie here as a Java main and javascript side
so glad to find this channel!


I mainly develop using javascript, both in the work environment and personal stuff. I do remember loving SML in college because I was good at it and I could just solve problems easier with it. Never committed to it because I didn't think I'd find a job in SML. Great video as always!


Honestly wouldn't mind more videos on this topic of you continuing to use JS, would be cool to see you work on some of your projects being relatively new to JavaScript.


Bro thanks, I've been a learning a lot from your vids keep it up!.

Also congrats for you brand new podcast.

I was wondering if you could make a video about how to network in the tech industry. It would be very helpful.


I watch your videos since I started learning programming and you become one of my models, and watching this video really makes me happy because I don't know a lot stuff, haven't build anything big but I know some stuff and still learning. People act like they know everything at best and when you follow that people you think that you're stupid and you try to learn more other stuff and you get lost but this is wrong. You're a Java developer, a good one I assume (I don't know much about Java) but just not best at JavaScript, does it make you more less programmer? No. And now I see, I can somehow become a closer version of one my models makes me feel great.

I hope you continue working on JavaScript, maybe making video series? Not comparing to Java but trying to make project(s). I don't know it feels really good when a good programmer leaves their comfort zone and try something new and share it with people like me.

Btw, I feel like I'm better than you at JavaScript concepts but you'll easily do better if we both try to build a JavaScript project which makes you more valuable for industry and me still being end up learning more about JavaScript's prototype based model.


imagine me, i came into university and learned python the first year then java... the transition... oh my... i've only dabbled in javascript, but it seems like its as if java and python had a baby.
tbh nowadays i find python super handwavy so i totally understand the part where u talk about python being a dynamic typing language!


you are correct. you enjoy doing what you know and don't what you don't. i can respect that


Thank you Sir for your valuable information❤💪


I've been using java and c# for years and when a js user teaches me something I can't avoid to think to myself
"Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power"


Java makes me feel like a Senior Developer (even though I am not) and Javascript makes me feel like a Junior developer. every time I run into bugs like 'undefined' or some creepy bugs because of Javascript's dynamic variables thingy. But I still like how Javascript is. I hate es6 classes, so I just use functional programming style Javascript, because I don't understand the 'this' keyword. Or maybe I am just dumb.


Very interesting, do more of these conversational videos


If you want to prevent variable reassignment, use “const” instead of “let”.


I would love to see a follow-up video to this saying your thoughts on TypeScript as a Java Developer.

Your two main gripes with JS are the types issue and the classes issue. TS fixes the types issue and ES6 classes fix the classes issue.

You say you already have some projects that use TS on the front end so you could maybe request to work on the FE of those projects for a bit to get a feel for it. Alternatively you can convert the JS project you made for this video to a TS project. Converting a JS project to a TS project is more difficult to get the types working than working with TS from the start though.


Hey Forrest! Are you interested in making a video about the Log4J thing?


what you are referring lomobk is automatically doing for you just by using annotations. In JS there is a similar concept called decorators. Best advice is to use Typescript which is superset of Javascript and eslint rules
