How Your Favorite Card Making Influencers Make Money

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Today I'm revealing the 5 streams of income that allow me to pay my bills as a full time card maker and content creator!

There are SO many ways to navigate being a content creator and no creator truly follows the same path. This is my ~personal~ experience. While many creators use a lot of the same methods to generate income, we all have our own interests, vision, and strategies that make each situation unique.

——— M E N T I O N E D ———
My Product Line (currently on sale!):

Day in the Life Vlog:

Caitlin's Channel:

Caitlin's Videos:

——— C O N N E C T W/ M E ———

——— S H O P ———
(Below are affiliate links which means I received a small commission at no extra cost to you if a purchase is made using the below links.)

00:00 Intro
00:45 Disclaimers | Seasons Greetings
01:48 Income Stream 1 | Postage Collage
04:41 Income Stream 2 | Christmas Gnomes
06:44 Income Stream 3 | Home Alone
09:00 Income Stream 4 | Snowy Hike
11:01 Income Stream 5 | Home Alone
12:44 2023 vs. 2024
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I would love a video answering some of my ongoing questions. If I click on an affiliate link, put items in my cart, then go away for a few hours (or days!) do you still get paid? If a link takes me to a storefront, does that mean the affiliation is definitely live? I assume they expire eventually. What about YT videos? If I watch half now and half next week, same monetization? Also how much of a video do I have to watch? Is it a percentage or a set amount of time? How many words in a comment before it 'counts'?


Thank you so much for the shout out! And for being so open about life and money as a card content creator- these are the videos I wish I had when I wanted to get started!!!


Being a content creator for your source of income is not for the faint of heart. And as a watcher, thumbs upper, comment and subscriber, I am always appreciative of what I have access to at no charge. As my husband says, "Why not give the recipient of the card the $100 it cost to make it?" 😂 Continued success to you! Yours Truly, a forever follower ❤


You’re pulling back the curtain & I am here for it! 😂 Well done! I make videos but don’t consider myself a “content creator” bc I do this just to share with other crafty people. I upload when I can & don’t worry about it if I just can’t.
I 1000% agree with you about feeling like a sales person with affiliate links so I have chosen not to use them for that reason 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think “influencers” should ALWAYS check the box that the products they are showcasing (& affiliate linking) were NOT directly purchased by them. Thank you!


Thanks for keeping it real. I thought merch would be the main income source, but I was wrong. I'm so glad that content creators can make a living doing this, because it is my therapy!


VERY informative!! THANK YOU!! I am a card maker - - making nice cards if I must say so myself! I get so many compliments and the question is often, "Why aren't you selling these?" "Where?" is often my response. Few would be willing to pay for my time and/or cover the cost of supplies. YOU know the drill, Ralph!! Some card sellers on Etsy sell them at such a cheap price ($10 for a dozen for example) they cannot even be covering the cost of materials... and shipping is free!! NO WAY!  My family and friends receive my cards in the mail for birthdays, holidays, etc.  
So I am preaching to the choir I will end as I began: THANK YOU for this information! THANK YOU for your honesty and for opening my eyes to the true story of being a content creator/card maker.  
I have watched you for a long time and love your work. I would appreciate more information videos like this one!!


I agree completely about trust with my audience being my #1 priority! I only work with other companies who's values align and are relevant to my audience. Great video! Also I appreciate that you said you don't push affiliate links because "it doesn't feel authentic" to you. That is so key. We have to do what feels good to us or we come across fake. I feel great sharing affiliate links because I believe it's a win-win-win for all of us and I never feel like my audience feels forced to purchase anything so "if" they do, it's great!


Gives me new appreciation for the content creators I watch. Thanks for this.


Thanks for sharing! Now if I can only explain that in my own words when asked. I don’t want to just say “Ralph stirs the soup”…


Thanks for reminding us about using affiliate links. I don’t “shop as I watch” and when I can add a crafting supply, I need to remember to go back to a link or AMZ store so someone can get credit. I try to do this, but sometimes forget.


Doesn't seem fair that the lowest source of income comes from your personal designs. Your creativity should be rewarded at a higher scale. TFS.


Thank you so much Ralph. I've always dreamed of being a content creator. But you explained it very well and I may be comfortable saying it's just not for me at this point in time. It's the if I knew then what I know now, just early! 😅


That was really interesting. I love behind the scene type stuff and how things work, so I would really be interested in learning more. Thank you!


I have unsubscribed from channel after a long time for trusting their affiliate products, so being truthful is always appreciated. Thank you for sharing this private info.


Thank you for indulging our “nosiness”! 😂


Happy New Year! Thanks for the explanation and transparency! It’s appreciated! ❤


Great video. I have often wondered about these topics. Thanks for sharing your experience. I hope you will make more you tube videos this year. Thank you Ralph and happy new year.


Great explanations, thank you. You are so right about card makers doing so because they love to make them. I can never recoup the cost in time and material that I put into the cards I sell at my church fair every year. I consider them donations to church missions, as all the income generated does go to the church's mission work.


Such a fun video. Thanks!! I would love to see the flip side - what $$ you have to outlay to build this business. Space, technology, etc.


A long time ago, I wanted to monetize my writing. I played with fiction and creative non-fiction. I started researching how that could work. I was very surprised to discover that even the most popular writers made more of their income from speaking engagements than they did from the royalties. Your video was really eye-opening. Thanks.
