Baby Bed Bugs | What do they look like?

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In this video I show a box-spring that has a lot of baby bed bug activity.

You can clearly see the difference is size of the baby (nymph) bed bugs as compared to the adult bed bugs,

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Thank you for this, showing real size on camera so people can see actually how small they are and can recognise them. Please can you show us an egg, so we can recognise them too


For someone who recently battled an infestation, it was small/mild, nothing crazy! But here are my tips and please use it to your full advantage no matter how big or small your infestation is. This is going to be a LONG READ!!! But it’s helpful!!!

1: Buy mattress, pillow, and box spring covers/ encasements. Specifically made for bed bugs because it has a material that bed bugs have a hard time crawling on. Also, once the covers/ encasements are on, Bed Bugs can’t come out and they can’t go in! Bed bugs are known for hiding inside of your mattress and mainly your box spring. If you’re an aggressive sleeper or sleep with someone, buy two! Just in case one of them rips or tears.

2: Buy bed bug interceptors, put them on the legs of your bed frame, so when they try to climb up to your bed to bite you, they’ll get trapped! You can also put this on the legs of your furniture or on other bed frames in your home for PROTECTION. The first step to stop the infestation from getting worst, is to not let them bite you! That’s how they turn into adults and lay eggs, with a lot of blood consumption.

3: Buy CimeXa powder with a powder duster tool from a company like Amazon. Put some of the powder inside of the bed bug interceptors (the inner part where the legs of your bed frame or any other furniture would go, not the outer part.) These powders will legitimately kill all stages of bed bugs within a 1-3 day period, including every other insect as well! You should use this powder in corners, holes, cracks, under your mattress & under your furniture. But use a face mask with gloves when you’re applying the powder and do not over use it. This powder should be applied like dust, if you throw chunks of powder all over the place then insects will just find a way around it. This powder also stays where it’s been applied for A LONG TIME! Unless you vacuum it up with a strong vacuum or you clean it up with a liquid substance. If you do then you’ll need to reapply it but this powder destroy insects!!! Once they walk directly onto/ over it. A lot of people would mention DE, but apparently it causes breathing problems and takes longer to kill bed bugs compared to CimeXa. So buy CimeXa with a powder duster tool.

4: Keep your bed away from the wall! Make sure your sheets aren’t hanging off of the bed, or you don’t have a charger or anything that the bed bugs can climb onto without them using the legs of your bed frame. If you wake up and find your pillow or blanket on the floor, leave it there! Dont pick it up and use it to go back to sleep.

5: Buy ortho bed bug spray or crossfire! It kills all stages of bed bugs on contact! And it kills bed bugs even after it dries, by leaving traces of poison that sticks to their body, they have no resistant to it either. So spray these in areas where there’s bed bug activity or places where they’d most likely hide. Cracks, corners, holes, etc… remember that they hide CLOSE TO YOU! Rubbing alcohol is great too! But once it dries then it’s pretty much useless. Alcohol only kills stages of bed bugs on contact! Ortho and crossfire leaves behind poison that sticks to all insects. These sprays aren’t flammable and they will not stain or damage your furniture. So you can completely spray down your walls, floors, carpet, furniture, etc… without any negative effects. They do have a scent, but it’s not a super strong or bad scent at all.


I'll never forget staying the night at a guy who said he might have bed bugs back in the day and him passing out immediately to leave me awake when I immediately feel the odd sensation of something crawling over my skin... over the next 6 hours I killed 97 of them just didn't sleep and couldn't believe it when my friend woke up and wanted to deny it further when I explained how id spent the last 5 or so hours hunting the hunters and trying to find their Dungeness nest


This is what REALLY works: hear me out and follow this, to get rid of your bedbugs.
First, Put in place your frame and headboard where you want them set up. I recommend you have your mattress and box springs up on metal frames (bed bugs can't crawl on slippery surfaces like un-dented metal, polished aluminum, or shiny smooth plastic.) Please note that Wood, although pretty, tends to have wood grains, layers, slits, grooves, indentions, and pores that make some wood fairly easy for bed bugs to climb up. So wood, unless it has been sanded down and polished to where it is EXTREMELY smooth and has a layer or more of gloss coat; isnt "recommended" for your bedframe/headboard decor. Either way, whatever you choose-- make sure that your bed frame and headboard are always A COUPLE INCHES AWAY FROM THE WALL (that way any bed bugs trying to crawl along the wall to find a way onto the bed can't touch the bed anywhere to latch on) and it also leaves space between the wall and any pillows that might accidentally get moved or pushed back in the middle of the night. Sprinkle a good, generous amount of food grade Diatomaceous Earth around any headboard legs and each one of the bedframe legs (including any middle ones) so any who try to crawl up the legs trying to get to you sleeping will not only have powder on their legs making stuff they try to climb extra slippery but also make climbing up metal poles impossible, they'll also be getting cut and shredded by the Diatomaceous Earth at the same time that it is drying out their outer shells eventually killing all who walk through it. **"Food grade" Diatomaceous Earth is safe for you to breathe or consume, as well as pets. (But it's deadly to bed bugs and their outer glossy shell.) So it's safe to sprinkle anywhere else around your house that you need to. (Think nightstands/dressers, bedroom baseboards and especially along the back wall behind your bed!)
Next, Starting over with a brand new mattress and box frame is ideal, but if you want to attempt to take your chances that the bed bag won't get a tear, throw your used ones in a bug proof, sealed, mattress bag. Just make sure that if using new mattresses they're NOT in the house, or if they're used they're not in their new bags WHILE you're getting the frame and the headboard setup! You DON'T want bugs getting on the new or (bagged) mattresses before you even get them on the frame....
Once your frame is in place with Diatomaceous Earth around all legs of bed, (and base of surrounding furniture.) THEN you can carry in and place your new mattresses directly on the frame, or put old mattresses in their bags and then directly on the frame making sure none touch or drag on the floor. Then proceed to make your bed, making sure that no nightstands are touching the side of your bed or blankets, as well as NO blankets or bedskirts are touching the floor (that is really important!) Bed skirts really aren't recommended during you trying to get rid of bed bugs because they fall out move around so easily, and are always touching the ground somewhere making an easy access up to the bed. And no pillows or blankets touching the wall! You want NOTHING on your bed touching its surroundings! Floor, walls, tables.... Nothing that bed bugs can try and climb to get onto the bed with you!
And THAT my folks is how to put an end to your bed bug infestation! Eventually if the diatomaceous earth doesn't kill them trying to get up to you (which it will eventually) then starving to death will.
Just make sure that before bed every night and every morning after you wake up, Everything is in place. Blankets aren't dragging on the floor, or the carpet.... or touching the walls.. or end tables..or anything or it WILL restart (or keep) a bedbug infestation going.
Please Note: This HAS to be done with ALL people sleeping in the house for it to be effective! Kids rooms included... Because therwise if the bed bugs can't reach you, they'll try to travel to someone else sleeping who they can find an easy access to and will keep the infestation going in your home that way. Good luck everyone!


Thank you! I've been looking for live interaction with bed bugs so I can get a good idea what to look for!


man, i had bed bugs before, and i still am paranoid sometimes, this shit does NOT help 😂


This is why I hate apartment living, specially in old buildings. It is so easy to get pest through cracks around windows, doors, cracks in floors and walls. Pest just go from one apartment to the next, invading your space. Then to make matters worse, some tenants aren't proactive at all. They do not try to eliminate the problem, just let things linger on affecting everyone else.


Best info I’ve seen so far thanks a lot 👍🏻


" Don't let the bed bugs bite your doopy." My grandmother used to say that when I was a kid lol an here I am 20 years later for the first time letting them bite my doopy. I work inside peoples home for a living an must have brought them home a couple months ago. I bought two plastic mattress bags one for my bed an one for my box spring. Bought a steam cleaner an a new vacuum with the hot water feature. Took mattress an box spring out in the bags along with saran wrapping my frame now sitting in 3 degrees outside my house. Used my old vacuum an vacuumed underneath my bed an baseboards. Used steamer an steamed the carpet and baseboards then used my new vacuum an threw the old one out in a garbage bag. Then I sprayed cleaning mix with bleach an sprayed my baseboards. Only found 15 bed bugs in the last week since finding out I had them but I hope I'm good LOL.


im going paranoid if that insect on my bed is a bed bug or not now im watching this im so done with life burn the house down


The ones I had barely moved even when I was inches from them, just seemed to be chill and stare off into nowhere with their little bug eyes. Blood must be like a narcotic to them. Maybe they can't see too far in front of them because I could look one in the eyes and it would easily win a staring contest.


The problem is encasement can get tiny tears. So, tons of hungry BBS can get out because they can survive without feeding 2 years later. Always treat mattresses with Crossfire or at least Cimexa before encasing.


This made me believe what I have in my car is ghost ants and not bed bugs. They move much faster than this and look a bit different. First video I've seen showing a small moving nymph so thanks


I admire his bravery cause I’d be worried about them coming on to me and coming home w me.


You’re looking at $2k for a 1500 sq ft home for treatment. Took heat treatment & chemical treatment to kill them, and make sure you get a guarantee because one time treatment will not kill them all. My pest control guy came out 4 times, and forgot to drill holes in the walls. And yes they will hide in the walls. Another $8k to stay in hotel for almost a month. Be prepared to live out of bags. And spend your days using your dryer (literally)...if you don’t have a clothes dryer you’re screwed because that’s the only way to kill bugs.


Anybody else check their box spring or couch after watching this? Jeesh.. That makes me itchy!😬


Thank! Been looking for this real life comparison


if you ask me ill say they look like they're asking to be terminated...


man, this one actually looks a looot more like what people say are booklice! the thin shape, the head quite seperated from the body... but this surely is a bed bug?


I went to a new girl friend's house, i asked to use the bathroom, while i was standing over the toilet i noticed a lot of red spots on the bathroom walls which i believe were remnants of bed bugs, when i went into his living room she asked if i wanted to sit on the couch while i waited for her, i told her no thanks ill sit on the porch, i decided not to go there no more.
