Climate change poses lifelong health risks to future generations: Study

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A new study by more than 120 global health experts showed that a rise in deadly infectious diseases and rampant malnutrition are two of the lifelong illnesses that climate change could bring to future generations. The report by the Lancet Countdown -- a coalition of institutions including the World Health Organization -- said water-borne bacteria that cause diarrhea can spread much faster due to a warming climate. Stocks of staple foods will plunge, leading to malnutrition that will weaken the immune systems of young children and can cause long-term developmental problems.

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Another example of a robotic mindless propaganda piece. I would love to see that "study".


Doom is being reported as future News - chicken little is alive and well - I think warming is better than an Ice Age since my children(or grand) only need to buy a larger air conditioner or move north or south.
