
'Stop pretending! If you don't have this, you are not a Christian!' | Pastor Reacts to Jeff Durbin

'There's nothing magic in the blood of Christ...' | Pastor Reacts to John MacArthur

'OSAS is contrary to scripture' | Pastor Reacts to Once Saved Always Saved | A Documentary Film

How I got saved!

Pastor Reacts to Shane Idleman | 'Are You Saved? Take the Test.'

'It is like there is another voice in my head telling me that I don't really believe...' Am I saved?

Pastor Reacts to David Platt | 'Is Jesus Lord of your life?'

'Eternal life, but the WARNINGS are real!' | Pastor Reacts to OSAS Documentary 04

Matthew 24 Explained | Must the Church ENDURE to the end to have eternal life!? (Part 1)

'You believe Christians are PUNISHED at the Judgment Seat of Christ!?'

Are these things SIGNS that I am NOT SAVED? (Drugs, Alcohol, Sex, Divorce)

What are the 'SAVING FACTS' a person needs to know to be saved?

BibleLine Mailbag 1 | Questions pertaining to Lordship Salvation

Were Old Testament saints saved by faith and works?

'They're trying to divert you' | Pastor Reacts to Once Saved Always Saved | A Documentary Film 02

'That's not a saving's not a gift from God...' | Pastor Reacts to John MacArthur

Once I am saved, how do I grow spiritually? (SALVATION VS SERVICE)

Matthew 7:21-23 Explained | 'Lord, Lord... LAWLESSNESS... I never knew you...'

What does 'draw back unto perdition' mean? Hebrews 10:39 Explained

PUBLIC Rebuke of Jesse Martinez of Bibleline Ministries. @BibleLine @davidbenjamininchrist

Is Free Grace Hyper Grace?

5 Tips if you can't find a clear church!

Pastor Reacts to Isaiah Saldivar 01 | 'God told me some 'Christians' go to hell'

What is the REAL Galatian ERROR?