| Exploring Egypt's Mysteries | Uncovering a 50,000-Year-Old Tomb Filled with Mummies

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Welcome viewers to Historical Journeys. It's mid 2019 and archeologists are digging 30 feet underground at the tunel Jebel necropolis in Minya. Egypt, and the group's undertakings eventually prove to be fruitful when they reveal a progression of burial places concealed somewhere down in the ground. However there's a further shock coming up. After the archeologists opened the loads, they find a shocking cemetery for 50 Mummies making their find an exceptionally extraordinary one to be sure. Archeologists in Egypt on Earth a burial chamber with 50 centuries old mummies concealed somewhere inside. But before we get started, don't forget to subscribe to our channel. It only takes a second, and you won't miss any of our future videos! let's get started. tomb, egypt, archaeologists, tutankhamun, excavation, location, country, el jebel, remains, uncover, egyptian government, tuna, herbert, mummies, bodies, fungi, digging, set, dora, people

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