How to Keep Bananas Fresh for Longer

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This easy tip ensures that your Bananas stay fresh for up to 5 days longer! Try it out the next time you get a bunch and let me know what you think :)

Facebook Page: Vijaya Selvaraju

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I kept my bananas fresher in the refridge. The skins did turn brown, but the banana inside was fresh. Using the method here, by covering the tips, AND putting them in the refridge, I have kept my banana's fresh for almost 8 days now. Cool!!


Just separate the bananas cut off the stem to just a little stump is left then wrap in plastic and put in fridge - works every time the ethylene gas comes mostly from the stems but also from the rest of the bananas. If kept together they actually help each other to ripen therefore you need to separate them and wrap them singly.
I am a floral designer and often time customers send fruit and flowers together. One of the first things you learn is to tell the customers to keep fruit and flowers far apart from one another because the ethylene gas the fruit (not just bananas) gives off will make flowers wilt faster. However if you have a bromeliad plant like and aechmea or fire sward and want them to bloom put them in a clear plastic bag put and unripe apple in it blow up the bag with air and then close tightly. Within a few weeks or month to 2 month you plant will bloom.
Also if you have a bromeliad plant and the flower has finished blooming the plant will die but will produce little offshoots - babies than can be replanted and after about -23 maybe 4 years depending on plant be forced into bloom with the same method as mentioned above.


Thanks a lot! I hope this works. I have trouble keeping my bananas more than a few days before they start to go soft...


I eat a fruit salad every morning. Most of the fruits (diced apple, orange, pineapple, dried blueberries and cranberries, red grapes) I can mix in a bowl and keep in the fridge for a week. But I have to add bananas daily. I like sweet bananas (about stage 4 or 5). When I shop, I try to get one useable right away (for 2 days per each), one with a light green stem, another even greener, in the hope that they will ripen in sequence. Unfortunately they don’t. By day 3 they all look stage 4 or 5. I’m going to shop as usual for bananas in different stages, but wrap all but the ripest one, and see if that delays them sequentially. Trouble with buying a bunch (all in the same stage) is that while they may ripen more slowly, they are still all in the same stage. Good idea (I hope).


I'll wrap them in some plastic! It looked great and when I go shopping next(Thursday probably) and when I get home with the 'fresh' bananas wrap each banana's stem in plastic. Thanks so much for the GREAT information!!!


I think you did a great job of showing us how to keep bananas from getting too ripe. I applaud your enthusiasm.


It also helps to place the bananas in a gallon size baggie after wrapping. This will also help extend the ripening process.


Ooh, it is the bananas that releases Gas... I don't know why people blame me.... Good Tip !!!


0:35 - keep them fresh for up to 5 dys longer.
0:43 - split bananas
0:55 - take plastic wrap
1:09 - wrap it tight around stem (top of banana where u peel).
1:22 - complete cover stem tight
1:31 - press on it to get rid of air


The question I asked in the search bar was "why is it that bananas stay yellow in the store but they turn black when I get them home?". I notice that most fruit looks good at the store and the same fruit that is still there when I go back is still the same but when it goes home it goes bad quickly? Does the store do something different like using special lighting etc?


how do we see if this idea kept the bananas from ripening period? you just showed us how to wrap them not what they look like after a week


I used duct tape and my banana lasted almost 11 months. Later realised it was one of those plastic bananas they usually put on display in those Ikea displays.


Thank you! Concise and informative! Great personality, too!


Thanks a lot. Its amazing, I preserved bananas for 1 week easily. Very effective.


Thank you for the great tip. I have always struggled with the bananas ripening too quick too soon. This will definitely help. I going to try this useful information.


Hi, Thanks for the tip. I used your method plus I stored the separated, stems-wrapped bananas in my refrigerator. After 3 days- so far, so good


organic last longer even when they are brown and when they turn brown spots inside they are not rotten but firm.


Thanks so much for the tip. I've been dieting for the past few months and I started having a fruit bowl. Well I my bananas definitely started to darken before I could get around to eating them. Thanks again!


Fantastic! I've been looking for a solution to this problem for years. Thanks so much!!


I am usually in the business of finding new ways to ripen fruits quicker but this is a good tip. Thank you.
