Lead Coffin Found Under NotreDame, TelegramBansRushka, & CopperStainedGlassMatrix BtwnHdlns

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Рекомендации по теме

The Live show got flagged, so I had to edit and reupload. This one seems to be okay.
Notre Dame in I Pet Goat 2
Vampire found under Notre Dame in Lead coffin.
Lead coffins, keep the spirits in or lock them out.
Bride of Dracula trapped in lead coffin to trap her demon
Other headlines
Stained glass copper matrix
White X's on New Orleans homes after Katrina appeared 11 years earlier in Interview with a Vampire.


Blessings Casey and family .. high watch time Saints .. keep 🙏🏽and looking up ! All glory to the Most High !🙏🏽🕊🙌🏽


Remember the importance of removing lead paint? They said it's because of kids eating it. Then I heard with lead walls their devices they made to see thru walls lead prevented that . So had to get Idk


EnterTheStars... I rarely ever comment... You mentioned chords and sounds having spiritual effects... Dave Mustaine the lead singer of Megadeth said in an interview that there are devil chords and that he practiced witchcraft on people using methods like this. Scary stuff. Hope this helped. God bless you and everyone here. Love you all and have a great day.


That's why they been getting giants DNA. Fe fy foe thumb I smell the blood of a English man, or whatever peeps they want to get rid of when they release there super soljahz giants. Love what you do Stay blessed in Jesus.


When I think of behind the wall I think of the word exhume... to dig... to revive or restore after neglect or a period of forgetting; bring to light: to exhume


The victim's "trapped" soul is usually placed within a small clay jar or some other unremarkable container. The container is wrapped in a fragment of the victim's clothing, a piece of jewelry, or some other personal possession owned by the victim in life, and then hidden in a place of secrecy known only to the bokor.


I have only been with the channel for less than a year but Casey, I look forward to your shows so much. Growing up I shunned Christ because I saw it as a way of my parents trying to control me. And it was. But it was for my own good, as I realize now. And I think it was more than that. I didn't believe the lies that I personally found within our church. Anyway, your show has shown me so many things I had already questioned but didn't understand. Thank you for letting me join you on my journey of living the Truth. <3


Wow- never watched L.O.T. RINGS . Unreal, if I never joined the channel I would call us crazy . My other half doesn't believe in anything. God Bless us all ! Without him there is no hope.


That is not exes. That looks like enokian Angel sigils. Some form of spell.
Also if you notice stained glass windows are usually shaped in sacred geometry. These are patterns that exist in our natural world which have things to do with resonant frequencies of sound and energy. It must be related to some form of alchemy.


Stay strong 💪Mighty Warriors 💪🙏🤠 Our strength is in our unity family 💪🙏🤠


Very interesting stuff here. Led is the most effective protection against EMFs. We have a tradition that we melt a horseshoe shaped piece of tin and then throw it inside a waterbucket where it takes a new shape as it cools. It used to contain led but for "environmental reasons" they banned using led in that and I'm starting to understand why. You could make a shield from it and avoid the EMF effects.


Casey, I took training in Community Emergency Response and the X’s are when people sweep the house to see if there are survivors, injuries or death. Each quadrant of the X gives us that information and also tells passers by that the house has been checked.


2 T h e s 2 :
11 And for this cause God shall send them str0ng delusi0n, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighte0usness.


I built powerlines during Katrina. We started by the superdome rebuilding powerlines. 1st day there we went into projects, through military checkpoints. Working in bucket, people were shooting towards helicopters, police. Crazy town. First storm I went on where I almost quit and took a bus back home. Dark spiritual place. Maybe a dry run on massive scale for ml


I missed the livestream but I also wanted to give a shout out to Tom Griffin. I love his knowledge and Bible verses that he gives us. God bless you Tom.


Fine words at the tail end. It's all three, energy, frequency and vibration. Water has memory. We are accountable for every word spoken. God is great.


I can't see why this particular video would be flagged, that's very strange! They're just looking for any reason now, aren't they (even if there's no reason at all!)


The spirit of Osiris is raised in every U. S. president in the Raising of Osiris Ceremony done after inauguration.


Oh, that's too bad, because it's the same thing
PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE 🇺🇦 is from a TV show in Ukraine where he played the president. Like RONALD RAGAN .. KLITCHKO the Boxer was President of Ukraine 🇺🇦 before, Jessie the Body Ventura became a Governor of Minnesota, Jerry Springer was the Mayor of Cincinnati, Dennis Rodman was US Ambassador to NORTH KOREA. They play a Role then move on... STANLEY KUBRICK Directed the APOLLO Missions. Charles Manson lived at SPAWN RANCH a MOVIE SET. REALITY T.V. none of its real.
