Destiny 2 - THIS IS NOT GOOD! The Witness Is Taking Them!

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Destiny 2 The Final Shape Launch Trailer! Today we take a look and analyze everything! The Witness corrupts your Guardian and allies as it pursues the Final Shape! Precursor veiled statues speak to Zavala as he falls to the temptation. Ikora gets injured fighting Vex and Cabal and Eliksni allies bring their armies into the Traveler! Let’s slow things down and take a look!

“Destiny 2 Story”
“Destiny 2 The Final Shape Launch Trailer”
“Destiny 2 The Final Shape”
“Destiny 2 Story and Lore”

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Thinking Zavala does get corrupted and we may even fight him, but he ultimately resists and sacrifices himself to help us get a real shot at the witness


Doesn't really look like Ikora is using Prysmatic. It looks like she's just charging a massive Nova bomb, which is completely in character. It doesn't show anyone else really using Prysmatic as its presented to us the Guardian anywhere that I know of


listen, the statues are the witnesses race - covered by a veil - basically signifying that they get not say in his intentions while inside of him. To me, there is an internal struggle within the witness with his race now that they are inside the traveler. The conflict leads to theam reaching out to us for help in getting liberated from the witness and zavala is the chosen one. His vision is definitely him in their homeworld. probalby them showing him how they were turnedf forcibly into the witness and asking him for help. This will like be shown by making us think hes being corrupted.


The darkness statues have always been pretty stacked.


The beast…
The betrayal…
The belief

the D1 prophecy is coming true


Whether we wanted it or not, we’ve stepped into a war with Commander Zavala. So let’s get to taking out his memes, one by one.


7:30 The parallels between the shot of the cabal ships here and the Red War ships attacking the city is pretty cool, really shows how far we’ve come since then


At 1:26 that is The Witness possibly showing us its true form of sorts.
When Cayde says: "it spoke to you?" It could be a double entendre meaning that in one he could mean The Witness but also could mean The Traveler or better yet The Gardener, in one of the earlier final shape trailers we hear a female voice saying for "we are the light of hope".

Also at 5:27 those are the hands of The Witness NOT the precursors in which we never seen.


I have a strong feeling Zavala will get corrupted, and at the very end we’ll have to fight him and he’ll be like “end me guardian, i want to join my wife” 😭😭😭😭😭😭 i can’t


What i find interesting is the witness doesn't just slice us up like it could during its assualt on the traveler. So what changed? Are we now immune to the power of the Witness and that's why it's trying to recruit us? Cause it simply can't destroy us anymore?


Efrideet and her whole colony during this: 🗿


8:27 the witness about to pull a starkiller move on that ship


I'm more curious about why the Witness still needs a "god killer" even if it has the ability to complete the Final Shape, with how easily the Witness has smashed through everything I just can't see there being something it needs us to kill for it so that would be a pretty huge reveal.

My guess is Keith David just came in to fill the shoes for a bit until the end. Been a long time since anyone of consequence died in the this game so wouldn't be shocked if this is how they take Zavalla out of the story, especially if David can't give a long term commitment to voice work, which was the main reason they killed off Cayde before.

The end of the trailer gives some end of Halo 3 vibes with the big final battle...let's hope Bungie can at least deliver a fraction of how epic that was.


Remember that quote about Zavala that Savathun made?

"I do not see him, but I hear him. He speaks to all with a voice thick with grief.

I must learn how far I have been set back. I reach to him tentatively. Strength. I push—and feel only sweet, soft rot."

Zavala has always been close to being pushed over the edge.


The first part where everyone is final shaped, I'm so scared that that's a bad ending cutscene. Like bro, no one is going to beat the witness on their first run so if this is the case I'm already done lmao


Did anyone notice that the Veil is behind the Witness at the end? And also, has anyone considered that the veiled statues are actually the speakers of the Veil, or perhaps the physical manifestation of the Veil to interact with us and thus they have been watching us sense the beginning!?


"Ikora sees something" not just something, her eyes dilate. When people see something they desire, or love our eyes dilate due to our brain producing dopamine. Symbolizing the witness' offer seems tempting even to Ikora.


Ive said for years that Zavala will join the witness cause of all the trama he went through with losing everyone he loves


The veiled being with the shard in its hands is very reminiscent of the Unveiling's "first knife" statement.

What was the first knife used by any tool using species? A metal blade with a fancy wooden handle? No.

The first knife/knives ever created by any intelligent species was a sharp fragment or shard of a natural hard substance. A sharp piece of rock.

I think the veiled being was a memory of the leader of the Penitent faction of the precursor species, the one who convinced the others to become the Winnower they desired. The one who looked at their hand and discovered the "first knife".


that is not Caydes casket look a little closer you will see the gold a female character and the warlock symbol i think that is Ikora actually
