Rude Questions To Never Ask Someone In A Classy Conversation (Social Etiquette Tips)

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Rude questions are a huge turn-off and not part of a classy and elegant life. In this video I’m sharing things not to say when you want to follow proper social etiquette.

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✦ This video was filmed with a Canon 70D camera
✦ This video was edited with Final Cut Pro X

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I am of African-American descent and one of my biggest pet peeves is when someone asks me if my hair is real or not. Sometimes I will wear extensions and others will ask. "Is that your real hair?"
It irks me to no end.
(Side note: Another rude behavior that I absolutely detests is when I wear my natural hair in an afro style and coworkers and acquaintances will walk up and touch it without asking. You may not mean any harm but it's a boundary and really offensive to touch someone's hair without permission.)


Another rude question is. “Why don’t you have any children?” Or “Wow, 3 three girls? Your poor husband must want a boy”. This is very uncomfortable/rude because you don’t know the fertility issues women are facing.


Never ask, "what do you do for a living?" Ask instead, "what do you do with most of your time?" It gives people a chance to talk about what they prefer to talk about, like a hobby they're proud of. Their profession/career isn't something they want to be forthright about, not to mention, most people prefer not to be identified by their job title.


It’s shocking many people don’t know not to ask these questions. UGH!


In a perfect world, we all be very classy! But the world is never perfect!


hello devoreaux few rude ones you didn't mention, is that your real your phone number, they should offer theirs and if i offer mine in return, fine . when someone asks me my age, i reply ( in a really low, confidential tone ) " can you keep a secret " ( and they snap at the bait, yes, yes... ) then i reply, " so can i, a girl who will tell her age, will tell ANYTHING usually get the hint it's none of their business and my reply gives them a way out, by laughing with great share


Hey girl!! I think with todays society and somewhat "standards" is asking if parts of your body are real or fake. With plastic surgery so common now a days, a lot of people assume that people have had cosmetic surgery. I agree with you on the weight comment/question. I am naturally thin and I get asked all the time, "Did you lose weight?" 'What do you eat?" I always roll my eyes to these questions, because I find them so rude and intruding! Great video btw!


I’ve had 2 encounters with the age question and I’ve responded by saying “Well, my best age was 19.” One lady said “awe, I’m just saying because you look so young” and a guy said “what do you mean ‘your best age?’ you haven’t lived yet” we laughed after that because I wasn’t expecting that. I still favor that response. I also had a guy ask me about my hat, I responded by saying “it was a gift” that was felt so good because I didn’t disclose any valuable information, it just felt as if he wanted to know the price or where I shop. After watching this video, I’ve come up with a reasonable response. “That’s not a question I want to answer openly so that’s not a question you should be asking.” It’s quick and straight to the point. Thank you for these elegant and useful tips.


Thank you for this reminder! With so many people NOT having classy converations these days, it can be easy to forget that certain questions aren't appropriate.


This is a timely video with many beginning to get out of the house again. These are good ones, I go by the rule that if they're not a close friend no personal questions. If they want me to know they'll share.


I agree.100%... the age question is the ultimate RUDEST question... I often get “why didn’t you ever get married” ... that one is rude too.


There are MANY people out there who need to watch this video. lol I've been asked my weight, bra size, cost of my car, salary, age, dating life, sex life, plans regarding marriage and children, many things that are personal.

Now I do have a question regarding the age topic. I know better than to randomly ask someone's age, but what if it's someone you might want to date but you're concerned about them being a little old or young for you? We can all tell if someone looks like they could be your grandpa or is super young. I'm talking about if you can't tell whether someone is closer to 40 or 50. I'm attracted to older men, but I don't want to be with someone who's MUCH older than me.


So true! Thanks for making this video!


I am diabetic. Hate when people ask is that all your eating, you will surly die from eating that, than they say eat real food. RESPECT!!!! I also lost weight and then they say what happened? Really makes me feel bad.


I love this! Sometimes people ask my age and behave rudely when I say I never answer that question.


My husband is a lot older than me and I hate it when ppl ask for ny age because right away they start assuming things etc and I feel like it gives people a window into more deeper questions 🤢🤢🤢 makes my stomach turn and I dont know how to avoid that... and its hard for the following questions for me to keep self control and not answer and I want to limit people into my life 😔😔😔


Although I am aware that this is a question not to be made, I frankly don’t see what is so offensive about asking a person her age. Personally I love telling my age, I don’t think this is something I should be ashamed of. But I understand and respect that others feel differently.


A collègue asked me of im wearing extensions very rude


I'm old enough to know better than answer that question! Love your advice and am using this to help with my executive presence. Too long around rough necks in the military has not served my ability to climb.


Sometimes I hear people ask Asian-Americans, "Do you speak English?" I haven't observed any Caucasians or African-Americans being asked that question.
