Stan Lee on death

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This is so beautiful. We lost them both. A moment in time


thats the perfect words for how I feel when I say I'm scared of dying its not the fear of death, its thw fear of possibly not being forever


"Part of the journey is the end"
-Anthony Edward Stark


Rest In Peace legend thanks for making the world a better place


Stan lee we love you much ❤️
Rest in peace


„I don‘t know what happens after death, but I do know we live on in the hearts of those we loved“


You will last forever. A legend with a legacy that will never cease to live on. So much Joy given to the world. Rest Easy Stan 💙


When I think about it, it does feel weird to imagine. An eternity that doesn’t even last a moment.


Larry seems frightened. Stan seems at peace or atleast playing a good role of being at peace with death. Very interesting to watch.


His interpretation is, currently we have present awareness of individuality and unique separation from others but:-
1 - mind didn't exist prior to birth
2 - can't recall or control mind during our sleep
3 - during anesthetic there's to control of mind
4 - mind is a 3 dimensional composition, at death it disintegrates, it cant be xeroxed
Hence, the term nothingness exists forever


I share Stan’s sentiments exactly. On one hand I have no idea if we could properly say that we would "go anywhere" after we die, but on the other hand I also can’t imagine our consciousnesses being lost and gone permanently once you die in the flesh. I feel like if there is such a thing as an afterlife, it would most likely not even be close to how we currently realistically are in that sense and would transcend that far beyond what even we could imagine. That’s not to say that there is or isn’t anything after you die, I’m just saying that if there is that I feel that’s how it would be in the most likely scenario. I’m less so afraid of dying itself and more so afraid of what would happen to "me" (Everything I know, do, and exist) afterwards, because if there really is just absolutely nothing after it then it’s kinda sad, but at the same time it’s still better than something like hell where you get tortured for all of eternity, so really it’s a whole infinite bucket of worms that humans will ever find out given our limitations to the laws of this universe we’re currently in. After all, theoretically there is an infinite amount of possibilities for what could actually happen, so saying that there’s definitive proof for if there’s an afterlife or not is like trying to measure the inside of a black hole or trying to predict how you will exactly die at this very moment. This even implies to the fact that there can be an infinite amount of you’s in an infinite amount of circumstances, in an infinite amount of universe with their identical laws, similar laws, or completely different ones, etc. etc.

Overall I suppose it just depends on how lucky you are for what you are transferred to next if you get the chance. The best thing to do is think of the present, and to learn from our mistakes and experiences from the past. "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. That is why it is called the present."


I feel the same especially when he said he cant imagine nothingness lasting forever. Sad reality is nothing truly lasts forever. Im not saying i dont belive in an afterlife but i feel it would eventually end and we would be reborn or whatever else.


its because as humans, everything in our life ends, at least in one aspect or one form, but when the final ending comes (death), then nothing ends anymore, and thats such an unusual concept for us as humans, not that we're not smart enough to understand it, but because we've never actually experienced 'forever'


Stan lee, you will always be a Legend forever in our hearts ❤


Im afraid of dying but i am scared of nothing lasting forever if that makes sence


We only knew nothingness before we were born. I believe that’s what it will be like when we leave this big old blue ball of time and space.


I am on the same mind pattern as Stan, to not exist ever again forever is indeed scary and very odd to me. And no the thought of "oh you wont be aware of it anyway" argument does nothing to make it better...

If anything it makes it worse 😢


Same I always think there is just darkness when you die. And I don’t wanna be in darkness forever. Rip legend.


I hope we get to relive our same lives, right all of the wrongs and live them with new found understanding.


RIP. You men do still exist. Larry King, the gold standard of reporting, and Marvel LEGEND Stan Lee.
