Why Your Life is So Boring + 3 EASY TIPS

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Why is my life so boring compared to others? Well, take a look at this video and you’ll be sure to find some helpful insights.

If you constantly ask yourself “why is my life boring right now?” then you might want to take a closer look at what is going on. The reasons can be many, however there are a few, let’s call them “general rules” that, if you were to fix, you’d be much better off. Take a look at today’s video to discover exactly what I mean…

...I hope you find it informative and here’s to you, getting a less boring life!

-Scandinavian Bob-

#BoringLife #WhyIsMyLifeBoring


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DISCLAIMER2: This video is information only and is not medical advice. If you need medical advice, please see your doctor. I am NOT a doctor and I am NOT an expert. I'm just a guy who likes to read and learn A LOT, and in my videos I simply share my experiences and what I have learned with my viewers. If you decide to try something I talk about in my videos yourself, you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences.


LOTS of anxiety tools in this video playlist here:

A SUPER simple tip for anxiety in this video:

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Having problems with shaking and shaky hands because of anxiety? If so, take a look at this video:


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You can download the book 100% FREE here:


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I hope you like the video, guys. After it is over, take a look at this video, on how to do a dopamine detox/fast


i also noticed that using social media too much makes us dull try feeling the nature see around yourself learn something around yourself going out of your phone thanks bob for the mentions


I quit both Facebook and Instagram last November. I'm on day 1 and not counting on anymore. I felt through and learned highly enough that cycling my habits to PMO sucks. So I quit and fighting my own inner self to win more.


This is why I feel bored whenever I study, thankyou! But if I'm not on social media what else can I do?


I follow your videos. Currently i am on NoFap, Cold showers, intermittent fasting, applecider, Meditation, No Social Media at all, reading books. I can't thank you enough, my life has taken a U-Turn.

I have started enjoying some of these and i was wondering if these will have the same effect because i have started enjoying these
Also, can you make a video on Meditation?


Explained well as always by Scandinavian Bob


Something for me..., Now when im on dopamine detox, it not so boring..., only procrastination... My endless demon...


Heck yeah! I love YouTube! it is very educational. I wouldn't call YT social media, it's more like a content platform. Other social media like Facebook are truly a waste of time and it will only serve to make you depressed as you are constantly comparing yourself to the lives of other people, not knowing that what they post are just snapshots of their best moments, and that you don't get to see the ugly moments in their lives. I do admit that I consume YT a bit too much recently, have to make some room for other activities in my life to be more balanced.


I was actually feeling very bored after giving up social media and doing no fap but this video gave a boost, that I should keep working towards my goal. Thank you.


I use "Block Site" on chrome to block social media during my work time :)


Can you share some books you read and can recommend?


bro make a video on reducing dht to prevent hair loss


The audio is slightly clipped in this video.


If I wake up with an erection is that always a sign of morning wood? Because usually I need to urinate and I'm wondering if that is causing it, and I don't really have natural morning wood?


Why just cut off some time from social media....cut it off completely....either ways social is for no good... people just troll each other.... meme pages rather than sharing humourous posts...troll other people..it a toxic place ...its better to cut it off completely...
