Russian Army Parade, Victory Day 2021 Парад Победы

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This is the parade on Moscow's Red Square devoted to the 76th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War. Taking the salute is Russian Defense Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu. Commanding the parade is Supreme Commander of the Russian Ground Forces, General of the Army Oleg Salyukov. Music performed by the Combined Orchestra conducted by Major General Timofey Mayakin.
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May Evgeny Khoroshevtsev continue to announce every Red Square parade from heaven with God! Вечная память!


The audio quality is very good this year


New announcer... (Anton Suntsov)

I miss the old one 😥


Edit: RIP Evgeny Khoroshevtsev (1944-2020)

one of the best announcers in the parade 😥😭🇷🇺


01:26:22 Small mistake by President Putin 😆


Let's go guys! Soon you will defeat Ukrainian fascism.
Love from Hungary🇭🇺♥️🇷🇺


After the war Guderian said:, ,I knew already in 1941 that the russians early or late will defeat us, but we all believed the Fuehrer's words who said we will win above the Sovietunion.''


*Comrades, I have compiled all of the marches played in this years parade, happy Victory Day! С Днем Победы! Ура!*
5:02 Sacred War (“священная война”)
9:56 Jubilee Slow March "25 Years of the Red Army" (Юбилейный встречный марш "25 лет РККА")
11:11 March of the Life-Guard Preobrazhensky Regiment ("Марш Лейб-гвардии Преображенского полка")
12:48 Slow March of Officer Schools ("Встречный марш военных училищ")
13:55 Slow March for carrying out the Combat Banner ("Встречный Марш для выноса Боевого Знамени")
14:52 Guards Slow March of the Navy (Гвардейский Встречный Марш Военно-Морского Флота")
15:40 Slow March (E.Aksenov) ("Встречный марш" (Е.Аксенов)
16:26 Slav’sya ("Славься")
18:07 Moscow Parade Fanfare (“Московская Парадная Фанфара”)
*Speech by President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin*
28:50 State Anthem of the Russian Federation ("Государственный гимн Российской Федерации")
30:16 Signal Retreat (“Сигнал Отбой”)
*Start of the Parade*
31:28 Drum and Fife based on the theme from the March "General Miloradovich" ("Тема из Марша Генерал Милорадович")
32:01 Metropolitan March (“Марш "Столичный”)
33:23 March/March-Song "Moscow in May" ("Москва-майская”)
34:12 March of the Nakhimov Naval Cadets (“марш нахимовцев”)
35:09 Sports March ("Спортивный Марш")
36:13 March "In Defense of the Homeland" ("Марш В защиту Родины")
38:06 March “Katyusha” (Марш "Катюша”)
38:47 Aviators March “Aviamarch” (“Авиaмарш”) (Without introduction)
39:52 March of the Cosmonauts (“Марш Космонавтов”) Based on the song "I believe, friends" (“Я верю, друзья”)
40:32 March "The Sea is Calling" (Марш "Море зовёт")
41:04 March “Legendary Sevastopol” (Марш "Легендарный Севастополь")
41:37 March/Marching-Song “The Crew is One Family” (“Экипаж - одна семья”)
42:09 March Of The Artillerymen (“Марш артиллеристов”)
43:29 March “We Need Only Victory” (Марш “Нам нужна одна Победа”) based on the song from the movie "Belorussian Railway Station"
44:46 March "Leningrad" ("Марш Ленинград")
45:50 March "Parade" (Марш "Парад")
47:10 March arrangement of "Song of the Perturbed Youth" ("Песня о тревожной молодости")
47:43 March/Marching-Song “To Serve Russia” (“служить России”)
48:13 March "Cossacks in Berlin" (Марш "Казаки в Берлине")
48:45 March “On guard for the Peace” (“На страже мира")
50:05 Combat March ("Строевой Марш")
51:24 March/Marching-Song “Let’s Go” (“В путь”)
52:50 Theme from the March "General Miloradovich" ("Тема из Марша Генерал Милорадович")
*Vehicle Segment of the Parade*
53:20 March "Triumph of Winners" (Марш "Триумф победителей")
54:35 March/March-Song "Invincible and Legendary" (Несокрушимая и легендарная) also known as "Song of the Soviet Army" ("Песня о Советской армии")
55:47 March "Three Tankmen" (Марш "Три танкиста")
56:35 March of the Soviet Tankmen ("Марш советских танкистов")
57:57 March "Joy of Victory" ("Марш Радость победы")
59:42 March on the themes of the Song "Minor Land" ("Малая Земля") by Aleksandra Pakhmutova (Александра Пахмутова)
1:00:55 March “Hero” (“Марш Герой”)
1:04:08 March “Victory” (“Марш Победа”)
1:05:32 March/March-Song “Long Live our State” ("Да здравствует наша держава")
*Aircraft Segment of the Parade*
1:06:58 Aviators March “Aviamarch” (“Авиaмарш”) *(Reprise)*
1:08:11 March "Embracing the Sky" (Марш "Обнимая небо") by Aleksandra Pakhmutova (Александра Пахмутова)
1:08:50 March on the themes of the Song "Migratory Birds" (Марш "Перелётные птицы")
1:09:30 March of the Cosmonauts (“Марш Космонавтов”) Based on the song "I believe, friends" (“Я верю, друзья”) *(Reprise)*
1:10:11 March "Guards of the Sky" ("марш Часовые Неба")
1:11:18 Aviators March “Aviamarch” (“Авиaмарш”) (Without introduction) *(Reprise)*
1:11:36 March "Victory Day" ("День Победы")
1:12:09 Song "Victory remains young" ("Победа остаётся молодой")
1:12:55 March “Farewell of Slavianka” (“Прощание Славянки”)
*Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier*
1:21:42 Song "Those Who Took Berlin" ("Те, кто брал Берлин")
1:22:44 Adagio ("Адажио") by Valery Khalilov ("Валерий Халилов")
1:25:13 State Anthem of the Russian Federation ("Государственный гимн Российской Федерации") *(Reprise)*
1:26:23 National Anthem of the Republic of Tajikistan ("Суруди миллии Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон")
1:27:44 "The Silence" ("Тишина") by Lev Gurov (Лев Гуров)
1:30:25 March Sacred War (Марш “Священная Война”)


Honestly, I didn't expect the flypast after watching the weather at the beginning and mid-parade just like in the 2017 and 2019 parades, but they didn't pull out that flypast segment this year. Great job.


It was another great parade we had this year! An excellent orchestra which has now the same sound as in the Soviet period thanks to major-general Mayakin, the marches which were interpreted also recall the parades under the USSR. It was also pleasant to see a historical unit, two Cossack units and a column of T-34 tanks out of jubilee. New equipment (such as the "Uran" ground drones) was also on display, and another positive point was that the flypast was held despite the threatening weather. In short, this parade was great, I am not disappointed. Happy Victory Day! Ura comrades!


wonder how many of these soldiers are dead now


They should use the stage above Lenin's tomb just like the old soviet times


Russia you have the best military and President. I sulute you. From Robin W Dorling, South Africa


The honor guard who lead the Russian flag is the same guy from 2008. He still looks the same.


Where are all these vehicles and Russian elite troops now comrades?


38:41 isn't this that kid from 2015?


Less than one year later, it proved that this show is just a show. The internal corruption has been covered perfectly by the magnificent faces, which caused the misjudgment of the Great President, and the suffering of the whole world. God! we need help!


all this firepower before the war to, 1 single Relic tank during the war, quite amusing.


The audio quality is so good for this year


Is it just me or did RedSamurai's subscribers went from 70k to 26k?


Could I have English caption please? Especially Putin’s speech. It is a reflection of Russian domestic and foreign policies after all.
