The Rise and Fall Of Assassin's Creed

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The fact that they won’t do any sequels for any of the deserving assassins is mind boggling when you realize Ezio is the most beloved assassin character because he had the sequels.


I still think bayek should have had a sequel, they had a pretty good protagonist on their hands and to say how important he is to the whole thing his story should have really been expanded.


I think where Ubisoft truly digged their own grave was the moment they decided to go with Syndicate instead of following Arno's story into Napoleon's empire. Unironically Arno had the potential to be the second great character of the franchise, but we never got to see his fully realised potential, only a small section of it in Dead Kings. I still think even with the bugs Unity is in the top three AC games (next to Brotherhood and Black Flag) so it's sad to see them instantly jumping ship just because of the idiotic decisions of the higher ups at Ubisoft.


I think the real problem is that they don't actually want to make Assassin's Creed anymore. Assassin's Creed was born of them being tired of making PoP and wanting something new, but now they don't have the balls to drop AC for something new, so they make something new without actually dropping AC. So we get these Frankenstein's Monsters amalgamations of new ideas + the wrong things from AC.


I remember being 13 and getting AC2 right after a dentist appointment. I think I ditched class two days in a row and walked home just to play it. One of the most nostalgic games of that era


Bayek is one of the few protagonists that are worthy of a sequel. Just imagine a sequel set in Ancient Rome where we observe rise and fall of Cleopatra and Mark Antony and see how Aya assassinates her while Bayek could target Mark Antony. Aya and Bayek now in their mid 50s, both seasoned mentors focused on expanding the brotherhood. With current technical capabilities, we could have ability to switch between Aya and Bayek with parkour and stealth being as good as in Unity or even better in busy Rome. Plus, we could see transition of Roman Republic to Roman Empire by Augustus. There is so much room for a sequel.


I was born in 95. Class of 14. The nostalgia for the good Assassin's Creed games is solidified with my developing years.


I believe AC Origins was nothing short of a entertaining masterpiece. If they would’ve had a Rome sequel and added more of the core or original ideas of the AC Franchise pillars, it would’ve been nothing short of amazing and Bayek would’ve been the new series mascot.


I honestly miss the mysticism that surrounded Altair, he was so epic.


When he said He was only 5 years old, I felt somewhat like an elder


I personally liked every single assassin's creed game . Each was different and each told a different story - I loved all of them :).


The only assassin creed I ever played was the first and it was really impressive for its time.


Man Syndicate is the only one I've completed and wanted more of. So by default it's my favorite one.


I used to think Connor was boring. He kinda was, until i played those homestead missions. After playing those missions, Connor is now one of my favorites.


It's funny too because Unity honestly aged very well. The fluid mechanics hold up so well even when revisiting the game today. When the pandemic hit I had gone in and 100% Achieved the whole game and was loving every second of the parkour. Unity really was a pretty solid game and an instance where doubling down on it for a sequel would have paid off in the long run.

The Syndicate happened. The first AC game that I never purchased, and for good reason. That was the first MAJOR setback by Ubisoft for me. But they completely bounced back with Origins. Origins was in my eyes, based on the circumstance, a very very solid game with a deep story that connected us to Bayek. That was the first game I've ever bought the DLC for and I'm glad I did, the Hidden Ones DLC was worth every dollar and then some.

When Odyssey came out I think I puked my lunch up, worst AC game ever made, hands down. I think it wasn't until the pandemic hit where I decided to try it out and play it through, near the end I kind of gave up the idea that it was an AC game and just played it like a standalone mercenary game and the experience was a little less undesirable, but the copy and paste missions as well as the copy and paste camps + dungeons was just disrespectful.

Valhalla I didn't even buy, what a shit game.

Mirage is their saving grace to save the franchise and show them that story telling, rather than mindless RPG, is what their games need and it's what their success was built on. Stop herding and build upon what worked from the beginning


Bayek was the future, they hit the reset button perfectly with his story, and Aya's, it was a wonderful story to expand into the trilogy it should have become.


I loved AC3 right off the bat. As much as I truly enjoyed Ezio, I was feeling the Ezio fatigue near the end of Revelations. I resonated with Connor more because of his more introvert personality, I was already very interested in American history (I'm from Europe) and even as a kid I was fascinated with Native American culture. So to me AC3 was perfect because it had all those things, and on top of that it introduced Haytham who is hands down one of the best AC characters period. AC3 still counts as one of my all time favorite AC games, alongside Brotherhood and Unity.

As for Black Flag, despite my love for pirates, I didn't much care for it, purely BECAUSE it didn't feel like an AC game to me. I've only beaten it once. Hell I've played Rogue more than I've played Black Flag (mostly because of Haytham). I'll definitely give Black Flag another run in the future though, I think I'll enjoy it more this time around.

And despite my Ezio fatigue in Revelations, I'm also fond of that game because of Altaïr, the OG who will always rank as one of my favorite AC characters. This game made me ugly cry at 3 in the morning when Ezio finally found Altaïr. 10/10 would recommend lol.

I also never bothered with Syndicate and Odessy, and Origins took me a time to finish. I got bored near the end and forced myself to see it and the DLCs through. I've yet to start Valhalla but I fear that's also gonna be a slog to play through at some point, despite my heavy interest in Norse Mythology. I'll get around to it at some point.

So yeah, definitely a love/hate relationship with AC right now. I'm... cautiously optimistic for Mirage and if it really ends up being as good as it currently sounds, I really hope the future game set in Japan will follow in its footsteps.


Ac1. the og with unique ideas.
Ac2-Ac Revelations. the great achievements and the peak of ubisoft.
Ac3. The ambitious yet flawed one.
Ac4. The lightning in a bottle.
Ac Rogue. The underrated gem.
Ac Unity. The massacred masterpiece.
Ac Syndicate. The master on none.
Ac Origins. The new path.
Ac Odyssey. The good fantasy rpg but not ac.
Ac Valhalla. The last straw that broke ubisoft's back.


I found Desmond and the modern day story to be the most compelling part of the franchise. Such a shame they lost the thread with the modern day protagonists.


if you use the tweak pack mod to make your Odyssey character level 99 from the start it makes for a vastly better game, no more grinding to level gear, no more level gated world and no more stupidly OP high level god tier merc NPCs
