What Kanye West Can Teach Us About Bipolar Disorder, Black Mental Health

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NBC News’ Trymaine Lee joins NBC News NOW to talk about the latest episode of his “Into America” podcast, which delves into Kanye West’s public struggles with mental health.

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#Ye #Kanye #MentalHealth
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it's literally impossible to know you are experiencing an episode when you are deep in one, you have to snap out of it to realize and that's why this disorder sucks so much


Just speak on mental health in general. By y’all categorizing this as black mental health, y’all are leaving the door open for all of your viewers to think only black people act like this with bipolar. NBC knows what it’s doing. I hope a good attorney sees this and sues NBC


I'm tired of abusive narcissistic getting a pass because of their mental disorder. This doesn't excuse harassment. I had a mother who was bipolar and she knew right from wrong and she respected people's personal boundaries


Thanks to Trymaine Lee for offering a perspective where we may learn from this and do better.


the issue is he knows he has bipolar, but chooses not to take medication. it’s not just about him, this effects everyone around him. i have family members with bipolar, & meds have changed their lives tremendously. it’s time for him to “man up” & get the help he needs.


It hurts because every time we have hopes for him he starts attacking others instead of accepting his disorders. He is going to be alone and late for professional help


Oh stop it. The problem isn't his mental health, he knows what he's doing. The issue with him is he's spoiled coddled, and entitled. Stop trying to paint him, and black mails in general (spelled wrong on purpose because no one can tell the truth about them, you know), as perpetual victims who don't know right from wrong. Everyone else has to take accountability for themselves, he should have to as well. Don't care who gets mad, ain't going back and forth with anybody, I said what I said.


One of my best friends from college is bipolar. She also has ADHD, and she does not behave like Kanye, shes not violent, she highly respects peoples boundaries, and she knows right from wrong. Mental health is not and should Never be an excuse for inappropriate or violent behavior.


And it seems like YouTube censures what people are really saying as well. The Gov’t needs to do a better job at regulating these stupid, racist and manipulative companies.


this man needs to come down to reality, pretending something with limited intellect, will drive a person crazy, just my 2 cent


Really NBC? Black mental health? Kanye west?

His issues don’t come from the same place average black person with mental issues come from.


He needs to be under a conservatorship like Brittany Spears was for years.


Sure would be nice if the media brought this up again now while they are actively canceling him. The guy has serious issues and needs help….not criticism.


It's never too late to get help. Normally, those close to you can, through loving kindness, lead you there. But with Kim publicly moving on and already having his replacement, and without the comfort of his mom, it would appear Kanye may feel alone. He gave most of himself, half of his business, and his trust in her and she historically moves on to the next. I'm sure he might feel betrayed as well. It's tough. I hope he can get help. Sometimes the only outlet for those with MH is unusual outbursts. Or so I'm told.


What about white mental health? Yellow mental Health? Brown mental health? Red mental healh?


People don't understand bc they don't have it


Please educate yourselves on bipolar disorder before speaking on it people. Coming from someone who is bipolar, it is completely opposite than the stigmas and stereotypes. It is way more than just severe and sometimes even rapid mood swings.

It is way more complex and it is incredibly painful to endure. Bipolar people have never, and will NEVER be crazy because of bp. We are real people who struggle but still have hearts. Bipolar people should not and do not have to be feared. We are not dangerous. Please do not use Kanye as an example of how the general populous of bipolar patients are. He is not every single one of us and it should’ve never even became public knowledge that he was bipolar.

Kim had no right to share that extremely personal information about her then husband and it was a horrible mistake for her to make. Please do your research on bipolar disorder and ask a bipolar person themselves to educate you ( if possible ) before you speak on it or develop any sort of “ opinion “ about it, although mental health should not be a thing where people have any sort of opinion on as it is just like literally other illness that you have to treat.

The only “ opinion “ that should be said on mental health is that people should seek help and that mental health patients are NOT crazy. Although both of those things are factual

Not really saying that nbc said anything wrong or didn’t in this video in regards to bp, but they really shouldn’t of reported on this. If they were going to report on this, they should’ve had a publicly bipolar person speak on the topic. The best education on a subject comes from the parties in which the subject is about themselves because they live it everyday. They know it first hand


The problem with Ye is he wont take his meds to help him stay stable. Also he is always controversial mental health issue or not. Bad combo.


Kanye, has millionaires around him. People are giving him advice. Therapist want people to be on medications, that gives worst effects then what they are going through. We all need people to talk too. Information is free and it can come from anyone. If someone followed u around with a camera all day, by the end of the day they will to you. You're bipolar and need to seek help. Kanye has never been wrong with his content. People aren't built for raw truth. Too much feelings and not enough emotional thinking an understanding. Being perfect is not real, we can only have a perfect moment.


La muerte, es uno de los eventos más grandes que jamás tendrá lugar en tu vida.

Afrontamos la muerte todos los días, consciente o inconscientemente de ella; la muerte acecha en cada rincón de nuestra vida. Como un león esperando atrapar a su presa, la muerte nos llega a todos en muchas formas y formas; aparentemente no hay nadie que pueda escapar de las fauces de la muerte.

¿Pero sabías que hay una razón por la que morimos? La idea de la muerte con la que está familiarizado es solo la punta del iceberg. Mira, morimos porque hemos pecado contra Dios. La muerte según la Biblia es paga "porque la paga del pecado es muerte" (Romanos 6:23).Debido a que el hombre pecó contra Dios, vivimos en un mundo caído, antes era perfecto, pero ahora está en ruinas. Ahora que el pecado existe, Dios viene a juzgar al mundo con justicia. Está establecido que un hombre muera una vez y después de este juicio "(Hebreos 9:27). El estándar por el que te juzgará son los 10 mandamientos, la ley moral de Dios.

Él es tan serio acerca del pecado que le dio a cualquiera que pecara la sentencia de muerte, la Biblia dice que te la has ganado pecando contra Dios y cada vez que pecas, acumula su ira. "El alma que pecare, esa morirá". (Ezequiel 18: 4) El castigo son los fuegos eternos del Infierno "Donde habrá llanto y crujir de dientes" (Mateo 13:42)

Tendrás que enfrentarte a Dios el Día del Juicio.

¿Irás al cielo o al infierno?

Aquí hay una prueba rápida:

1-No tendrás otros dioses delante de mí. 2-No harás ídolos. 3-No tomarás el nombre del Señor tu Dios en vano, porque el Señor no dará por inocente al que tome su nombre en vano. 4-Recuerda el día de reposo. 5-Honra a tu padre y a tu madre. 6-No matarás. 7-No cometerás adulterio. 8-No robarás. 9-No mentirás. 10-No codiciarás.

¿Alguna vez has dicho una mentira? robado algo? usó el nombre de Dios en vano? ¿Alguna vez has mirado a alguien con lujuria? Él ve la lujuria como adulterio, “Cualquiera que mira a una mujer con codicia, ya adulteró con ella en su corazón” (Mateo 5:28). ¿Alguna vez has odiado a alguien? él ve el odio como un asesinato, "Cualquiera que odie a otro hermano o hermana es un homicida" (1 Juan 3:15)

Santiago 2:10 dice, "la persona que guarda todas las leyes excepto una es tan culpable como una persona que ha quebrantado todas las leyes de Dios".

No confíe en su propia bondad o buenas obras para salvarlo. Eso es como sobornar a Dios para que te deje entrar al cielo; Ni una iglesia, pastor, sacerdote o religión alguna. Ninguno de nosotros es bueno en absoluto, incluso los asesinos, violadores, incluso Hilter se llamarán buenos y tratarán de justificarse por sus buenas obras. Pero la biblia dice:

• "Pero todos somos como cosa inmunda, y todas nuestras justicias son como trapos de inmundicia; nos marchitamos como una hoja, y nuestras iniquidades, como el viento nos llevaron". (Isaías 64: 6)

La definición de Dios del bien es moralmente excelente y, por lo tanto, exige perfecciones absolutas. Nadie puede igualar sus estándares. Por eso Jesús dijo: • "Nadie es bueno sino solo Dios". (Lucas 18:19)

Si ha hecho alguna de esas cosas, Dios lo ve como culpable de quebrantar su ley y la Biblia advierte que los culpables terminarán en el infierno. ¿Serás culpable el día del juicio final?

"Porque la paga del pecado es muerte, pero la dádiva de Dios es vida eterna en Cristo Jesús Señor nuestro". (Romanos 6:23)

Dios envió a su Hijo a sufrir y morir en la cruz. Jesús tomó el castigo sobre sí mismo y derrotó a la muerte en la cruz; no por tu Bien sino porque Dios es rico en misericordia.

"Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo que dio a su Hijo unigénito, el que en él cree no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna". (Juan 3:16)

Jesús resucitó de entre los muertos y venció a la muerte. Arrepiéntete (vuélvete del pecado) hoy y confía en Jesús y Dios te concederá vida eterna; también nacerás de nuevo.

Él te dará un corazón nuevo que desea la justicia, lo que es justo y un corazón que amará a Dios.

por eso Jesús dijo: "De cierto, de cierto os digo, que el que no nazca de nuevo, no puede ver el reino de Dios". (Juan 3: 3)

Luego, lea la Biblia y obedezca lo que lee.

☆ ¿Cuándo vas a estar bien con Dios?

"Hoy, si escuchan su voz, no endurezcan su corazón como lo hicieron en la rebelión" (Hebreos 3:15) "Ahora es el tiempo aceptable, he aquí ahora el día de salvación". (2 Corintios 6: 2)

• "Tampoco hay salvación en ningún otro, porque no hay otro nombre bajo el cielo dado a los hombres en el que podamos ser salvos". (Hechos 4:12)

Es tu elección. Los dejo con esto: "¿De qué le aprovechará al hombre si gana el mundo entero y pierde su alma?" (Marcos 8:36).

Si te estás tomando esto en serio, ¿te gustaría una oración? Esta oración no es garantía de que serás salvo, eso es entre tú y Dios. Sin embargo, me gustaría que este fuera un buen comienzo para su viaje.

"Padre, te agradezco por el corazón abierto de esta persona y le pido que se arrepienta y confíe solo en Jesucristo. También te pido que guíes sus pasos en su camino para que pasen de la muerte a la vida. En el nombre de Jesús Amén.

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