Counterfeit Christianity of Roman Catholicism #11: Dave Hunt Proves Romanism to be Damnable Lies

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Questions answered by Dave Hunt in this video:

1. Does the Roman Catholic Church follow the Bible?

2. Can salvation from God only be obtained through Roman Catholic sacraments?

3. What is the gospel of Roman Catholicism?

4. Have the core doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church essentially changed over the centuries?

5. Is the Pope without error?

6. Does the Bible say authority is in the Roman Catholic Church or the Word of God?

7. Are the councils of the Roman Catholic Church always true & authoritative?

8. Why do Evangelical Christians convert to Roman Catholicism?

9. Why did the Roman Catholic Church slaughter millions of true Christians throughout Church history?

10. What about the "Evangelicals & Catholics Together" (ECT) document & how does it attempt to destroy the Protestant Reformation in history?

11. Is it possible that some Roman Catholics might actually be real Christians despite being in the Roman religious system?

12. Is Roman Catholicism a Satanic counterfeit?

13. How do you explain the ECT document being pushed by Bill Bright & Chuck Colson urging a uniting of Romanists with Evangelicals?

14. Are there Catholics that say they are "Born Again" Christians?

15. Is there only way to go to heaven according to the Bible?

16. Are Roman Catholics damned to hell by the Roman Catholic Church if those Roman Catholics do not obey the rules & teachings of the Roman Catholic Church?

17. Why do 70% of Roman Catholics disagree with Roman Catholic doctrine & dogma yet remain as Roman Catholics?

18. What about Roman Catholic traditions, dogmas & councils? Is a Roman Catholic council more important & authoritative than a pope?

Galatians 1:6-9, "I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7 not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed."
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Thank God my saviour took me out of the Catholic Church, I love the word of God praise be to Jesus he has set me free


God bless you Dave Hunt, a true good and faithful servant of the Lord. From an ex Catholic, and now a born again Christian.


I miss Dave. He is genuine and filled with wisdom


Thank you Mr. Hunt for being very specific about the beliefs of the Catholic Church. I was raised Catholic. At the age of 18 I was told the gospel by a Lutheran friend and became born again. I knew Jesus was the Son of God through catechism so it was easy to say yes to his forgiveness. As I began to read God's Word for myself the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to the false teachings of the church. I had asked myself, "Why did it take me 18 years before being told about salvation? Why was I told the Bible was too spiritual for me to understand for myself? Why was the mass kept in Latin so I was unable to understand what was being said? And most importantly, why was I taught I couldn't go to God directly. That I needed a priest to intercede on my behalf for forgiveness?" I was so indoctrinated I thought I would go to hell if I left the Catholic Church even though I knew it was false. But someone wrote me a very timely letter that stated as long as I was washed in the blood of Jesus my salvation was secure regardless of my denomination. "Come out from among them and be ye separate!" I knew I had to follow God's Word above the traditions of man. I did leave the Catholic Church. After 44 years I never looked back. I pray for my dad (who had a salvation experience but stayed in the church) and my 11 brothers and sisters to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ!
Don't be afraid to leave the Catholic Church. God will reward you for your obedience. Pray to find a bible believing church where you can grow spiritually and serve Jesus until He comes to take us home!


Interesting to see the CA men have not approached the editing in the usual sense of including them asking the questions. Is it for something worthwhile, for reducing video time, or not wanting to be seen "in fellowship" with a non-calvinist? I wonder...?

I thank God for my brother, Dave. He helped me walk away from Roman Catholicism.


If anyone doubts Dave Hunts analogy read Jesuit Vatican Tyranny and read Vatican Assassin's Wounded In The House of My Friends by Eric Jon Phelps. Books exposing Catholicism, written by former Catholic priests and bishops and jesuits are legion.


Questions answered by Dave Hunt in this video:

1. Does the Roman Catholic Church follow the Bible?

2. Can salvation from God only be obtained through Roman Catholic sacraments?

3. What is the gospel of Roman Catholicism?

4. Have the core doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church essentially changed over the centuries?

5. Is the Pope without error?

6. Does the Bible say authority is in the Roman Catholic Church or the Word of God?

7. Are the councils of the Roman Catholic Church always true & authoritative?

8. Why do Evangelical Christians convert to Roman Catholicism?

9. Why did the Roman Catholic Church slaughter millions of true Christians throughout Church history?

10. What about the "Evangelicals & Catholics Together" (ECT) document & how does it attempt to destroy the Protestant Reformation in history?

11. Is it possible that some Roman Catholics might actually be real Christians despite being in the Roman religious system?

12. Is Roman Catholicism a Satanic counterfeit?

13. How do you explain the ECT document being pushed by Bill Bright & Chuck Colson urging a uniting of Romanists with Evangelicals?

14. Are there Catholics that say they are "Born Again" Christians?

15. Is there only way to go to heaven according to the Bible?

16. Are Roman Catholics damned to hell by the Roman Catholic Church if those Roman Catholics do not obey the rules & teachings of the Roman Catholic Church?

17. Why do 70% of Roman Catholics disagree with Roman Catholic doctrine & dogma yet remain as Roman Catholics?

18. What about Roman Catholic traditions, dogmas & councils? Is a Roman Catholic council more important & authoritative than a pope?

Galatians 1:6-9, "I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7 not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed."


I'm so thankful for David, Mike gendron, John MacArthur ect...I found these men AFTER Christ showed me the truth in the Bible. I'm 61 cradle devoted Catholic but very ignorant of it's teachings. I encourage Catholics to stop going to any church, read the Bible like a fanatic and ask the Holy Spirit to be your teacher before finding another place of worship. Without the words of God you will be deceive again !!! The devil never gives up !!!


As a former born and raised Catholic now by the Grace of God I am a Born Again Christian... although all my siblings (7) ostracized me for leaving the Catholic Church nontheless I Love them All unconditionally and I hope & Pray they All come out of Babylon 'Come Out of her My People' I pray on a daily basis as well as for many & All other Catholic's to do the same...the deception of Catholicism is extremely disturbing as a young child I never felt comfortable with their diabolical tradition's & doctrine such as going to the confessional booth to tell a priests my sin's and receiving penance for resolution of my sin's ..also going before a statue of the Virgin Mary & praying to her of which I refused to do these 2 RC traditions are only a couple of disturbing things that made me feel lost not saved the main & most disturbing was transubstantiation the Eucharist being miraculously changed into the actual flesh of Jesus although the wafer appeared exactly the same always made me ill to my stomach and made no sense in the least and had no biblical stance what so ever. for it was finished at the Cross on Calvary so no need for recreating the Atonement with every Mass ...I digress..

Furthermore when this current pope of Rome Francis Borgolio was crowned ..if you will.. as the new Vicar of Christ and being the first Jesuit pope my spirit was stirred as I saw this as a red flag although I didn't at that time have complete understanding of who the Jesuit's were so I researched about them ... Ignacius (Indigo) Layola founder of the Jesuit's was a firm believer in Spiritualism and so he challenged Luther and tried to counter the Reformation- Luther Wesley Calvin Hoss Tindale etc (the Reformers) as he bowed down to the pope of Rome and as with All Jesuit's took a blood oath to Honor and Obey All orders as a cadaver to the pope of Rome & the black pope of whom many know nothing about absolutely was a confirmation to me that the Roman Catholic Church was indeed an anathema which says a lot and the Jesuit's are ruthless well educated group of men of which are in the thousand's of whom are men disguised as RC Priests that were spread out throughout the entire world & their agenda and goal is to rid All Heretic's from the face of the earth...the Inquisition was the start of such a 'crusade' where they sought out Christian's that firmly believed in the divinity of the Bible and if they did not convert to Catholicism and bow down to the pope of Rome they were burnt at the stake..they also tortured them in the most barbaric fashion ever known to mankind by the millions including many of the Reformers...moving ahead in history to the Charismatic movement of which led to the Ecumenical movement of which led to Protestant leaders apologizing for the Reformation on behalf of Martin Luther stating the Protest is over!!! This is all part of the Apostasy the great falling away of many Christian's written in Daniel and the book of Revelation..we are definitely headed for a clash between religions and current Free thinking Bible believing True Follower's of Christ Jesus...Put on the Full Armor of God DAILY Brother's and Sister's Remain steadfast in Christ Jesus and Love other's by leading them to Salvation that only comes through the blood of Jesus Christ

Thank you for this confirmation of the true intent of Roman Catholicism and it's false doctrine of which is leading many people estray it's beyond frightening to know just how far the evil one will go to bring so many Christian's to fall with him into the Lake of we are witnessing biblical end time prophecy unfolding right before our very eye's and realize just how very close we are to the 2nd Coming of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ..Much Love and Prayer's for All of Humanity



His book, "A Woman Rides The Beast" is so thorough and well documented, it is incredible! It is well worth your time to read.


I trained to be a Catholic priest. While at the Seminary I was taught by a very intelligent Dominican Nun who was a Canon lawyer who worked with Pope John XXIII and Pope VI in Rome during Vatican II.
She told me that Pope Paul VI instructed her personally to not change a word from the Council of Trent (1545 and 1563) which states that the Roman Catholic Church is the only means of salvation and that all Protestant churches were apostate.
The Counter-Reformation was not intended to reform the corruption of the Roman Church but to destroy Protestantism.
The Canon lawyer also acknowledged that Ecumenism and the Charismatic Movement was designed to destroy Protestantism. This is not a conspiracy theory it is the truth of what was taught in the seminary.
Thank you for downloading this video, I can tell you that this speaker is accurate in everything he is saying.




"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but
rather reprove them."). And to expose error we must make righteous
judgments. Christians must judge in order to: 1. Try the spirits to see
if they are from God, for many false prophets are in the world. (1 John
4:1). 2. Mark & avoid false teachers, slaves of their own bellies,
deceiving many with their smooth & flattering speech (Romans 16:17-18).
3. Rebuke false teachers, rebellious men, & deceivers who subvert
whole families with their false doctrine. (Titus 1:9-16) 4. Have no
fellowship with immoral, impure, or covetous men. (Ephesians 5:5-7) 5.
Receive not deceivers who do not abide in the teaching of Christ into
our homes, nor giving them any greeting. (2 John 7-11) 6. Be wary of
those who preach another gospel. (2 Corinthians 11:4, Galatians 1:6-9).


I was raised in a devote Catholic family and but I am now born again praise God! I pray that God removes the feeling of unworthiness from me which was instilled by Catholicism. My family are all still devote Catholics. I was taught by example that drinking gambling and other vices are fine as purgatory provides everyone a pass. Catholicism is full of contradictioms and false teachings but many Catholics including my family won't consider anything else as this would be disloyal to our deceased Catholic relatives.


Roman Catholicism is Babylonian Priestcraft, mixture of Judaism and paganism.


Pagan Rome never fell, it just took on Christian names and regrouped as the RCC church


Billy Graham definitely helped the growth of the Catholic Church...and he did that in big scale!!!


What an incredible mind the Lord blessed Dave with. Awesome video


& how Roman Catholic apologists are at each others' throats because
of the vast differences within Romanism itself. There are a wide
variety of different types of religionists who still refer to themselves
as Roman Catholics. There are types of Romanists who do not accept
Vatican II Romanists or their popes since the time of Vatican II (called
To learn more about particular brands of Romanism & which group of
Romanists you might belong to if you are Roman Catholic please see our
video called The Homosexual Pope, Priests, Universalists, Evolutionists
For others wanting to learn about the entire spectrum of Romanist
heretical theology please see our playlist, "Dealing with Roman
Catholicism, Idolatry & the Virgin Mary" with 156 videos &
Titus 1: 14-16, "Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of
men, that turn from the truth. 15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but
unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even
their mind and conscience is defiled. 16 They profess that they know
God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and
unto every good work reprobate."


Also while at the seminary we were taught about Pope Pius XII and Hitler. Commonly known as "Hitler's Pope". People today need to be more discerning and learn from history!
A good start is listening to Dave Hunt.
