'Paranoia' (1117) by Shiro SAGISU ― Evangelion:3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time OST.【TH & English Lyrics】

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Title Track : opus 17《paranoia》

Album : Shiro SAGISU Music from "SHIN EVANGELION"
Produced & Composed by Shiro SAGISU
Arranged by TEHO, CHOKKAKU and Shiro SAGISU
Choir Lyrics : Mike Wyzgowski

Guitar Solo : CHOKKAKU

[ -Shiro SAGISU's Special Choir- ]
Soprano : Catherine Bott
Alto : Deborah Miles-Johnson
Tenor : Andrew Busher
Bass : Michael George

[ -The London Studio Orchestra- ]
Conductor : Nick Ingman
Violin (1st principals) : Perry Montague-Mason, John Mills
Violin (2nd principal) : Emlyn Singleton
Viola (principals) : Peter Lale, Vicci Wardman
Cello (principals) : Anthony Pleeth, Martin Loveday, Nick Cooper
Contrabass (principals) : Chris Laurence, Stacey Watton
Flute : Eliza Marshall, Anna Noakes, Siobhan Grealey, Karen Jones, Jonathan Snowden
Oboe : Davis Thomas, Chris Cowie, John Anderson, David Theodore, Jane Marshall
Clarinet : Michael Whight, Anthony Pike, Jon Carnac, Dave Fuest
Bassoon : Gavin McNaughton, Richard Skinner, Stephen Maw
Horn : David Pyatt, Richard Watkins, Simon Rainer, Mike Thompson, Martin Owen, John Thurgood, Philip Eastop, Nicholas Korth, Nigel Black, Richard Bissill, Laurence Davies, Richard Berry
Trumpet : Derek Watkins, Tom Rees-Roberts, John Barclay, Paul Mayes, Simon Monday, Kate Moore, Philip Cobb, Andy Crowley, Maurice Murphy
Trombone : Mark Nightingale, Pete Moore, Dave Stewart, Andy Wood, Ed Tarrant, Richard Edwards, David Vines
Tuba : Peter Smith, Owen Slade, Nick Hitchens, Lee Tsarmaklis
Harp : Skaila Kanga, Lucy Wakeford, Hugh Webb
Percussion : Frank Ricotti, Gary Kettel, Chris Baron, Paul Clavis, Stephen Henderson, Glyn Matthews, Bill Lockhart

[ Shiro SAGISU pays his respects to.. ]
Derek Watkins (1945 - 2013) デレク、素晴らしい演奏ありがとう!
Martin Loveday (1958 - 2020) マーティン、素晴らしい演奏ありがとう!

Orchestra Contractor : Lucy Whalley, Jenny Nendick, Isobel Griffiths

Librarian : Yuiko SAGISU, Yukiko Tanimoto, Ron Shillingford
Pro Tools Operator : Takashi Kimitsuka, Mayumi Akao

Overseas Studio Affairs : Philip Bagenal, Alison Burton, Fiona Gillot, Jack Doutt
Recording : Jonathan Allen, Simon Rhodes, Rupert Coulson, Tom Bailey, Olga FitzRoy, Jake Jackson, Philip Bagenal, George Murphy, Masahiro Kawaguchi, Shiro SAGISU
Premix : Rupert Coulson
Mixing : Shiro SAGISU
Mastering : Patricia Sullivan
Post Production : Machiko Suzue, Kaori Ishibashi, Masahiro Kawaguchi

Recording Studio Hall (London) : Abbey Road studios, Air Lyndhurst Hall, Eastcote studios
Recording Studio (Paris, Angoulême) : Beethoven d'Hallwyll Printz
Recording Studio (Tokyo, Yokohama) : AVACO, King Sekiguchidai studio, Sound City, ∠R, Ro-JAM
Premix : Beethoven
Premix, Post-Production : Sony Nogizaka, ∠R, Ro-JAM
Mixing Studio : Ro-JAM
Mastering : Patricia Sullivan room at Bernie Grundman Mastering

Overseas Management : Shiro SAGISU
Local Management : Fumio Miyata, Mai Sato, Rie Shimasue

Production Manager : Shiro SAGISU, Rie Shimasue, Ro-JAM Ltd.

Executive Producer : Hideaki Anno


Thanks Artworks by...

Translated Thai Lyrics, Edited & Rendering Directed by @S2P_ThaiLyrics_infinity (S2P_p8k)

Thanks for Watching ^ ^
#ShinEvangelion #ShiroSAGISU #MikeWyzgowski #TheLondonStudioOrchestra #SpecialChoir #CatherineBott #DeborahMilesJohnson #AndrewBusher #MichaelGeorge #TEHO #CHOKKAKU #シンエヴァンゲリオン #Evangelion #エヴァンゲリオン #エヴァ #鷺巣詩郎 #啼鵬 #S2P_ThaiLyrics #S2P_infinity

◆ All pictures belong to their respective owners. ◆
◆ All music rights go to Shiro SAGISU, Mike Wyzgowski, khara and King Record Co., Ltd. ◆
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The beginning of this song together with the scene is undoubtedly epic, the song moved me during the whole battle against the series 7.


Most of the movie uses a lot of soft, orchestrals, even opera music which sets a softer tone for much of the narrative. But it's the moment Units 02 and 08 are launched when we are given a sense of urgency and epicness. The final objective our heroes must surpass or else all is lost. This scene was epic


I love the scene that uses this track so much because the tension is so high just hearing this start when Asuka and Mari are starting their descend on the ships through the hordes of Type 7s followed by Misato saying "Mari, Asuka, I'm counting on you" It really sets the scenario just from that line alone cause the EVAs were their only hope. Descending through the missile explosions and the destroyed 7 Types is probably my FAVORITE part in this scene cause of this Track just giving even more Tension to their actions. I love this whole Entry Scene and the Sakuga is BEAUTIFUL


They really went all out with the new eva designs. By the final movie they are basically cyborg titans


I think there's potential for some epic mix/edit with "God's gift" from 3.33

Thanks for uploading!


No metter how many times I listen to this, it still get better and better than the previous time


Asuka had the exact same fate she had back in TEOE, damn.


I got so hyped when this started playing in the movie


I fucking lost it when this started playing alongside the EVAs dropping.


I can’t pinpoint the world to describe this music with the scene at the beginning.


Finally saw this on the big screen last weekend. What an awesome experience! ☺️


I always think to myself of how does Shiro Sagisu always come up with such magnificent works of art that always and I mean always fit the scene that no other songs will pull off


My favorite song of movie and best duo


Massive chills when this came on watching it for the first time


La instrumental del principio te hace de subir de una al eva, una de las mejores composicones de shiro sagisu creo. 😎🤙


Asuka scenes taking all the bangers in this movie


S2P [Thai Lyrics]: infinity This soundtrack with its lyrics makes me feel like I'm on an epic mission but they make me win to go on that mission fighting with the enemy me and my partner and the images of Asuka and Mari together Evas epic.


So Unit 2 is now 50% Jet Alone components?


Since it was my first time on Evangelion I was so high and got so tripped by the movie. Then this song began, Asuka and Mari were already engaged into mission. The tension. BROOO I WAS TRIPPING SO HARD. It was just weed, but with this atmosphere it felt like acid, I was so happy I wanted to throw up
