Why EVERYONE Plays: Rover | Wuthering Waves

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While gacha games are infamous for their starting units being underwhelming or even outright unviable, Wuthering Waves' Rover has proven to be a very strong contender relative to the rest of the cast. So for our first every Why EVERYONE Plays episode for WuWa we'll be featuring Rover!

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wuwa casually making you start with the second best dps, gifting the best sub dps, and dropping a ticket to redeem the best support


Rover being strong also feels canonically correct.
In the cutscene leading to the Crownless fight, Rover has no issue pushing back against Crownless, then looking very confident.
Against Cammelya, Rover overpowers Cammelya with ease.
In one of the last cutscenes, Rover and Jiyan swing around and slice through boulders like it's no business.

What I'm trying to say is: In other gacha games *cough* Hoyo-Games *cough*, the MC is shown fighting incredibly strong enemies, but, aside from Kiana, the actual characters that would do the fighting are pitifully weak. Meanwhile, Rover winning a fight against Crownless or Dreamless feels right because their character is actually strong.


The real reason everyone plays Havoc Rover... they look badass.


Making Rover a solid DPS/sub DPS character is a good way to reflect his/her actual power level in the main story. I really like it because I'm the type of player who uses MC while completing the main story. It makes the immersion in the storyline a good experience.


Another big plus to Rover (and especially Havoc Rover) is just how different Havoc Rover looks, feels, and plays from Spectro Rover. The completely different mood and animation sets helps really sell Rover as a free character that people would *want* to use, because the change in animations, attack, and playstyle makes the new elemental variant of Rover more novel and thus more appealing.

I for one can't wait to see what the other elemental variants of Rover are like in the future, because I was seriously impressed with Havoc Rover.


It's always nice to have an MC that's actually good and have incentive to use. Powercreep being inevitable they maybe, if they still can serve as a Place Holder, it's still good


Hopefully the pyro traveler won't suck even though they probably will


The real answer if the fact that Rover has a Scythe for free while you need to pull for one in genshin


It's time boys: Vars doing "why everyone/no one plays" for wuwa. It's a win


Wuwa out here breaking the norm in every way possible: good Mc, combat with a high skill ceiling(not brainless), good weapon banner, farming sats(artifacts, echoes, relics, etc…) without stamina, and I’m sure there’s more that I’m forgetting. Fingers crossed this motivates any competitors(not just Genshin) to increase the quality of their game


"Character appeal barely affects their widespread popularity"
We are clearly on different fandom spaces bc my tl has been filled with MRover's thick fat cheeks


"Character appeal barely affect their widespread popularity"
Vars have you seen the insane amount of fem Rover simps? Im pretty sure she's the 2nd simped over character in this game, second only to YinLin


After playing the Traveler for so long in Genshin and being dissappointed with him in both story and gameplay, Rover feels like a breeze of fresh air. His overall kit doesn't feels like there is a ton of wasted potential, nor it feels like it was sabotage by the devs. Is great on its own, and the minor details they provide to its gameplay (like being able to change attribute from the menu, or unlocking a new Rover at the end of the story) makes it feel much more rewarding and fun.

Yes, i know that he will be outclassed soon, but that's precisely what i want from him: not necessarily to be the absolute best option, but rather at least a really good one.

And yea, i know he has 0 personality, but honestly, that's also what i want from him. Think about it: Mf just woke up. And there is a ton of character development potential for Rover. Imagine: at the beginning, we have this Rover, but the more we progress into the story, the more personality has. Like, for example, trailblazer 2.0. Thay I wouldn't mind.


I wanna say that Preservation TB made it viable for early to mid game players with no shields made TB a good character, especially how Harmony TB is a GREAT unit and introduction to Super Break Effect. I feel like Genshin's traveler unlocking new elements felt more of a novelty and eye candy.


Fem Rover is super pretty (male has drip and this dawg in him), she's respected by NPCs, has amazing story moments and on top of that she's very strong.


I think Wuwa can safely make the mc strong without worrying about profit margin because the combat in this game is so compelling and fun. I've enjoyed every character I have invested in so far, and each one feels unique and fun to play. Aesthetics and enjoyable combat while also fitting into quite a few teams is a perfect reason for pulling characters. Power creep is not needed in a game like this imo.


I wanna mention how amazing havoc rover is for overworld exploration. Big nuke ult and skill+reset oneshots all elites, trash packs gets deleted instantly by dreamless, blobflies cant run from dreamless, super easy to farm ore with dreamless...

Dreamless is kinda insane, actually


I clued into the fact that Spectro Rover was pretty decent fairly quick and then when I got Havoc Rover I went "alright, Hell yeah, I'm playing this" even though I have every character, so far hahaha


That time stop outro came in clutch when fighting the red aura wolf pack.


Another important thing is that Havoc Rover's best Echo, the Dreamless, is used not because it gives buffs, but purely because of its damage. Its damage scaling is fixed, so even though everyone's abilities are only level 4 right now, the Dreamless's damage scaling is already the max. This makes Havoc Rover extremely strong in the early to mid game, so while he may fall off and be worse than some (not even all) other 5* in endgame, he is arguably the best main DPS for early to midgame.

Also note that while he does want to get his full attack string off to maximize his damage, it isnt as necessary as someone like Calcharo, so your damage doesn’t get gimped if you have to dodge. Rover also has a better Parry window than average, albeit not at Jiyan's level. This makes Rover much more forgiving
