3 Rules That Will Change Your Chess Thinking System Forever!

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Quite often, chess players play a good game, get a promising winning position, and then, on the verge of victory, make serious blunders due to miscalculations, suddenly losing the game.

Such blunders can be really annoying and even shatter the hope of progress for most chess players. Does this sound familiar? Well, you're not alone!

So, how do you avoid such costly blunders and find the best moves in any position? In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov will share 3 simple rules that will help you improve at chess faster by reducing blunders and finding great moves that you might otherwise miss.

► Chapters

00:00 3 Simple Rules To Improve In Chess Faster
00:14 Example-1
01:22 Rule-1
03:37 Example-2
05:04 Example-3
05:28 Rule-2
07:05 Example-4
07:22 Rule-3
09:56 Puzzle of the day

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#IgorNation #ChessTips #ChessRules #ChessPrinciples #ChessImprovement #ChessBlunders
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1 what do they want?
2 what has changed?
3 what happens after my move?


Could you perhaps do a video playing a game against a high rated player while explain your thinking process, I'd love to see how a grandmaster thinks while playing his games.


1. QxN, cxQ 2. Bxb3+, Kh8 3. Nf7+ Kg8 4. Nh6++ Kh8 perpetual or QxN e BxQ


This channel has improved my chess more than *any* other! So much so that I no longer spend time watching any other YouTube chess teacher. My rating has improved dramatically. I still have a long way to go but now often beat or at least give a run for their money much higher rated players who I couldn't even dream of challenging.


► Chapters

00:00 3 Simple Rules To Improve In Chess Faster
00:14 Example-1
01:22 Rule-1
03:37 Example-2
05:04 Example-3
05:28 Rule-2
07:05 Example-4
07:22 Rule-3
09:56 Puzzle of the day


Idk my friend, Igor. I'm new to your channel. But one thing for sure, all I am doing right now everytime I see Youtube recommendation about your videos is automatically liking and replay it. It really helps me improving my Chess skill in the last 2 months. Especially your Youtube Shorts. Just keep it up, Bro! 🎉👏🏻🙏🏻


Thank you for the very practical advice.


This is a good video. The first section got me good, very nice chess puzzle and well presented. You are a gentleman and a scholar Mr. Smirnov.


After Rxf8+, black still has a winning position, and he maintains that with Rxf8 in response. With Bxf8, however, white can achieve a draw by sacrificing his queen.
1.Qxd4+! cxd4 2.Bxb3+ Kh8 (black has no other good response) 3.Nf7+ Kg8 4.Ne5+ ... and black can keep repeating this.


Another great video from Igor & changes your way of thinking which is more important than anything. I would recommend any of his courses to improve your chess game well worth it


In puzzle as an 1600 rapid elo player I think that he can't move his knight as I saw no checks and threats.
Also he can't save a minor piece but he has an Queen sac at d4 taking knight and if we take that knight there's a draw or balance of material as he can take pawn back and give check with bishop and only square remaining for king will be h8 then knight check this can go on untill we give our queen back and get an equal position


This is really a fantastic Channel, Subbed.


I also noticed for the rule 3 section that after b3 and exb3, you can fork the queen and the rook with the knight with kc2


Qd4!! brilliant sacrifice of the queen!!


The puzzle answer: Bxf8 is a mistake for black. Because after c3 counter attack a knight. Black has only 1 good move which is bxa2 and after cxd4 cxd4. White doesn't take a pawn but go to Qg5 and safe his knight. That's why Rxf8 is better because our bishop will still protevt g5 square and white will have to to defend his knight by pinning himself and we would just play Bd6 pressure a knight and finally win it. Pretty small detail


Hi, Igor. Thank to your videos i get 1400 elo almost in solo from 0(with only post game analysis, lichess puzzles and yt videos (no coach irl) ). I'd like to know what to do in endgames like bare kings with queen vs knight/bishop/rook. Also i would be glad to know how to checkmate bare king with knight and bishop. Thank you


Interesting furrther puzzle after b3!, can white do anything about the dual attack on bishop and knight? c3 is an idea, because if the d4 knight leaves, you get Bxb3+ and white’s attack is on. If bxa2 then cxd4 and the e5 knight is defended. So how (if any way) can black maintain the advantage?. I’ll stop here for responses.


Dude, love your channel. You have improved my game.


I went from 1100 to 1500 Rapid in a couple of months just by watching this channel.
Thanks for all the great information


I thought a while about the difference in the last position and suddenly saw the possibility of Qxd4, exploiting the diagonal with f7 not defended by the R anymore! So Qxd4 cxd Bxb3+ and black either has to give the Q back or face perpetual with Nf7+!
