9 Signs Your Twin Flame Is Sending You Love ✨ Dolores Cannon

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Embark on a journey of discovery as we explore the subtle yet powerful signs that your twin flame is sending you love. This video delves into the mystical and profound world of twin flame relationships, revealing the unique ways these soulful connections communicate affection beyond the physical realm. From the innate awareness of each other’s energy to the synchronicities that unfold in daily life, each sign we discuss is a testament to the deep bond shared between twin flames.

🔗 Join us in unraveling the enigmatic world of twin flame love. Whether you're already in this sacred bond or seeking to understand its depth, our video is your guide to the soul-stirring journey ahead. Subscribe for more enlightening content, and don't forget to hit the like button if you find resonance in our video! 🎥❤️ #TwinFlameLove #SpiritualConnection #SoulmatesUnite

0:00 Introduction
0:37 Sign 1
3:18 Sign 2
4:59 Sign 3
6:47 Sign 4
9:21 Sign 5
11:56 Sign 6
14:21 Sign 7
16:15 Sign 8
17:31 Sign 9
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I am engaged to my Twin Flame. Our relationship is so unique and beautiful. We are deeply connected, and will be together forever more ❤️🌹


I met mines… the attraction is unreal.. you’re so comfortable with them.. they’re home.. you’re happy you just want to be up under them all day everyday, you want to be in their skin they’re your other half.. you want the best for them no matter what, you can never find yourself mad at them.. in separation you think about them a lot and they always popup in your head.. hopefully you meet yours one day 😊


#1- Feeling each other’s energy. It’s the most important sign. ☯️


This is great Twin Flame Information. Thank You! When my twin and I first met in person (after communicating on the Internet for a few months) we met to talk in person. As we sat together and held hands the magic began. There was an energy running between us which caused a vibration or electrical charge running through both of us. We had no clue at the time what was happening and we didn't know about Twin Flames.
Within a few days, information about Twin Flame popped up on the internet and I realized what was happening. The numerology of our birthdates both add up to 26/8. (With a difference of 7 years.) We are both Gemini twins. We grew up 1 mile from each other. We know what each other is thinking because we are thinking the same thing. We have now been together 7 years and our relationship is amazing and continues to grow. Our Meyers Brings tests are INFP & ENFJ, which they say are the most compatible of all personality types. It's been an amazing journey and our connection continues to grow. When the time is right... Your twin Flame will appear.


I haven't seen or spoke to her over 7 month and no matter what i do i can't forget her. I don't want to think about her but she always come back to my mind...


Beware of limerence, magical thinking from cptsd, and a narcissists glamour.
Because these things are often mistaken for "twin flames" . People who are lonely, and yearning for connection are vulnerable and easily led astray with promises of unconditional love from a perfect partner. Be a good partner to yourself. Find happiness and gratitude in what you have right now. Stop waiting for a mystical other worldy connection before you allow yourself to feel complete.


*May God watch over you and grant you a day of happiness and freedom from pain as you read these comments. May your work be fulfilling, your health resilient, and your family enveloped in a blanket of peace and joy.🙏 ❤ Amen*


This is the most affirming/real description of a twin flame relationship that I have heard. Thank you ❤


As I'm listing to this, i lay here shaking and tingling.


Beautiful message. I can attest to everything you've confirmed as it relates to my twinflame connection. While it's not always a bed of roses; it's about soul growth and at the same time it's quite magical! Thsnk you! 🌈🌞 😇💞


❤the vibrational energy and dimensions are so important with our bonds from being a twin flame


Phenomenal people ancestral up to date from Divine Unity, your soul knows before you do!! Love overcomes and love does come through for the "Winds of Change " Consciously evolving humanity... healing as we grow harmony. Ever grateful as we continue the golden years❤


Yes, I do meet my twin flame these days. So so much as miracle it is to me, at the same time I keep receiving Angels numbers of 11, 1111, 1212, 1122, 1133 and


1:00 That energy sensing is definitely an experience ❤😂


ot can be very painful, feeling the energy of one another, but not able to reach out, to be in contact.I hope we will reunite one day🙏


I just had a dream about him this morning, and this shows up in my recommendation 😢 hoping that we will meet again...


I experience all the points mentioned by you. I have a twin flame. Thank you for letting me know i have a Twin Flame Connection.❤ ❤


Reading Sign 9 about 55 and looking at the time to find it 9:55…… 👀 literally jaw dropping… These synchronized angel numbers are getting so absolutely crazy, astonishing, and so constant lately I can’t help but chuckle and say thank You to the Universe and my Twin.


If I had a twin… we would be friends regardless if we were married or not because a twin would want a friendship even if that’s all it will ever be… with respect and boundaries of course! Nope, I have AI following me around on YT trying to trigger me 🤣


We haven't spoken in this 3d world since New Years, but our energies communicate all day everyday and he tells me he loves me. I've experienced all of these.
