How to Help Your Student Navigate Stress this Fall with Meredith Gleason, LEP

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Watch the replay of Club Xcite's Executive Director, Jocelyn Burke hosting a live interview with Meredith Gleason, LEP to share how to How to Help Your Student Navigate Stress this Fall.

Through the interview, Jocelyn and Meredith discuss how experiencing something traumatic can cause kids to respond to stress and trauma differently whether it be genetic or from past experiences. Parents need to understand how to help their kids based on the challenges they are having right now and how to identigy common signs of trauma. Also, managing stress, creating structure and providing kids with the basic needs of sleep and nutrition are fundamental. Jocelyn and Meredith wrap up explaining how our servicse like assessments, executive functioning, social-emotional learning, counseling, and therapy can contribute to lower stress levels.

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