Robyn Brown Breaks Down In Sneak Peek SisterWives Ep 3!

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I don't understand why she is so upset when she was the one who created this mess and disconnect


Robyn is a narcissist. Just a different type than Kody. She feels no remorse. Those tears are facade management. She wants to look caring and loving. Look at her actions, not her words.


Robyn may very well be sad about the breakdown of the larger family HOWEVER she is totally unable/unwilling to see her part in it. Robyn had a vision of the family she wanted with Kody which was being the head wife/favoritite wife, only interacting the other family members on her terms, and getting financial input from the other wives. Her "vision" was NOT what the Brown family had before she entered it and she manipulated tirelessly to create the family SHE wanted at the expense of everyone else. She didn't destroy it by herself - Kody was absolutely complicit.


She is worse at fake crying than Amber Portwood 😂😂😂


Acting 101 when talking about a baby or family fake cry and insert a pause so you have the attention! She talked ONLY of herself! Nothing of momma Mykelti! BS


Robyn breaks down? Now that's something we don't see every single week. 🙄


I bet Christine has actually been.a granny to the babies. Robyn. Not so much


Robber is the one who brought on these "circumstances." I'm so sick of her fake, "crying."


Robyn is breaking down because she sees her finically set lifestyle ending! She and Kody don’t give a rats a$$ about anything else, but themselves and $..
It’s just a matter of time before Robyn and Kody split up..


The only thing Robyn wants is the family back together as she desires it. Her as top wife, and sucking all the life and money out of everyone else. Her daughters look so sad, that is all because of their mother’s dream of the family marching to her tune. The world according to Robyn. She didn’t want to be a part of the family, she wanted to be the conqueror and ruler of them. She stayed in her house on the culdesac, she did interact with others unless it was everyone getting together. Kody was at that house more than the others. So glad the other wives stopped putting up with her shenanigans.


I can believe that Robin is very sad abt what happened to the family.
SHE had a dream & this is not it.
But it seems like she's blind to reality & her own behavior?

The way she did polygamy is not the same way, Christine did.
Robin prob followed her moms advice & thaught everything would be ok? For a while, everything was great? Until Christine destroyed everything?
I do belive they had a shared dream of polygamy. But they played differently & Christine got tired.

Robin seems a bit delulu? She doesn't know what happened or really why...
There's a reason you don't do like Robin did (selfish, "conniving"), it's not fair game to others. Eventually no one wants to stay. I don't think she will ever understand. She only did the right thing? I can see her have another sisterwife, behaving the exact same way.


If Robyn lips are moving, she's lying. This new season is going to be a never ending pity party for two, Kody and Robyn. Actions speak louder than words Robyn, you're not fooling anyone with your crocodile tears.


Robyn needs mental health screening. ☮️


No wonder if she failed at her acting career, she's pretty unconvincing. Lol


Too little too late Robyn😡😡 the family was blown to smithereens...your underhanded sabotage, inserting yourself as an unnecessary "emotional safe" guard, when Kody interacted with his other wives and kids was plain sick manipulation👿👿👿👿👿


Boo hoo Robyn. Cries every darn episode. Everyone cries from time to time, but something mentally wrong with her that she has to fake cry every episode


I am not a polygynous so Idk, I guess I think differently. But my loyalty, no matter how much I got along with Robyn would be to my mom. Especially after Robyn's behaviour towards my mom. I would have said mom come to the birth, see the babies first get the cuddles then have Robyn come. I get it's her birthday but I would want my babies to be born into pure love no tension and no matter what there is some tension. I would just choose my mom first then have Robyn come in. Idk perhaps that's just my logic.


As soon as Robyn arrived on the scene, I knew there was going to be trouble. Her motives were be the favorite wife!! I always saw her as a snake in the grass. 😏


Robin has always been unSAFE for Christine and Janelle and Mari and their children and their


Sobbin Robyn is just more upset at the fact the woman aren't there with their financial support.
