When You Miss Someone (An ex, a friend, a family member)

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What philosophical ideas can help us to deal with missing someone?

Cuts, voice, footage, script by Einzelgänger. I also used Creative Commons (links below) licensed material from Storyblocks (links available upon request).

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Merchandise design by Punksthetic Art:

Music used:

Verified Picasso - Things Are Going Southampton
Windows of Ken - Tides
Lish Grooves - At Depth

Creative commons:

#missingsomeone #buddhism #stoicism
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When you miss someone, you miss the part of you, which came alive with them. A way to get over a person is to find something new that could bring that side of you to alive.


People are like beautiful sunsets. Enjoy them while they are here because soon they will disappear, but don’t worry, another one is coming tomorrow.


"We don't own people, it was just our turn to be with them."


"Those who are willing to lose, they are the ones that ultimately gain everything"


"it's just our turn to be with them, some stick around for life and others are just passengers." I felt that


Well, has been 5 months since I broke up with my ex, and I can't get her out of my mind. The thing is that I know that she is better without me and, in some sense, i'm better without her. One thing about break-ups is that almost everytime you lose a partner, you will emerge like a new, better person. The pain teaches us how to live.
Every time I see her on a photo or on a post I think "Wow, there are things that I could do better" and I act. Right now, i'm the most disciplined that I had been in my entire life, and I really think that losing her has been one of the greatest motivations to do so. It's ok to missing someone, just don't let them drown yourself. Use your own pain like gasoline to do something meaningful with your life. That's the best advice that I can think of this topic.
Stay strong, folks.


'You are not entitled to anything'. It would be good to teach this in school. I think it would improve mental health.


I noticed loosing someone to death is less painful then loosing someone to someone else.


Give love without the expectation of a reward


Me: Missing her
My pal Einzelgänger: I have a special video for you


The sad thing is that Im missing someone who dosen't miss me.
Einzelgänger: Here's a video for you


I am dealing with my son's suicide (Sept 23, 2019). It hurts beyond measure.

This video is making me think, especially the last point, about what he wrote to


You play the main role in your life, and when you get to know yourself, you can be alone a lot more, because you always have yourself. Learn to think and detach, and feelings of missing someone will never cut deep again.


Me: missing her
Einzelgänger: it doesnt matter


Sometimes elevation requires separation.


I wholeheartedly wish happiness for everyone I ever loved.

eh maybe you, the reader too I guess...


I witnessed the death of my best friend and I lost my girlfriend of 2 years all within 6 months. She helped me escape addiction and in the process a majority of the people I knew I no longer speak with, she had also become my best friend after his death and basically the only person I spoke to. Now I find it incredibly difficult to connect with anyone despite wanting to, being sober I just don't feel joy in most anything and generally find myself contemplating suicide even though my life is far better than it used to be. Channels like this are helping though, thank you for doing what you do.


I miss my grandma so much. I can’t stop crying.


I always believed that nothings lasted forever. But at my mothers funeral, I realized that’s not true. I will always love my mom. No matter what. At least for the rest of my life. And that’s “forever” to me.
The only thing that gets me through is the thought of seeing her again one day(50 years give or take). Until then I will try to make the best of this precious gift of life that she gave to me, which I honestly never thought of as a blessing before.
And if not, then at least I won’t have to suffer like this anymore.


Somehow we find out ways to process the pain, each in our own ways. Through music, through rage, through addiction, through great videos like this (for which thank you). We find ways that help us go through the day without snapping or bursting into tears... but somehow, it never truly or completely takes away the pain. It stays there, we just over time find a way to live with it, without being bothered to much by it, if it makes sense.
