Inner Alchemy, Immortality, and Apotheosis: Taoist and Western Esoteric Perspectives

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This is a presentation I gave at the 40th Anthropology of Consciousness Conference on April 29, 2023, in Bellingham Washington at the Chrysalis Spa and Inn.

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I had a opportunity of a life time, I got to train with a man from Hong Kong " His daughter is my acupuncturist here in southern Cali" I used to talk about TCM with her all the time and I talked with her about qigong, she told me her father was a master, and she didn't really care about qigong, she kinda got into tcm because her dad forced her to do it lol, but she was very good at what she did. Any, Her father was going on to be in his 90s and he moved to cali with his daughter. I got to train with him, and he was able to make me feel chi in my dantian without touching me, he was able to bring the energy down from my head into my belly, it fell like all my thought in my head leaving and flowing down like a drug ( Better than a drug) i was at peace. I trained with him for months, at first I just layed down on the acupuncture table and he would move my chi around, then I did standing, then later I would do a deep horse stance and practice with him. due to life changes I stopped training with him, I can still do a little bit of the practice, but it was never like I felt with he was there with me. Ive met with many teachers before ( here in cali) not one of them could move chi like he was able too. the crazy part is, he learned this skill from a university in china, , (Before it was made illegal) its better than magic, the fact its real tells me the world is hiding so much. when he helped me with my qigong I can look at these diagrams of inner alchemy and can actually understand what they mean in some ways.


Excellent breakdown! Thanks for sharing


Thank you so much for the summary. You made everything clear!


Keep up with your great work. Thank you and 93s


This is one of the best summaries of the internal arts, I have ever seen! Well done sir!

One thing I would love to see, is your thoughts on the parallels between the tree of life and the Diagram of the Supreme Ultimate, and between Daoism/Kabbalah overall!


Love this, it is the next level of amazing.


Am in portland oregon and I was studying with the center for internal transformation but my teacher has moved to LA. At the moment am taking classes on dharmabat Dhrma rain. But truly in need of a qigong neigong class


Wow. Wonderful video. Thankyou for the compact information.


The notion of atomic soul tied one-to-one to bosy, so prevalent in the Western culture to the point of non-noticing it, has done a great disservice to it, in my opinion. So many people think that their soul has to "move" somewhere or to "rush" after death to remember the Path and therefore gain the great attainment. However, if we relinquish this concept of atomicity and separation, there is nothing to move, the soul cannot move, as it isn't the physical object and literally lacks any useful spatial coordinates. Physical bodies tune into souls similar to the radio transmitters. If a body would be damaged beyond repair, it can be forcefullly tuned into another thing. Such are the reasons behind fugue, possession etc. However, the purpose of the cultivation, as I think, is to approach the consensus from both sides - more powerful astral beings and distributed souls seek for the pure and powerful vessel to channel its main energy through it. Whereas pure and powerful vessels are seeking to preserve their seed of consciousness by attaining sudden (or gradual) knowing of other bodies tuned to the same soul. A soul can have different bodies at once, but they cannot communicate in p2p mode. They can only "upload" their experience in the soul itself in a very processed and indirect way. Therefore, one of the goals of the cultivation, as I think, is to gain more insight and feedback from the 'main storage' of this distributed soul and use all the accumulated energy and information without barriers and confusions, eventually transcending the physical world in a state of full awareness.


Thank you for such a professional and informed video


16:03 "Have been around long before his new age appropriation" LMAO. A little burn there. But yeah, Chia is like :"Breath in into your testicles, clam down your hui yin, out!" On the other hand, without him I wouldn't be here hehehe. Great video!


Can you re-arange your cognitive units in order to use non-discursive intuition-al thinking, feeling, and willing to put in coherent order to the daoist way to immortality? Remember This: You've hit on a really important aspect of advanced qigong practice that I don't think is emphasized enough - the ability to utilize pictorial or non-conceptual consciousness through merging precepts and pictures. Some additional thoughts:

- As you said, much qigong instruction focuses on intellectual understanding of concepts like meridians, energy levels, body parts, etc.

- But without the ability to directly perceive these energetically and spatially through inner picturing, the practice remains cerebral not fully embodied.

- Pictures have the power to bypass linear thinking and induce actual shifts in awareness/perception in a way concepts alone cannot.

- Figurative but clear inner illustrations can help imprint understandings like meridian pathways onto one's subtle anatomy.

- Over time, as the pictures become increasingly vivid and familiar, they may seem to emerge from within rather than through external imagination.

- This mirrors how physiological structures were originally pictured before scientific abstraction.

- As Rudolf Steiner indicated, Picture consciousness is a higher faculty that can transform understanding from intellectual to participatory.

- Cultivating this is perhaps the key to really merging subject/object and physically influencing subtle energies through advanced qigong practice.

So you're completely right that being able to utilize pictorial modes of apprehension is profoundly important yet often overlooked component of deep work with qigong.


I can't stop listening g to thus video, do you know how difficult it is to find anything talking about the u reveling in the wormhole Bardo gate. 😍😍 I appreciate this beyond thought


Ascended masters and the mantra.

How Ascended masters attain the golden-luminous body
How the repetition of a mantra affects the cellular structure of the body or rather how the very structure of the cells is affected.
What basically happens is that, with each chanting of a mantra, the cells, begin to take on the shape of the Yantra of that mantra and as we know according to the science of Tantra each mantra has its own Yantra and a Presiding Deity.
This particular effect of change in shape takes place when the mantra is chanted and repeated millions and billions of times then only those vibrations, of that particular frequency begins to suffuse and permeate each and every cell within the body.
Since the cells within the blood-like RBC/WBC are more pliable and elastic as they are always on the move, so they are the first, to shape that particular yantra and when they move to different parts of the body through blood capillaries, then they bring with them those specific vibrations of that mantra to each and every cell of the physical structure.
that means by and by the very living body begins to turn on into a life-size yantra which is suffused with the frequency of that mantra.
But still, here transformation is not yet complete. The completion comes only when the Presiding Deity of that Mantra-Yantra descends and begins to reside in that living structure as all the cell, now invoking that God/Goddess/Angel to come down and take up residence in the Yantric House or the throne which is the physical body of the Sadhak.
from the mythology of the world over, we have this information that all the Gods/Goddesses/Angels have Bright-Luminous or Bright-Golden bodies. that means the very descent of the Goddess with her Luminous-Golden body will bring about the trans-mutation and slowly by changing the vibrational pattern of the physical, turn it into divine substance. The Divine -Material.
Recent research was done by the scientist of Japan and Germany, in which they found out that water drops go through the crystallization process when words, thoughts and intents are transmitted to them either when they spoke or transmitted telepathically, with good words the crystallization of water drops were harmonious and with bad intents/thoughts the structure was disharmonious. This means with chanting or by doing mental Japa, water content within the cells of the body will attain a good, harmonious and symmetrical crystallized shape. That means it attain the shape of the yantra of that mantra, so all the cells of the body will be now can house the deity of the mantra. (Since all gods and goddesses have bodies which are made up of mostly three tattvas - elements - Space, Air and Fire, and with a very little amount of Water and Earth tattvas. Since the Fire element is luminous and bright, that makes the body of the ascended masters and angels sparkling golden and since it has a very amount of water and earth tattva so it is not affected by the gravity principle. ) A body of God which when descends in the gross physical body brings a gradual transformation to it and turns it into luminous golden.
In the physical body the digestive system is meant for digesting the physical food so it can turn into glucose energy, but if a Sadhak through Hatha yogic process begins to transform the Retas - semen into - Ojas - Taijas - Buddhi - Medha - Amrit ( Nectar - Ambrosia ), That means his/her body will begin to survive with the manufactured ambrosia and all other digestive organs of the body will go into disuse as it is surviving on the secretions from the pineal and pituitary glands which are similar to soma juice (the Vedic ambrosia ), and these disused organs go through the process of shrinking and become completely atrophied ( as the doctors found out in the body of this Christian nun Theresa Newman when they did autopsy upon her after her death . ) When a physical gross body also begins to survive on Pranik energy by absorbing and assimilating it into the body through Manipur - Navel chakra after receiving it from surrounding environment and the sun rays. And such physical bodies' grossness and heaviness begin to change into lightness and brightness, slowly and gradually.

These are some of the basic processes by ascended masters to attain the golden-luminous body.


I myself have one foot in Thelema and the other in Taoism and it's no secret that that Aleister Crowley regarded Taoism as the 'best of all systems'. I read somewhere, once, a reference to a quote, that said about Crowley, 'he was born a Christian, became a Thelemite and died a Taoist'. Considering what Thelema became and what Thelema could become, Thelemites would be doing Thelema a service by taking Crowley's view of Taoism into account and integrating it into Thelemic Praxis.


The conscious soul definitely exists after death even for those who have not cultivated, not only do people near death often see it and some even when they are not, but many schools of Daoism actually reach out to these conscious souls and work with them directly in the practice.

I'm not sure where this idea came from but it makes the concept of Daoism even more nebulous and hard to master.

I say this as someone who has long identified as a Daoist. Daoism is more a genre than a specific unified (or even loosely unified) religion with true orthodoxy or even adjacent denominations.

While this may be the theory of neidan, the more I hear of Daoist alchemy, the more I realize one could throw out nearly all Daoist alchemy and still practice Wu Shamanic rooted Daoist esotericism just by cherry picking specific concepts such as the spiral and bagua, or the heaven earth man system. This could be done without the sort of folk biology regarding internal organs, without the idea of multiple heaven and earth bodies.

In fact, LaoTzu merely taught the basic philosophy yet there is nearly endless insight that can be gained from the Dao De Jing alone, even for esoteric purposes.

So ultimately, this is intriguing but I wouldn't be troubled by the idea that one merely is recycled by the Dao. Our bodies perhaps, the soul though seems to very much remain. Of course, why else would one burn joss money to their ancestors if no ancestors were still around? Perhaps I'm conflating Chinese Folk Religion but I'd argue they're ultimately one in the same.


Wow this 8s amazing. Am in portland oregon, am truly looking to study the cultivation of the golden flower. Is there anything on the pacific north west.


Could u email the presentation file ? I would like to receive it. ❤


Excellent...what is the relationship between what DAO means and what WUJI means?


Jesus said we will not enter the kingdom of heaven unless we become like little children.
