A quick health update

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my man, i hate to hear this. I really do hope that this helps. my beautiful wife had to recently have surgery for her back and hip and it was a rough recovery. i hope that you have a good recovery and i'll try to shout a prayer or two up to the big man for ya


I'm glad you are reading this message 😁 Take some well deserved rust, I mean ... rest. Looking forward to see what's in the recorded backlog ... and will happy wait for you to be fully recovered for further content :) Looking forward catching up in person buddy!


Look after yourself, Amos. We'll all be here rooting for you.


It'll be fine, mate. Have a fun recovery.
Thanks for pre-recording content for us.


I do not usually comment yt videos, but you are my favourite Rust content creator (I hope I do not violating the New Rust Terms and Conditions now lol), anyway I hope you get well soon, and looking forward for a new mind-blowing hardcore programming! Good luck


Oh man, I think sometime in my life I'm going to go through the same. I was actually shocked that all that could be caused by a simple fact that in childhood you did not place your tongue like you should and like all people do. Apparently, the majority keep their tongue on the top of the mouth, which helps to expand the upper jaw in the childhood. And if you don't, you could be screwed. Thankfully it's not yet causing any problems in my fairly young age, but I was warned.

Wish you a swift recovery and hope you'll feel much better afterward. Best of luck!


I just watched your latest video where you claimed to be a human... Allegedly. I knew it! No mere mortal has to back up their claim like that. All this extra titanium hardware will just be icing on the cake. I can't even imagine what an Amos without headaches can do. I wish you all the good vibes and a swift recovery!


I had an “upper and lower mandibular osteotomy” several years ago, or as it’s more commonly known “jaw breakey movey.”

It sucked for a bit but I was back on solids and so happy that I’d had it in no time at all.

Your content is incredible and is a big part of why I now write Rust for a living. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. My career is more fulfilling than it’s ever been (although I’ll temper that with your other advice)!

Wishing you a speedy recovery!


Good luck and be safe ✨
Nice cover btw 😁


Howdy Squire, As someone who had some major health stuff blow up in my face this last year, it’s going to feel great when you are on the other side. Rest up; take all the medications the doctors prescribed; and be patient with yourself. Congratulations putting your health first!


Looking forward to the new you and the new rust content, happy you're taking your health seriously and doing the best for you


take a well deserved rest! I'm a dev with 25 years of experience (java, C/C++, ruby, and now rust), and I still learn a lot from your content!


I know you have recovered now but i just wanted to say that man your an inspiration to all of us. I got interest into systems programing watching your videos. Your an inspiration to many people to ask "Why it works the way it does ? And go on journey to find out" I hope you all the health man and we are routing for you AND OH MY GOD YOU SING SO GOD DAMN WELL


Hey Amos, I wanted to let you know, that my friend went thru the same type of surgery in February, and he is doing just fine now. You are going to get thru. Thanks for caring about us, with giving us update and prerecording videos. Wish you a good recovery, we'll be rooting for you.


wishing you a quick recovery! its great that you are doing this.


I have been following you since 2019 or 2018sh when you used to stream content over twitch. As health is more important than anything else, I wish you for speedy recovery. Thank you for all our contribution, and I really enjoy reading your articles. See ya soon.


Oh wow, that sounds scary! I hope everything goes well, wish you the best!


I hope the surgery is successful, and the pain and awkwardness doesn't last too long. You produce the best technical content I've seen anywhere, and have been the greatest person on social media. We'll be here when you get back, happy to see you.

Also, great work on the song, ten-years-ago Amos!


Getting surgery is very stressful. I distinctly remember the day I was getting surgery to remove the bulk of my brain tumor. It's burned into my brain: sitting in the waiting room, getting put on a bed, and breathing in the knockout gas. It's an understatement to just say that it's "stressful". I remember that I scheduled a video to publish a couple days after my surgery day just in case I died in surgery (which is obviously not what happened).

I guess I just wanted to say that I know what you're going through, truly. Regardless of how severe your medical problem is, getting surgery is a life changing experience. I'm wishing you a speedy recovery, Amos.


Beautiful! The music cover reminds me how we are doing not because it's what we are most interested in, but because it's a thing we are interested in that also makes money (in some balance). I'm sure in a life where we aren't scrambling to survive, that you would make an awesome professional musician 🙂
