i got a new cat 🐱🤍 meet my little munchkin 🥹

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ok teka why i adopt peaches as percy's siblings? 🙈

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Aisya, i think u have to try take care your own cat. Cause mybe persy mama sue dh jaga. Like mama sue kata dia tak suka cause need to take care 2 kucing need much time to sedok tahi and all while aisya u said u allergic, mamasue pun allergic but still can do it. Tolong mamasue . Yes memang best ada kucing baru like they are so comel so on, but why not u try jaga juga.


aisyah has so many red flags haha so ignorant abt everything


Don’t shop, pls adopt. As an influencer pls don’t encourage audiences to shop for pets.


aisyah, i never commented on your videos tapi ntah kenapa i wanted to do so this time. hope u read

1. i am your fans, truly. watched ur videos ever since high school and one of your fans. thus, i wanted to advise u. apa hak i nak advise u? sebab bila u dah decide nak publish video publicly, means u dah decide untuk dikomen/dikecam/dinasihati.

2. munchkin? aisyah, baca. baca. baca. Munchkin cats are deliberately bred with short legs to look cute for humans. ye, maybe tu bukan ur decision, its family's untuk jadikan kawan percy, tapi still? u mesti tertanya, apa salahnya beli munchkin? bila u beli, u support the breeding and the cycle wont stop. ye, they are playful tapi dorang sakit, actually. tapi since you dah beli okay then. as long as u tak mate kan dia dengan percy? idk. just do further research pls, for your family next time.

2. at least show good manners untuk tontonan umum especially kids? i dah lama perasan u macam biarkan je mama sue buat any works for you. ye i tau u manja and that's their love language. tapi kan, sebenarnya in this social media, u as "influencer" sekali lagi agree untuk diri u dikritik. example, on previous video, waktu kat klia u biarkan je mama sue angkat beg u sendiri yang berat tu? and then boleh gelakkan mama sue bcs hire someone to angkat? come on aisyah. be helpful. at least hypocrite sikit depan camera. show manners. bila u dah start hipokrit, lama lama u akan terbiasa sendiri buat benda tu. at least, hypocrite untuk tontonan baik, takpe kan?

tu je lah. other issues i still support u sebenarnya aisyah, just my 2 cents. lastly, banyakkan baca aisyah. do research. ada sebab netizen marah. ada sebab. baca. baca. baca


Cm mne eh boleh husnudzon ckp biar laa, dia nk jaga tp at first place dia dh ckp 'i allergic i cannot' so mmng dia beli kucing utk mama sue handle . Sorry . Tak boleh nk husnudzon . Kesian mama sue . Ingt tak penat ke jaga kucing?


no muchkin please.. nanti ramai followers terikut.. kesian sgt baka ni, kalau preggy diorang lgsg tak blh bergerak sbb perut atas lantai.. dan mmg tak boleh support kucing ni sbb dorang mcm sengaja cacatkan kucing ni.. mmg nampak comel tp hakikatnya dia selalu sakit tulang blkg n paru2.. 😢


i swear i am not a hater, but aisyah you are making it hard for me to enjoy your vlogs..Makin lama, makin tuhan nk tunjuk perangai sebenar dye😅 road to 499k💪


Aisyah i kan banyak kali husnozon pasal you, backup you dkt kenalan i especially yg kes haritu. Tapi bila tgok video ni i speechless... you dah besar aisyah, you kene ada sifat empathy dekat orang sekeliling lagi2 mamasue. Kesian mamasue semua benda kene buat. I taktaulah you beli kucing untuk suka2 ke atau apa tapi pleaselaaaa jadi bertanggungjawab, you dah besar aisyah bukan budak kecik lagi.. hm entahlah i minat u tapi kali ni macam turn off betul.


Kenapa beli kucing baru. Percy yang ada kat rumah tu jarang sangat nampak you main. Ishh Aisyah, you slalu busy lah, pergi overseas untuk kerja dan vacation bnyk. You won't be around enough to give one cat the attention it deserves, apatah lagi dua kucing.


this video just shows how ignorant and lack of knowledge you have about cats, aisyah. but oh well since you bought one already (what's done is done), just please please please make sure to take good care of Peaches and provide her the best possible quality of life. may start consider on home modifications, regular visits to vet etc, basically just do more research on how to take care a munchkin cat. After this, please consider adopting instead of buying.


Allergic but you want to jaga??? Omg....🥲🥲🥲


Aku kan menyirap orang nak membela tapi tak pandai menjaga. Okey kalau tanak buang najis tu effort la beli toilet auto untuk U can effort for cat so can for toilet auto juga la kannnn???


Pls dont support n buy this kind of breed guys u might think its cute but they're actually suffering n its so sad😢 also pls adopt dont shop, theres so many cats outhere that needs home just pick one😭


part percy merajuk tu kesian and comel🥺😭


Allergic kucing tapi still nak bela kucing? And beli instead of adopt cat. Hm make it make sense please syah.


I rarely comment on your videos but if u nak bela kucing baru u lah kena jaga and by jaga tu i mean cedok taik dia apa semua tu. Jgn lah harap mamasue jaga sorg. Yg busuk2 buruk2 u pass ke org lain, yg comel2 wangi2 u ambik. Mamasue dah mmg kena buat byk kerja n I understand sgt bila mamasue ckp lifetime commitment tu. My partner nak beli hamster pun i tak bagi sbb nanti i yg kena jaga semua, tambah workload lagi Tambah penat. For me if u nak tambah pets, u should be responsible for it too n not simply berharap your mum settlekan semua for the pets


Aisyah, your cousin Nana was asking for her followers to "adopt, dont shop" a cats on her IG and yet you.... buying a munchkin? Oh hell no syah....


oh she is so living in her own bubble, ,


aisyahh, bukan bitter tapi breed munchkin is so bad for the cats health kenapa u support breeders breed ni adeh penatla u tak buat research in anything kee??


Pointer lazer kalau boleh jgn pakai lagi ya.. Sebab lazer pointer boleh buat kuching buta. A few relatives of mine used to do that, suka main lazer kat mata the cat. and i berkali2 tegur tapi tak nak jugak, cakap i paranoid, sampai i gaduh dgn diorang. then eventually the cat mcm jadi disorientated, lari sini sana then diorang terlepas pandang the cat terjatuh dari balcony. Tak lama kemudian mati.
