Algebra Ch 44: Functions (3 of 8) Evaluate Functions: Examples

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We will evaluate the follow functions:
f(x)=x^2-3x+2 for x=2 find f(x=2)=?
f(x)={(2.6), (3,8), (4,10), (5,2)} find f(x=2)=?
Next video in this series can be seen at:
Algebra Ch 44: Functions (3 of 8) Evaluate Functions: Examples
Algebra - Ch. 44: Functions (2 of 8) How to Evaluate a Function
Algebra Ch 44: Functions (6 of 8) Evaluating a Quadratic Equation
Algebra Ch 44: Functions (4 of 8) Special Case #1: Slope of a Function
Algebra - Ch. 44: Functions (1 of 8) Notations of a Function
Algebra Ch 44: Functions (8 of 8) Special Example #2: Slope
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Algebra - Ch. 44: Functions (7 of 8) Special Example #1: Slope
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