If you experience THESE things, You Are A LIGHTWORKER (#6 is a big sign for lightworkers!)

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7 signs that you are a lightworker!

What is a lightworker? The term “lightworker” is something you may have found yourself encountering within your search for personal development. This generally happens during the spiritual awakening process. If you’ve ever wondered if you are a lightworker, or even what the meaning or definition of that is, I’ll discuss here some of the strong signs, traits and characteristics of those who work the light!

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Lightworkers of all countries - unite! Let's heal and save our beautiful planet and all forms of life. Love and peace to all. ❤️✌️🙏❤️


i had a therapist who was a light worker and practiced meditation, manifestation, and chakra work, studied energy fields and astrology, and all the other the good stuff. she told me that she believes im a light worker and that when she looked at me it felt like she was look at a white light and that she could physically and spiritually feel the warmth from the light of me. this is why im watching this video and now im pretty convinced.

people have always been drawn to me, and generally it is people who have a positive aura and have already begun to wake up. and those who are clearly no where near beginning to wake up and have low vibrations (you know the type) have a distaste for me for no reason except they think im weird. people are so trusting of me, ive had so many people open up to me, and many of them have said something like "idk what it is but i just feel like you understand me" or "i feel like i can trust you" they also say they feel like theyve known me forever or that i make them feel at ease/comfortable. even people i just met a few minutes ago have told me things they claim to have never told anyone.
ive known that i'm an empath for quite a while. and i could talk about it for so long, so i wont.
i'm in nursing school, and before i knew what i wanted specifically as a career, all i knew was i wanted to help people, i felt like that was my purpose.
the negative experiences thing is one that i think is mostly universal so i wont touch base on that one.
i definitely feel as though i am more perceptive than others, i have always questioned things, always been eager to learn, and always looking to "self master" (hence why i'm here lol) i am extremely creative, i love to paint/draw/sculpt, all kinds of art, i love music, listening to it and making it, i love the art of dance, and writing and reading as well.
i am also definitely very different from others, this one is kind of hard to speak on bc idk how to explain it. but as i mentioned, people think i'm weird. and i have never wanted to fit in i have always wanted the opposite. i want to be my own person and embrace all my uniqueness.
the more to life yes, the feeling like ive been here before not quite, i feel like i have existed for a long time but its not like things are familar its just that i feel like (ik its corny but) an old soul.
i have really good intuition as well, i have had lots of feelings or predictions that come true.

basically i'm convinced that i am in fact a light worker. the only thing is that i havent had any sights into other universes or communication with any entities (or probably i have but i didn't recognize that thats what they were) but i think thats only because i'm still in the somewhat early stages of waking up/ascension. i think as my journey progresses i will unlock this knowledge and power. this is only the beginning and i cant wait.


Wow, described me to a tee . . .the journey is tough, especially when others can't or don't want to, understand who you really are. We are light, light is energy, and energy is eternal.


All Glory to God. I do His work. This Work.


I have a very strong intuition, and I have learned to trust it, it just doesn't fail me. I am grateful for it


It's so important to care for yourself. Fill your cup first before pouring love and light over others. I was born to serve however, helping others at the detriment of yourself helps neither party in the end. I'd been doing it wrong for 32 years...but no longer. ❤️ I now take time to plug in to higher self and care for self so I can successfully improve the lives of everyone who comes to me.
Don't be afraid to tell people, "Now's not a great time." "I need a little time first." or "Lemme think/meditate/pray on it and I'll get back to you." You're sensitive to energies and it's okay to clear them out so you can operate in love and light. It's like a love battery that runs off of feelings. When it's low, you get grumpy and uncomf and become prone to anger and shutdowns and pinching off. You're just depleted, dear. Take some time.


If you're reading this, it is too late, the universe has already sent you the infinite love of the creator. 💗 Thank you for sharing! Sending you lots of love! Are you a lightworker?💗


So there is a name for these feelings!


Sorry no, I dont need this to tell me Im a light worker. I am!!!
My whole life were questions about Love. why people are so mean and horrible to each other including me when I was 5 - 10 years old I was abused but when others came to take me to look after me, my family who abused me mentally, phisically and sexually would fight to keep me. I could not understand. Until I turned 16 I left and didnt go back I had an experience 6 years ago that reminded me that I have a life contract and everything was my own doing and that I had to do it so I can be a light to the Planet thru love and joy. So here I am in Sydney living a beautiful life and affecting one person at a time with love and with light. I hope you do the same. xxx


A LIGHT! A LIGHT! A LIGHT! Lovely and meaningful video. I am abundantly blessed and grateful for all of your light. This video touched me deeply. Thank you ❤️


I feel like someone finally understands


Oh wow… I’m a light worker 💕 resonates with me


Thank you for this affirmation. I have been alone for a few months and it is very difficult to surrender myself to the light because people think I am crazy sometimes.


Just wanted to say thank you for what you do !!! You help me get through my day .. When I feel lost and want to give up ..you help bring me back .. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you !!


Say it with me, "I am a lightworker" ✨✨✨


Living in the present moment creates the experience of eternity.


Thank you so much Jessica for this, I often doubt myself, I just know that a higher power is always giving me signals & Synchronicities. Blessings to you🙏☮🌌


Today's workplace discriminates against non-cluster B personalities. If you are discovered to not be a cluster B personality, the management will quickly get rid of you in 30 days of employment. Today's workplaces have bluntly expressed to me that they don't want our kind in the workplaces. They passive aggressively let you know that in their actions and behavior towards you. They want only narcissists, sociopaths, borderline and psychopaths in Today's workforce. If you are not, you will be pushed out of the job through the use of coercive control.


Feeling all these for close to 10 years now. To anyone that feels this also there are so many like you, never feel alone!!


- I just want to let anyone who’s reading this comment know. I wish you great success, health, love and happiness! ✨
