The Outer Realm Welcomes Meredith Herronbruck, March 24th, 2022

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Thursday night live The Outer Realm welcomes for the first time, Meredith Herronbruck.

How NLP, Family Soul Constellations and Huna are crucial elements to use to help improve our experience in life.
Meredith explores the connections between NLP, Family Soul Constellations and Huna Healing as well as how these different aspects form our mental programming, and can help uncover the root cause of a person's issues.
Transformational NLP life coach, writer, speaker and author of Becoming Ridiculously Awesome, Who Doesn’t Want That? Meredith Herrenbruck is an experienced NLP coach helps you get to the root cause of what stops you from experiencing the life you want through her multi-faceted experience and training. She has a master practitioner certification from NLP Marin, a Family Soul Constellations facilitator certification and was initiated into Huna by Kahuna Mark Saito in Hawaii. She studied Huna with him over the span of 3 years.
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