Heal Receding Gums and Grow Back | Treat Sensitive Teeth and Reverse Receding Gums | Gingivitis

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#recedingGums #sensitiveTeeth #gingivitis

NOTE: TURMERIC won't stain natural teeth. If it stains, it is temporary and goes away in a couple of hours. If having crowns/caps please avoid turmeric

Music: Bensound
License code: DMFVDROREEV7L0XS

Holding position of the brush is important. You just hold with two or 3 fingers and start brushing with gentle circular motion. Holding with 2 fingers automatically reduces the pressure you put on the teeth. Use little circular motion for front teeth and back forth motion for back teeth. Do this step in the morning.

At night time, avoid brushing, but follow this remedy.
1. Rinse off your mouth. Take 1 tablespoon or little more of water and toss in a pinch of Himalayan pink salt. Now rinse off your mouth with this. This will flush out your mouth and prepares it for next step.
2. Step 2 is Oil pulling with Ayurvedic solution.
Take 2 tea spoons of sesame oil in a mortar & pestle system. Toss in a little over half tea spoon of Cloves into it. Now crush it gently. Clove and sesame oil combination works efficiently for all teeth and gum diseases. Now strain this oil. You can make this sesame clove oil in large amount and store it.
Now, mix 1 tea spoon of this with 1 tablespoon water.
Do oil pulling with this solution for 1 minute in the beginning. Over the days you can do oil pulling for 3 to 5 minutes also. It’s basically swishing this solution, b/w gums and teeth quickly. Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurveda remedy that works like miracle for all teeth and gum diseases. This helps in clearing off plaque, bacteria and prevents diseases like gingivitis. Not only that, it heals the receding gums and helps them to recover and grow quickly. Once we are done, spit it out.
3. Step 3 is applying Turmeric Gel
Take ½ teaspoon of turmeric. Add equal amount of water, to make it thick paste like this. With the help of fingers, just gently apply this on your gums and teeth going in circular motion. Wait for 1 minute and rinse off your mouth with fresh water. Turmeric has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can heal gum infections and tooth decay.

You should not eat anything 1 hour before or after this remedy. This remedy not only prevents receding gums, but also treats sensitive teeth and provides teeth whitening.

DISCLAIMER: The materials and the information contained in this video and on the Break The Snow channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. None of the information on our videos is a substitute for a diagnosis and treatment by your health professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider. Do not try any remedy/suggestion in pregnancy or breast feeding period without doctor's advice.
The product reviews or judgement are solely a personal opinion and do not intended to influence the reputation of any product or company.
Рекомендации по теме

Just wanted to say this advice is legit. I had extremely swollen pocketed gums for literally an entire year, not even a 40 day fast brought down the swelling, then I tried the oil pulling (which tbh I already knew about) for 10 minutes with olive oil (mixed mine with a little mint listerine to stand the taste) and then my mouth felt super clean.

After that I mixed up some old tumeric powder I had in the cabinet with water and let it sit on my gums for only a minute and then swished with the rest for a minute. (I used a lot of tumeric paste and covered my whole mouth)

THE NEXT MORNING ALL THE SWELLING WAS GONE! And the swelling was so severe that even a light brushing would cause a ton of bleeding and the blood would will the cracks of my teeth 🥺 and it worked! It worked so well that my gums locked back down on my teeth! I’m shook at how this worked overnight! I think that is the power of tumeric being so anti-inflammatory!

Not only that but I think my gums even look healthier. I will continue to brush and floss as normal and I will apply the tumeric paste every day and oil pull as well!

Wanted to leave this testimony for anyone who was scared / worried about their gum health. I will come back in a month and say whether my gums grew back or not!


1. Brush in morning lightly.
2. Night routine - rinse. Then make oil 2tsp sesame oil 1/2tsp cloves crush gently. Strain oil add 1tsp of mixture with 1tbsp of water. Do oil pulling start off with 1min then 3-5min.
3. Apply tumeric gel. Make paste 1/2tsp w/equal water then apply on gum and teeth. Wait 1 min. Rinse mouth with water.


Eliminating sugars and grains from your diet and daily oil pulling will prevent/eliminate 95% of tooth decay.


Reading questions in the comments, it seems a lot of people have not actually watched the whole video. It's not even 5 minutes long! He explains everything very well, like when to it in the day, how regularly and for how long. Exact ingredients, he even shows you how to crush the cloves. And yes you can use other oil, many people use coconut, however the properties in sesame oil are beneficial. You can do it for 20minutes (many people have a big issue with this it seems) but he actually only suggests 3 to 5 minutes and to build up gradually from a minute. Anyway, if you have 5 minutes of time it's well worth a watch. Thank you to the creator for the recipe.


This is one of the best videos I have ever seen, he is the only man who has not told us to buy his expensive products, it’s so nice to see that every thing he mentions was made by nature


This REALLY works! I've been doing it for a few months now and can see such a difference! I wish I had taken before and after pictures! I swish first with the salt water, then for about 20 minutes with the oil and clove. I go to the dentist regularly, and have spent thousands of dollars on gum treatments, but got FAR BETTER and MUCH MORE noticeable results from a $12 bottle of sesame oil and a can of cloves left over from Christmas! They are almost back to normal! (I completed my treatments over 6 months ago, but saw zero improvement on my gums with the dentist! So decided to try this.) I am so impressed with the results, that I had to come back and thank you for making this video! Thank you so much!


Here's another testimonial for you! I have had a large blister-like "thing" on my gum, (lower jaw/front) for several years! My dentist, who had no idea how to treat it, sent me to a specialist, who did a root canal, which did not help it, at all. Since I have receding gums, I gave your treatment a go. I wasn't even thinking about my "blister." After the first treatment, last night, it's almost totally gone. Thank you!


Brush gently in the morning, using 2 fingers for electric toothbrush (you are not cleaning your sink)
Evening routine: (1 hour after eating)
1. Rinse with 1 TB water + Himalyan pink sait (pinch)
2. Oil pulling. in mortal & pestle, 2 ts sesame oil + 1/2 ts whole cloves. Smush gently. Strain. Mix 1 ts oil + 1 ts. water. Swish slowly for 1 minute, then 3-5 minutes (cleans plaque, bacteria, heals gums)
3. Tumeric gel. 1/2 ts tumeric + 1/2 ts H2O. Rub with fingers in circular motion. After 1 minute, rinse with water.
Enjoy! and thank you!


I've got tell you, I saw this video for the first time 6 days ago. I have clove oil, so I used it just as he instructs. 3 days in, I noticed the receding gumline was not as receded! I could not believe it! Not only that, but, there has NEVER been a time in my adult life that my gums have not bled when brushed. In recent years, it has just looked like I was brushing my teeth with blood, when I would spit while brushing. Only 2 days in and that was when I noticed the blood from my gums was almost not even present! On the 3rd day, I noticed none at all. When I finished and rinsed, I went and sat down and cried. This has changed my life in ways that I cannot even put into words. From the most sincere places within my heart...Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! One last thing...I missed the part about whiter teeth. So, that took me by surprise...very noticeable and, again, VERY appreciated.


My gums had started receding alarmingly. My gums grew back completely. There are no words to thank you enough for this video.


Those who are having gum problems need Vitamin C. No dentist will tell you this because it will make unnecessary all those expensive treatments. Vitamin c is cheap and you need it anyway. Try it and see. It made all the difference for me. I haven't had gum problems in years and I did before. Vitamin C deficiency is scurvy and first symptom is gum loss and then teeth loss.


Excellent remedy and I also carry ginger as a breath freshener. Anytime I feel stale I just chew on a slice of my ginger. It’s fermented so we have multiple healing factors as the ginger helps your gut bacteria and that’s where most people’s stink comes from. Fix the gut as we fix our teeth 🦷


1. Rinsing with pink salt
2. Oil pulling with clove oil +water mixture
3. Apply turmeric gel (turmeric +water)


0:12 How to brush
1:47 Night time: Ayurvedic Remedy:
2:01 Step 1 - RINSING (see video description for detailed steps + ingredients)
2:20 Step 2 - OIL PULLING (see video description for detailed steps + ingredients)
3:38 Step 3 - TURMERIC GEL (see video description for detailed steps + ingredients)

If you want to be more green:
Tip: DO NOT spit the pulled oil down the drain - it will coat the pipes, harden and cause blockages. spit into tissue and throw it in garbage
Tip: Turmeric stains porcelain, spit into container, feed to plants. (Youtube search: "Turmeric haldi for plants Why how should you use turmeric in your plants Organic Gardening")
Tip: The strained cloves can be reused for your plants. (Youtube search: "Organic pesticide by using cloves to use any plants Natural Pesticide And control fungus")


Thank you for this. Two receeding gums from zealous brushing. Used the Tumeric powder and made a paste with olive oil....after several minutes I am noticing tingling on the gumline. This is evidence of rich oxygenated blood getting to those gums. As a nurse I will tell you I am very encouraged.😊🦋😊


Thank you, thank you, thank you THANK YOU!!! I’ve been having really bad tooth sensitivity for 3 days now, I mean really bad to the point that if I wiggled my nose my teeth would be in pain 😢 saw this video and wasted no time in doing it since I already had all the ingredients in my kitchen. When I did the salt rinse I felt the pulsing in my gums go down and when I did the oil pulling I felt my gums disinflate and my headache went away, yaaay!!! Since this is my very first time doing this it didn’t completely remove the sensitivity but at least it reduced it to half. I will continue to do this until the sensitivity is completely gone.
Once again THANK YOU!!! 🙏🏽 😊🙏🏽


I did the turmeric paste today, and my teeth are already whiter, less stained!! Can't wait to do the clove part too. Thank you so so much for imparting your wisdom and goodness.


Thank you so much for this protocol. After doing this daily for around two months one tooth, which had receded is almost fully covered. The others are following but at a slower pace.THANK


Oil pulling with coconut oil is mind blowing mouth feels instantly better


I've just found out my gum disease treatment has essentially failed.
I've only been flushing with salt water for a few days, but can notice a difference already.
I've given up smoking now, ready to give this a proper go!
Thank you for you video & to all the helpful people in the comments! 🙏

I've always had beautiful teeth, but couldn't afford to go to the dentist during the so called "pandemic" & now have a mouth full ugliness as a result.
It's been the most traumatic thing I've ever experienced, but I'm glad everyone else got to feel "safe"while I was living a real life nightmare 👍
