HOW Did Hasbro Manage This!?!? | #transformers Rise Of The Beasts Studio Series Optimus prime

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How Did Hasbro Manage This!?!? | #transformers Rise Of The Beasts Studio Series Optimus prime
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Fun fact: The smoke stacks can move out of the way to accommodate for the weird arm poseabilty. It doesn't serve any purpose in transformation so it's definitely an articulation thing


there's a special place in hell for whoever decided this should be a buzzworthy exclusive.


I think the issue people have with the smoke stacks is that they don't rotate, meaning they don't face the right way in robot mode. I could be wrong, but that's the only thing I can think of.

I wish he wasn't so hard to get right now, I'd absolutely love to have him.


one thing I wanna point out is that his leg tabs leave a major stress mark. And I know why.

There’s a weird raised lip on the actual tab for friction, and the port doesn’t have the indent to support that lip. So it ends up stretching the ports plastic.

It heals itself when you leave it untabbed and alone, but it’s something to look out for.


good thing I spotted that hip skirt in the spaghetti



You can store inside the chest safely by opening the chest, if you don’t like the gun / the official storage for the gun(which is on the back)

I have tried myself and it works.

Note: only works for the robot mode


This really did alot for what it was

I know it's sacrilegious, but imagine if he had a Leader Class Budget to design him. At that rate there'd be so much opportunity to make all those fixes (Triggerhappy Shoulders aside since it seems that just is the preference of that one Hasbro toy designer as of late I swear)

Also as a US Collector, I can NEVER find him at any kind of Target store


As someone who poses everything in robot mode this is about as perfect as it gets, and i was already pretty impressed with the original Bee Voyager release. Truck mode though not as clean still a very mean and intimidating look for Optimus and I love it. I used to love the HFTD one, and while it's probably the best Bayverse iteration of a movie voyager it's no longer my favorite Voyager Optimus. Really looking forward to a main line release of this one in Canada.


It’s frustrating how almost perfect this thing is.
Ab crunch, feels amazing. Kick, amazing range. The sculpt, looks amazing.

Then the shoulder articulation just sinks it so hard in my opinion, definitely need those new ones from DNA.


I will always prefer the Studio Series 38 BB Optimus Prime, I got the 35th anniversary version that came with the G1 Optimus Prime toy. But I do admit, how cool this SS Rise of the Beast Optimus Prime figure is.


Man the shoulders. They’re not the worst but…. Ugh. DNA thankfully fixed it


0:15 Yo that Scourge theme remix is nice!🔥


Never even seen the buzzworthy on the shelf, but found the reissue today finally!!! 💪😎


I absolutely adore this figure, I've transformed it agood couple of times now and I can not get tired of it. The articulation is absolutely stellar, and the accuracy is pretty much spot on. Yes the back of the truck mode doesn't look great, but that's what the DNA upgrade kit is for. I use ShowZ to preorder this kit and there's a method where you can use ShowZ points that you built up to purchase instead of using real money


The shoulders used to make posing hard, but I found out you can rotate the shoulder assembly where it's mounted, which makes them look more natural, and the smokestacks aren't in his face so much.


Transformation seems a bit less complex than the Bumblebee movie version which is good. The robot mode I think is pretty much spot on but there are a couple of ropey articulation points and of course the leg kibble on vehicle mode. Also, love the blade but hate the gun. Overall, I love it. Issues aside it's great fun to mess around with.


This thing was so damn hard to get a hold of, but i managed and it felt incredible. I LOVE this toy, partially because i fought for it, but also because it look so god damn good


Awesome toy, couldn’t agree more. I missed tfn this year but good to know you had a great time! Tfn has been my nerd holiday for a decade


Honestly, if the figure wasn’t so hard to find, it would be pretty great. It improves some things SS38 did, it did some things that SS38 did better, but all I’m all it’s really well done. Just again, i wish it wasn’t so stupidly rare in a lot of places.


This Optimus Prime figure is what Studio Series TLK Hot Rod to Deluxe classes for the Voyagers. They got more stuff than the others. This guy got a freaking abdomen crunch which other characters in his class doesn't. Same goes to Hot Rod where he has ankle rockers while other deluxe class figures only gets up amd down pivots rather than side to side. At this point, Hasbro is just being stingy. And the reasoning is ✨B U D G E T✨
