Tariffs in U.S.-China trade war may impact U.S. consumers, experts say

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The Biden and Trump administrations have accused China of unfair trade practices and flooding international markets with artificially cheap goods. Analysts say both presidential candidates are using tariffs to counter China and encourage U.S. manufacturing jobs. Elizabeth Lee reports.

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That's exactly how tariffs always work. We the consumers pay the price.


Ultimately the consumer pays for it in quality or marked up costs.


$6.0 bike bell becomes $9.60 does ring a bell. Tariffs is essentially NOT a trade policy, but a cope out for the politicians. How so? Because they failed to implement a viable manufacturing policy, and now trying to patch up the gaps.

Tariffs do serve a purpose if it is being used correctly. It buys some time for the local industries to catch up to the cheaper imports. However, if it is there just to win votes, like what is happening in the auto industry, then tariffs lost its real purpose.
