The Answer To The Humorless Leftists

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Andrew Klavan discusses how conservatives are now the funniest people on the Internet.

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Anybody who doesn't adhere to Political Correctness is almost certainly funnier than someone who does.


As Homer Simpson once said while watching Garrison Keillor on the Public Broadcasting Station, "BE MORE FUNNY."


Agree with fools according to their folly, and you'll be just like them. Show them the error of their ways, or else they'll think they've got it all together. The thing with fools is that they truly believe objective reality is proof of a conspiracy against them. They're convinced they know better, and that's an end of it. Reprove a fool for the sake of your own sanity.


so you guys suggest to troll our way out of political correctness. I love it!


I agree with the statement of how to change a person's view, but it's hard to say conservatives are funny. The majority and most successful comedians are liberal...


Did you hear the one about the 2 soviet comrades.... no you didn’t because humor got you killed in communist Russia.


Reason and rakishness both have their place, but how to tell we're kidding when the received culture is so absurd (e.g. you're supposed to ask someone's gender, not just assume he's a man because he's...well...a man).


Do you have any tips on me starting to put satire news on my. Channel?


Literally all the good things about western societies you mention from 0:50 to 1:00 (right before god) are just moderate principles, not exclusively "conservative" principles.
These aspects are equally part of liberalism as they are part of conservatism. Don't pretend like it's "yours".
Usually you (at the daily wire) accuse "the left" of creating a "us vs them" or a "everyone who isn't us is evil" mentality but this clip shows you're doing the same.
You pretend like all the good in the world is "conservative" and by implication all the evil in the world is "the left".


9th!, how do we convince the radicals that, "the patriarchy" isn't real? Or how do we convince them that all this gender nonsense is ridiculous? Any ideas anyone? Im im ca starting college, and I'm outspoken about my politics, which will no doubt lead to confrontation (debate, not anything physical). I would like to know how to win and convince but idk how


Let's be honest though Klavan, the founding fathers were hardly christian and escaped england to get away from religion. Good old Ben Franklin was most likely an atheist judging by his writings.


"love thy neighbor" "Turn the other cheek". There's those "Christian values" I hear so much about just shining right through ;)! "Mockery" really? Does the 1 & only atheist here need to tell you that what he's saying isn't just wrong but also very harmful? It's also very stupid & childish! What are we in grade-school here? Honestly, do we need to resort to name calling & "mockary" to get our point across? Wow! Grow up~!

Edit: I am NOT saying we cannot be firm in our convictions but if you've got to resort to such child-like behavior to prove you're point, you've not only stooped down to their level, but you've proven their point that it's only when you get hostile & ugly that you're "right". If you have to be ugly to prove a point, you'll not only pushed them away but they'll feel like they won. So why do it?
