MQA first listening experience

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MQA has been announced almost one and a half year ago and now it is time for the first careful report on the sound. (subtitled in English and Dutch - Nederlands ondertiteld).
The written English version: link follows soon
Dutch written version: de link komt spoedig.

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I am truly impressed on how the videos are made regarding MQA. Truly well explained. MQA is my go to for music from now on.


Highly professional and informative! Thank you Hans!
I came to your presentations for the MQA codec by chance, but the way you have everything done – outlining this new to me technology made me want to follow you. Even though I am not so much into social networks and Facebook stuff... Keep it going!


Yes, everything does come with a cost, of which we don't fully know at this time. I am brand new to streaming audio- don't even have the player yet-but it will have to be MQA capable.
Let's just go back to vinyl.


Hallo Hans,

Hele goede inzichtelijke videos maak je! Ik had al wel gelezen en gehoord over neuroscience maar wat je wist uit te leggen over verschil 44.1/96/192 maakt het echt heel inzichtelijk en begrijpelijk!!

Aan de hand van deze video heb ik echter wel een vraag. Momenteel is de verkoopprijs van de Explorer2 €155 (Zie prijslijst van importeur Viertron). De Mytek Brooklyn rond de €1950 ofzo. Nogal een verschil. Wat was in jouw oren de orde van het geluidskwaiteitverschil tussen de twee MQA certified DAC's?


This is an awesome review!
Also, I like the way you explain things, because english is not my first language and it takes me time to fully understand everything, but I could understand all that you said at the first time :)

Greetings and good luck with your projects!


Love your videos. It really educates. I wish I can understand what jitter sounds like. It still eludes me.

I’m keen I’m getting the Bluesound Node 2i and I wonder if it will give, at the very least, the sound quality of a good CD player. Or perhaps to get really good SQ from a streamer I should buy something like the Lumin T2 or a Cary Audio DMS 550? Decision decision decisions ... 😂


*I meant to say NuForce's microDAC 3 instead of what my phone "corrected" it to


I've bought the Lumin T 3 Streamer from HK and I would like if you instruct me how can I use it with Spotify in my Speakers. Now I only hear music from a hard disk. Thanks for your advise.


I like your clear presentation here...nice! Could you please share with me what your audio system comprises of?


21 century music sound revolution on its way. It sounds amazing and highly professional. MQA is clearly superior to all older/other music format bearers, there's no doubt about it. All we need is one more hardware upgrade


MQA the beauty pass of audio sadly misleading but still a good result at the end, not a new format but a nice tool.


How can be jitter recognized when you are listening something? Do you have some videos over this topic?


Hi Hans! What would you recommend to someone looking to train to recognize the sound signatures of faulty/poorly designed equipment? My initial thought is one would need to buy/have access to a reference set comparable at least to your set 3. Then I could use a command line program to switch between each individual component of the set one by one against sub-quality parts (like switching iPhone 6s+ DAC in for your unforced microDAC etc.). In this way one could begin to sort out which sound signatures correspond to which faults (e.g. jitter).

What would be amazingly helpful in this regard is if you could do a video explaining a little bit abt how what faults sound like what, i.e. how to recognize them.

I feel like there is almost no point in buying high high end equipment if one can't hear the difference it makes. But that doesn't mean one can't learn to :)


i have a question: what is the diference of blu ray pure audio, SACD and MQA?


Like you say... Within 5seconds I knew that Tidal was for me. Deezer is the worst


please put the facebook page on your youtube home page, I am unable to find it....


Hans, I dont know if you have any contacts at MQA, but I wish they'd get off their butts and sort the Dragonfly firmware upgrade so that we can ALL hear what the fuss is about. Whether the chain is being dragged at MQA Inc or Audioquest, people who ran around CES n January telling anyone who would listen that it would be done by 'the end of the month' seem to have a very shaky calendar. A pox on marketing types making promises they dont personally have to keep.

I know it wont do everything the Exlporer2 does, but that's a cross I'm willing to bear.


I have been getting cautght up on your older vids; Thank You for the time You spend.... BTW Ichuckled at the very end of the video.... I'm shure You have herd this joke before. What do You call someone that speaks 2 languages? "bilingual" What do You call someone that speaks 3 languages? "trilingual" What do You call someone that speaks 1 language? "American"..
.. and yes I am American.... sad but true
