Weak Student Wakes Up With The Ability To Steal Other Peoples Powers

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The focus is placed on Yuu Otosaka, a high school boy who awakens the ability to steal another persons abilities, which brings him to the attention of Nao Tomori, the student council president of a school founded as a haven for children with such abilities.

Anime Name: Charlotte
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The maker of this video did a great job but he left out one important detail in the ending. Before leaving, Nao gives Yuu some flashcards to help him communicate with people in other languages. After losing his memory Yuu tells Nao that he doesn't remember the importance of the flashcards. But every time he lost himself and was questioning the purpose of putting himself through the horrors of this mission that he forgot why he undertook in the first place, looking at the flashcards would strangely calm him down and make him refocus on his mission. Yuu's love for Nao stayed with him in his subconscious even though the rest of his memories were gone.


I really wish they did an entire seasonal arc on his travels around the world. That could of been cool.


the ending to charlotte actually made me cry . not because of the ending but because it was ending


this anime actually made me cry im not gonna lie. the ending was actually really sentimental for me. thanks for sharing this underrated anime.


This anime exceeded my expectations. At first few eps, i thought that mc is dumb but the ending part was on a different level. Nice anime to suggest to frnds.


Yeah this was great anime sadly it feels like they rushed the ending, it still is a great ending. It would've been awesome to see how he started to go crazy from the overload of powers and how he managed to control his mind. With stories of the things he did all across the globe


The MCs emotional breakdown after his sisters death is so painful to watch. It has me on the point of tears.


I LOVED Charlotte. One of my favorite animes to date. Anyone watching this that is slightly interested should definitely watch the full series.


The sheer amount of sacrifice the MC had to to go through my goodness


god..charlotte was my very first anime, i can't believe i forgot about it. my second was parasyte, but my love for charlotte was immediately rekindled after finding this video, seriously such an amazing anime. i loved watching every second of it and would love to rewatch it sometime


this guy is a legend summary for everyday


This show was honestly a trip, I loved it. And my big complaint was that it wasn't longer. I would have loved a little more of his mission, but at the same time I feel like that could have been it's own series. And I also love how they did it. Because there wasn't some antagonist for him to go after and it didn't weigh down what they were going for with the plot.


I understand that the authors original intent in regards to the mc remembering in the future at the lab as well as him overcoming the memory wipe was to include a "Next" aspect.

You know "Next the Nicholas Cage movie where he could see possible futures. The MC had accidentally stolen someone else's foresight and even "now" where the whole show is going on, he is only foreseeing, or living the future.

This means that the MC is still a little kid living with his big brother. But it's not just that simple, because someone else who would be associated with a syndicate is also seeing the future. The MC and the syndicate "forsite" are each following paths into the future in order to counter each other. But the MC has an advantage because he is also incorporating his brothers timetravel in this weird game of pre-cog chess.


Charlotte is a fking masterpiece! This anime is underrated af! Recommending Everyone to watch this!


A good anime. The ending was controversial but it was good overall. (the MC's character arc in particular).


If Charlotte was a seasonal anime instead of a 13ep one it could have been a really great anime because this anime truly held the potential, but because they rushed the ending it become a bit bad but even so nonetheless it was quite enjoyable. The same goes for Nao and yuu relationship because they don't really have much of a emotional connection, especially Nao.


i remember this anime. top tier in my book, but im just sad because of it not getting an s2


that fact that when his sister died to her own ability and almost killed her brother saddens me to the point of almost crying about it but when her brother came back for her after her death using his brothers ability he saved her taking her ability away and saving her from that physcotic middle school girl with the box cutter. but he saved his sister true brotherly love right there


I’ve watched this show several times, and I’m still crying at the end of it.


This made me cry multiple times. Defo my fav anime. But u gotta actually watch it to experience the pain and emotion in this😭✋
