Did Hideo Kojima's Writing Partner Make Metal Gear Solid Great?!

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If you're a hardcore Metal Gear Solid fan like myself, you're probably familiar with the Fukushima theory. Tomokazu Fukushima was Hideo Kojima's writing partner for the first three games in the saga. In regards to Metal Gear Solid 4 and 5, people noticed a dip in story quality. Those who ascribe to the Fukushima theory, believe that that dip in quality was due to Fukushima's absence. But is that true? Let's find out.

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Hideo Kojima has the same problem as George Lucas: both are capable of great work, but only if there's someone around who is allowed to slap them over the head with a rolled-up newspaper.


Thank you for this video. I actually wrote an article for The Snake Soup about this very subject. I'm happy that the information is getting out any way it can.

I, by no means, consider everything Kojima touches to be pure gold. Despite that, I admire that he's one of the few figures in the AAA gaming space that uses their games as a medium of personal expression. That's why I find all of his games so fascinating (even if I like some more than others).

Yes, Kojima had the help of a whole production crew backing him; Nobody claims that he programmed the entire game himself, from scratch. However, he was still the captain of the ship; the crew kept the ship afloat, while the captain determined its direction. Metal Gear Survive had many of the same staff as MGSV, yet the direction was one of shameless monetization and always online looter shooter trends. THIS is why we need visionaries like Kojima, faults and all.


Wasn't Kojima saying for years that he was tired of MGS series? I mean creative exhaustion when you don't know what else to do with the story and aren't as passionate about making it. I think that may be a reasonable alternative to the Fukushima theory.


you're right about one thing: this Kojima cult is incredibly annoying to outsiders.


The fact that even Super Bunnyhop, who otherwise does brilliant research and has provided immense value and clarity to MGS analysis, unthinkingly accepted and perpetuated the Fukushima theory is probably the most frustrating part about this.


i personally felt the "dip in quality" in 4 mostly came from 2 things, potential burnout on Kojimas part, and the desire to wrap things up that were originally intended to be open ended, either way 4 still had some of my favorite moments in the series


It's pretty obvious to me that Mr. Fukushima wasn't the *mastermind* behind the iconic MGS stories. But I can't deny that he and Kojima seemingly made a really good writing team - Kojima with Fukushima was better than Kojima without Fukushima.


Been waiting for someone to talk about this


Games written by Fukushima: MGS1, MGS2, MGS3
Games written by Kojima: MGS4, MGSPW, MGS5.

I rest my case.


Die hard fan here. (I have the fox logo tattooed on me) the dip in quality is because Kojima did not intend to make a game past 2. It's a miracle 3 turned out to be a masterpiece large in part due it being a prequel.


Personally I think even if Fukushima had a hand in writing some of the major story parts for the first three games, it was also documented that Kojima wanted to end the series after Snake Eater.

The death threats from the fans and higher ups at Konami wanting another game didn’t help Kojima with how MGS4 or Phantom Pain were written.


4 is a dip, 5 is a dive off a cliff.
Maybe 5 "barely had anywhere to go with the story" but that doesn't mean you outright assassinate characters, make them 1 dimensional, or add even more retcons to a plot that barely makes use of them.


my list is 2, 1, 3, 5, 4 and i love 4 so they all amazing but i do feel the story dipped after 3, mainly because Kojima had to explain things he never really wanted too since 2 was suppose to be the end. I think Fukushima just expanded on Kojima's ideas in a way that gave them more context.


Hey Max, how do you wonder Berserk would end now that God, rest his soul, Kentaro Miura has gone to the afterlife?


I hope you touch upon the translation of MGS2 and how it differs from the Japanese version. If any detractors of the MGS games point towards the absence of *Tomokazu Fukushima* as being the main source of a dip in quality in later MGS games, then you need to look at the translator of MGS2, *Agness Kaku*, and how she changed a lot of things and how she even speaks negatively about Hideo Kojima's writing. She definitely deserves a lot of credit for making some of those changes.


Personally love 4 regardless of its short comings


"It is easier to fool a person than it is to convince them that they are fooled." - attributed to be said by Mark Twain


Totally agree MD, and my favorite story was 5, felt the most emotional.


2:29 Missed opportunity to include the "Kojima is god!" codec call from MGS:PW.

Jokes aside, loved the video! I never gave his co-writer much thought, so it was nice to hear how he was involved.
I share your opinion on MGS4 and 5. Also, considering Kojima wanted to move on from the franchise after MGS2 (iirc), those still are some damn good games.
I first encountered your channel when I looked up discussions about MGS2 and have been watching you ever since, so I'm very glad to see some more videos on this beloved series of mine :D Take care~


What I understand from Metal Gear Solid 4 is about hope, when Solid is going through at that heat room while his friends are being attacked, you do not see any possibility of hope on it to him to do it, and in the end, everything becomes clearly, I believe this is the only MGS who ends in a happy way, WITHOUT SNAKES.

Ps: a brazilian dude watched your video and liked :D
