1689 6:5 The Believer's Remaining Corruption | Confessing the Faith

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The last paragraph of the chapter deals with the reality of sin in the believer’s life. "The corruption of nature, during this life, doth remain in those that are regenerated; and although it be through Christ pardoned and mortified, yet both itself, and the first motions thereof, are truly and properly sin."
Confessing the Faith is a theological and devotional walk through the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith with host Sam Waldron, Pastor of Grace Reformed Baptist Church in Owensboro, KY and President of Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary.
Confessing the Faith is a theological and devotional walk through the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith with host Sam Waldron, Pastor of Grace Reformed Baptist Church in Owensboro, KY and President of Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary.