'That's not a saving faith...it's not a gift from God...' | Pastor Reacts to John MacArthur

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John MacArthur gives 4 tests to see if you are really saved:
1) Love
2) Humility
3) Obedience
4) Trials
Is he correct in his assessment concerning a faith that "is a gift from God?"
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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.

(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)
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You can be sure of eternal life. Watch here:


"Partial obedience is disobedience" was a great quote. I will rely on JESUS all day to save me rather than my effort of obedience that is never perfect.


Thank you Jesse Martinez that you always point out false teachers!!! And you never stop believing in Jesus Christ, his Grace!!! His Grace is enough it’s sufficient!!!


the Bible teaches that when someone understands the Gospel, and believes it, is a done deal. By doing so, you believe it in your heart and are then sealed with the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of eternal life. This is also what true Biblical repentance is, in that you accept this free gift from Jesus to pay for your sins, and that you can't get to heaven on own merit. Why do people make it so complicated? 1 Jo 5:13 -> We can KNOW we have eternal life. It is all by faith in Christ.


To those upset by this message: Some hide behind their "righteousness, " believing that their deeds—whether it's missionary work, helping the poor, tithing, or personal sacrifices—are what save them. They think others must follow the same difficult path they did. But the truth is, JESUS made salvation easy for all—rich and poor, strong and weak, smart and simple-minded alike.

Jesus did it all for us. He died on the cross, spilling His blood to atone for our sins (past, present, and future), and rose again three days later. Our only requirement is to believe in Him and His sacrifice. Jesus calls us to become "as little children" (Matthew 18:3), accepting the gift of salvation freely and without overthinking it.

I am no better than you, and you are no better than me. Put your confidence, faith, hope, and love in Jesus, who did the work so we could come to Him with the simple, free faith of a child. My hope isn't in my actions or sacrifices, but in the blessed work of Jesus. Remember, with man it is impossible, but with God, everything is possible.


I used to listen to MacArthur several years back and then I just stopped listening to him and Lord has protected me from these kinds of preachers. They are subtle but deadly. They turn the joy of salvation into dread and basically like the taskmasters of Egypt. That is how they see God


Excellent! I don't care if someone is 99% correct in their teaching. If the 1% they are wrong on is salvation, they are to be marked and avoided.


True believers do good works and try wholeheartedly to obey God because of what our Lord JesusChrist did for us. Bled and died on the cross. We do this, by the power of the Holy Spirit which dwells within us, BECAUSE we are saved, NOT to be saved.


I actually watched this very video about 9 months ago, my assurance of salvation comes from 1 John 5:13

These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
1 John 5:13 KJV


Absolutely love these videos

I was a preschool teacher for years and kept in contact with a few families.

One family has 2 girls now 7 and 10 that both completed the two year pre k course I taught.

I had invited them to church awhile ago and then was able to sit down and discuss the gospel with the parents.

The mom was raised Baptist and stated she had accepted Christ years ago.
The dad came out of the LDS faith and I believe he also has accepted the true Christ as his Savior although despite being deeply wounded by the Mormon church.

Thor two girls have repeatedly voiced interest in Jesus and getting baptized.

I have had various conversations with the mom ( because the girls are influenced by the kids in school and around here where it’s heavily LDS. ) to make sure she explains the biblical gospel and role of baptism ( for a testimony of faith not to be saved )

I recently got a text from her that a church they are wanting to attend is doing baptisms and they told her that the girls could get baptized as long as they had put faith in Christ. So she reached out to me.

I sent her a couple biblically sound articles on discussing salvation and baptism to children.

She just contacted me this morning to say that she sat the girls down and discussed it all with them and they both wanted to be saved …. the one ( younger ) asked to say a prayer out loud and the older one who is shy asked to go say a prayer in her room by herself.

The joy of having them choose to put their individual faith in Christ is a feeling that is indescribable.

I reassured the mom that they came to Christ with that childlike faith and God accepted it and their names are now forever writing the Lamb’s Book of Life.

I also sent her some of your short teachings on assurance, salvation vs service and a few others for encouragement.

I wanted you to know how much this channel and its correct gospel doctrine has not only helped me but that I have used it many times to share with others.

Today is a special day because 2 new people were added to God’s family and it’s amazing ✝️🙏


Sir, you are speaking 100% facts. Great video, informative, redemptive, and biblical.


I weep for those being deceived by MacArthur, and for MacArthur when he learns the impact of his false teaching.


I remember the day I was assured that I was saved. Long story short the Holy Spirit just gave me assurance that I'm saved because I put my faith in Jesus for my sin. Efe 2:8-9. I never doubted it since. it's been a strength in my life fore 26 years now. It really saddens me that people can tie our salvation to works because it confuses people and steals away peoples security in Christ.


We need YOU and more people like YOU to help explain truth! Thanks for another great video. I'll be sharing it with others.


My faith is in Christ and Christ alone.


I finally found the truth I no
Longer question my salvation thank you lord for leading me to this I can now rest


9:51 WOW! When Pastor Jesse went into this scenario that exactly described what I have been going through for or past year or so. When I first started my walk about a year or so ago I got swept up in people like McArthur and was left with nothing but confusion and fear. So glad to have found this channel. Thank you Pastor Jesse and team for keeping to the truth


At 24:09 he sounds like a Pentecostal faith healer. Yet, he’s a Calvinist who regularly picks on Pentecostal faith healers.


After his "The Blood of Jesus doesn't save" speech he gave I just call him a heretic. I very very rarely use the word heretic like at all, its not a word I throw around. But diluting the Blood and re-defining the meaning of faith bc he thinks he meets his own subjective standards (God's standard is Perfection) and causing confusion (of which God is Not the author) these Lordship Salvationists lower God's standard to what they think they meet and look down on those who don't measure up. They shut up the Kingdom of Heaven when they themselves don't even enter. It's heresy.

Salvation is so simple a child can understand. Jesus even said with the Faith of a child. But when you start adding and mudding up the clear Gospel waters of Salvation that a child doesn't understand you've already screwed up. God made it Clear and Simple, man will do whatever man can do to make it Muddy and Complicated. If the person can't even get Salvation right just turn the other way.

-Acts 16:30-31


Great teaching! Appreciate the fine distinctions to separate truth from error! 😎👍🌴
