Unconscious Bias with Jennifer Eberhardt

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Unconscious bias operates in subtle ways, but its effects are profound. Behind the racial disparities evident everywhere from the classroom to the courtroom to the boardroom lie implicit assumptions of which we often aren’t even aware.

Watch renowned psychologist Jennifer Eberhardt in our latest RSA Spotlight - the edits which take you straight to the heart of the event!

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Hey everyone, speak up and tell her how much better you know psychology than she does. She's only a Professor of Psychology at Stanford University.
Sigh, comment section is pure Dunning-Kruger for as far as the eye can see.


1:30 important question. Did you find similar disparities with criminal activity? If you did not ask this question, then that is a result of your unconscious bias. If you are willing to risk that people be silent victims, then perhaps you have unconscious bias towards your ingroup. If you are trying to protect violent criminals over their victims, then perhaps you have unconscious bias.

According to unconscious bias theory, EVERYONE has unconscious bias AND THERE IS NO POSSIBLE WAY TO NOT HAVE UNCONSCIOUS BIAS. As such, it is like complaining that the sky is blue. Sure that might have effects on people's behavior, but complaining about it is not productive.


3:55 - come on. The kid's understood colors for 2 years at this point. While I think she used this anecdote to loosen up the audience, I highly doubt her five year old thinks "all black people look alike."


I'm surprised by the reactions to this video, but perhaps should not feel this way. I didn't find this clip so controversial. We didn't even get into the depths of her research, just one anecdote about connecting with police. What gives?


"...they had on bulletproof vests, they had taught faces, their eyes were distant and I knew I had a problem on my hands and I could feel a chill in the room..." Not quite the start I would hope for from someone who was there to lecture about removing bias... Just sayin'.


Im consciously bias against the unscientific concept of unconscious bias. Maybe people are just different and there's nothing wrong with that.


Does invited mean hired and paid? She should be paid for training, if she does it, but does doing paid training classes bias the research she did that got her the job?


She needs to read from her own book. She looks down a lot while speaking and expects police officers to connect with her?


Her argument with the anecdote is as follows:
Children who speak without understanding why is primarily due to societal influence.
This child said something that could be construed as racist without knowing why.
Therefore, societal influence is racist.


I am not connecting with this speaker. I am sure her research would find it is due to racial bias. My research finds it is because she looks down a lot.


Unconscious bias...i think you meant preference. Policing someone's preferences is vile!
what she is talking about isn't unconscious, it's plan ol bias.


Oof, so this is the first nail in the coffin
