Survivor Mary Knight: Abused In Rituals By My Parents (Exclusive Documentary)

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EXCLUSIVE: In an on camera quest to find healing, satanic ritual abuse and familial sex trafficking survivor Mary Knight, MSW, speaks to Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, author of NYT best seller "The Body Keeps the Score." He responds w/ compassion and helpful advice.

In this 2022 expanded version of Knight's personal documentary, False Memory Syndrome Foundation leaders are questioned. The False Memory Syndrome Foundation was founded in 1992 for the purpose of convincing society that recovered memories are not true. Knight remembered her abuse in 1993, when she was in her 30's.

In this film, FMSF board member Dr. Elizabeth Loftus acknowledges that she was sexually abused at the age of six, and yet discounts the harm caused by child sexual abuse.

FMSF board member Dr. Loren Pankratz states, "No matter what happens to a child under the age of three, he won't remember and, therefore, won't be affected by it." Pankratz gives as an example a two-year-old boy seeing his parents being murdered.

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When Marilyn said "If people are not going to believe 53 year old me, then who is going to believe a child?" I got full body chills.


I was sexually abused by my stepfather, I never told anyone until today. I felt that I had to protect my mom, now that she is gone I finally feel that I can tell. I know this isn’t the place but I feel anonymous so it is my time to say it out loud so to speak.


People don't want to face how widespread sexual abuse is in families, especially if these families are considered "pillars" of the community.


Hearing that awful woman say s3xually touching a minor/family "isn't the worst thing ever" sent actually shivers down my spine. What an obviously guilty and horrible person. She clearly failed her own daughter and can't live with it, the was shes so overtly angry and defensive speaks for itself. Monster.


I was shocked hearing that woman say that a sexual touch from a family member isn't a big deal. And then she says it's the kids' responsibility to say something about it! That woman pissed me off!


At 29:49 I was utterly astounded about Eleanor ranting and raving about children being sexually abused and how the abused child need to tell the people to stop and leave them alone. Are you kidding me? Blaming a child for being sexually abused? This is 1000% the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. And it not being a trauma to be touched sexually. Good grief.


I'm so horrified by this documentary... all the people who defended, denied, deflected, and justified it😡 may all victims live long, happy, healthy, EMPOWERED lives!


If a child tells you they're being abused.... BELIEVE THEM. Children rarely, if ever make up things like that.


I am so impressed by Marys ability to interview some of these people. I get triggered just by listening to them, I do not think I could have been able to stay that calm.


These older women (“experts”)minimizing sexual abuse make me seriously sick!!!! I cant believe she expects a child to he responsible for stopping her/his abuse!!! And she had the gull to say “we make a big deal of sexual touch!!”WTAF!!? 🤮🤮🤮🤮


These “experts” protecting grown ups from facing consequences for abusing young kids are repulsive. I admire Mary for being able to remain calm and respectful towards those clowns when she was one of those kids who had suffered such abuse.


The doctor at the end had it 100% right. Too many people work so hard protecting the predators because it's easier than admitting that such terrible acts are performed. It's not okay and I'm so glad that so many are stepping forward to acknowledge the trauma inflicted upon them and to work on healing.


Marilyn’s mom didn’t “believe” her at 48 because then she would have to take accountability for her role looking the other way, or allowing it, not protecting her. It’s horrible!!


We the people need to come together and insist that YouTube lift their (very suspicious) ban on commenters using certain words, so that we can have open conversations with one another and bring awareness to this subject as well as subjects like trafficking, and put an end to this disgusting disturbing and horrific behavior.


Mary is filled with so much compassion. She is a true example of resilience.


I’m genuinely so shocked that the women “experts” were the ones claiming you can’t have repressed memories of extreme trauma like that. sickening.


Eleanor, you’re right. Fathers do not say they are sexually attracted to their daughters, unless they are. And it’s wrong. Most fathers never ever feel attracted to their daughters. That woman who said people say dumb things. She even said sexual touch is not a horror. Wow!


I was abused, as a child, and never forgot about it, but I _did_ forget that my mother knew about it. Over 40 years later, I had an especially long bout of insomnia; but _right_ before finally falling asleep, I remembered EVERYTHING. Then, I remembered why I forgot, in the first place. Forgetting sure is handy, sometimes...


I was also abused as a child (4-6 years old) by the husband of our babysitter. I had no memories of it until I was at university when I was looking through the archaeology section in the library and came across a book on the Bog People burials of over 2, 000 years ago. (The oldest one found so far is 8, 000 BCE.) It was very interesting and it spoke of the extremely well preserved bodies found in peat bogs in The Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, United Kingdom and Denmark, with everything preserved by the acid in the bog - clothes, rope round some of their necks (they are possibly thought to be executions or sacrifices), skin, hair, eyelashes and stubble on the men. Suddenly I came upon a very famous cadaver, known as Tollund Man and the photo gave me the instant shudders and made me feel sick. I shut the book immediately. When I next went home on a visit I took a photocopy of Tollund Man with me and explained to my mother that it gave me heeby-jeebies, plus I'd been having the same nightmare repeatedly ever since I saw the photo, in which I was standing in a dark room, and to my left was an armchair with a man sitting in it. He was holding me by my left wrist and I knew I had to keep silent and stay still. Suddenly the door was opened and the light from the passageway shone into the room as far as the foot of the chair, silouetting my mother against the light, and all the time I was saying "Oh, please. Please. Please. Please. Please" over and over in my mind, and I was filled with fear and desperation. Anyway, when I described this to my mother and showed her the photocopy she looked hard at it and then said "How interesting. I didn't think you remembered." It turned out that Tollund Man was the spitting image of the babysitter's husband, who my mother had caught abusing me. My parents had a sit down meeting with the babysitter and eventually they agreed that they wouldn't report him to the police because he was unemployed and the only money coming in was from the babysitter, and if he was arrested she wouldn't be able to work. Also they agreed she would continue to be employed by my parents but he was not allowed across the threshold ever again. So basically my parents put the babysitter and her husband's welfare before mine, and, it turned out, my younger sister's as well (which I only found out from her last year) who would have been 2-4 years old while the abuse was going on. Not surprisingly I have had low self esteem as long as I can remember, and my sister has been confrontational with men/authority figures. I am 65 and she is 63 and it still casts a shadow in our lives, despite both of us knowing where the problem originated.
