How Calvinism Infiltrates Christianity Part 2

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#Gospel #christmas2022 #Calvinism #JesusIsLord #FaithonFire
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This is the best Christmas present for a Calvinist. Thank you for preaching Gods unadulterated Holy Word.


Merry Christmas Brian, I always enjoy your vids and wish you great success in the future. 0:25 the story goes that the producers were refusing to include Linus' recitation of the Birth of Jesus in Luke. Chas. Shultz threatened to cancel the entire production if it was not included 'as is'... and he 'won the day' Schultz wanted to be true to the reason for the season... and he willingly put all his chips on the line. And I think God rewarded him for it. (I saw it when it 'first' aired in 1965 😲, , , and I cry every time I watch it still today... every time. There is a definite anointing on that piece which still remains)


That Charlie Brown Christmas special has always been my favorite because of that very scene where Linus reads the account of Christs birth from Luke 2 (even when I was a child) I also want to tell you The last church I attended abut 5 years ago had us all change from the NKJV to the ESV and I have been reading it since until I left that church and since I watched your video on the ESV and began going to Calvary Chapel..I have set aside my ESV and will be purchasing a new condition KJV soon (I have an old ratty one from when I was first saved 40 years ago) funny but after all these years reading from the NKJV an the ESV I still remember the verses in the KJV anyway :-) So thanks again Brian! Billy


The guys at the 'BEE' poke the Calvinists regularly.👍


Merry Christmas Brian. May your channel grow exponentially in 2023.


Merry Christmas, Brian! Peace to you and joy today at the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ 🙏🏼! I was following your video in my NASB1995 Bible version and yes, it's the same as that crazy ESV (that also has a change regarding women being silent in the church, which you explained in a different video. That was eye opening for sure.) Now I feel I need to research verse 14 to understand why those changes were made, because that really is unnerving; it means something completely different. NIV says "...on whom His favor rests." Time to see what the Greek meant. Anyway, thanks for your videos, my friend! My brother, may you receive blessing upon blessing in 2023! Sending love to your family.


Calvanism makes salvation confusing and complicated . The good news was never meant to be some hard to obtain mystery.
In my opinion they reform-atted the Gospel . ....but I'm just dumb plow boy, what do I know .


What does "the elect" actually mean??


Luke 2:14 is the same translation in the KJV and NKJV. Soteriology 101 is a good resource for exposing the heresy of Calvinism.


So the Angels told the shepherds this is gonna be great for some of you.🤣🤣 To the rest of you, it won't matter more than a hill of beans.


... A new Christian should NEVER be given an ESV

Merry Christmas, Brian, and thank you for fighting for the faith!


All people.
If God says He’s going to save everyone, HIS will will be done. Even the vessels of wrath fitted for destruction. If All men means everyone, then we all are saved through Messiah. We will all choose the broad way, sin, death and self. Not Him. If He says all, and you interpret it to mean all. Then all will be saved.
No one chooses Him. He calls
If He chooses all men..His will will be done.


What manuscripts do they use as reference to these verse changes?


Before Jesus died on the cross, people sinned on a regular basis, and they sacrificed animals for forgiveness.
The Bible tells us that Jesus death on the cross was meant to give us a better way. He came to bring righteousness to his chosen people.
2 Corinthians 5:21 tells us this:
"For our sake, he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."
Scripture also says:
1 Peter 2:24
"He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness."
Scripture also says:
“And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.” Romans 6:18.
There are many people who call themselves Christians today who do not live any differently than people did before Jesus came.
They sin on a regular basis just as people always did before. They believe they have been saved even though there is no distinction between their lifestyles and that of unbelievers. They believe Jesus made the sacrifice so that they can sin without a penalty and recieve constant forgiveness.
This was not what God intended. The free gift that he offers is only for those who are obedient to living without sin.
Hebrews 5:9 tells us:
"And being made perfect, he (Jesus) became the source of eternal salvation to all who OBEY him, "
Deliberate rebellion against God was not acceptable before Jesus came:
Numbers ch. 15 tells us:
"But the person who does anything
presumptuously, whether he is native-born or a stranger, that one brings reproach on the Lord, and he shall be cut off from among his people. Because he has despised the word of the Lord, and has broken His commandment, that person shall be completely cut off; his guilt shall be upon him."
Also, we are told that deliberate rebellion today is still not tolerated even after Jesus died on the cross:
“For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries.”
(Hebrews 10:26).
Jesus came to forgive sins and also to bring righteousness to those that he chooses to forgive. Most Christians deny that righteousness is possible. Without faith in the power of God to deliver us from the bondage of sin, they will not be able to enter his kingdom.


My Dear Brian why do we forget to remember what Jesus said when he told us not to change the word it does not matter how old the transcripts are we have to be accurate in our history. What purpose does it serve to call ourselves christian if we do things our way.


Of course, you could also just let people believe what they want to believe. Are they personally hurting you? If they are wrong, they're wrong. What is suffering?
The only thing that you are doing is trying to raise your own self esteem. By being rude and disrespectful.


Hi Brian, merry Christmas! I am noticing that the ESV has 'all THE people' while the KJV has only 'all people' in verse 10. English is not my first language but it seems intentional. I can just imagine what the Calvinist sees when reading 'all THE people'! What do you think?


How can prophecy be fulfilled if God is not in control?


I don't understand how people can say God doesn't know the future. Saying there is not predestination is another way of saying God isn't all-knowing. That's absurd. It's not up to us to know the secrets of the Father, just because you can't wrap your head around it, doesn't mean it's not true. That's where we humble ourselves before God. You can't have prophacy without predestination. God knew the end before He created the world. He knows all. I believe the confusion comes from people not understanding the Trinity. Jesus says only the Father knows all. So yes, He would say things like, "who so ever believes". He also said that no one can come to Him, unless the Father draws them to Him. John 6:44 KJV. Your faith in Christ is from the Father, not of yourself, for that would be self works for salvation if it was your faith. That faith was a gift from the Father due to Him choosing whom He will have mercy. Be grateful!


Please be advise that 13 books were taken out of the bible during the 19th century that is the cause of the confusion. If God did not want us to know those other books he would have sent his Arch Angel to appear before the prophets to give it to them. It was Uriel who appeared before EZRA and it was Gabriel before Daniel and Zachariah. Do not be deceived by the myths being taught by false teachers who do not act like Jesus Christ.
