A CK2 Guide - Collecting Bloodlines

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Holy Fury's been an awesome expansion, and I wanted to put out a guide on my favorite part of this. I believe this to be a pretty effective guide on the basics of bloodline collecting, but if I missed anything important, please point it out to me so I can at least pin your comment / add it to the description.

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Playlist link for other guides: Psyche, there's just the one.

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DLC Used: All (as of 12/2018)
Mods Used: "Bigger Interface," "Interface: Century Gothic," and "Tooltip: Century Gothic Bold 18"
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"Because you can have a toddler with 54 combat"


I did this a different way. Instead of having cadet branches in my own family I had cadet branches in vassals. After going through the slow process of getting the Merovingians into my bloodline I started inviting as many bloodlines as I could into my court, ESPECIALLY THE WOMEN. With women who are far in line from any inheritance and who have a bloodline (Caradog for example) I matrilineally marry them to a landless dude in my court, or better yet, a low level landless dude I invited into my court who has a bloodline (like Vortigern) and their offspring have both bloodlines or just the one from the female, and we marry that descendant to our heir, or marry the bloodline offspring to another landless courtier (like a matrilineal marriage of a daughter to a landless male of the Carolingian we invited to court).

Once you have 2 or more bloodlines on a descendant outside your family they will want to start pressing their claims, so to ensure they stay in your court and to gain their loyalty, give them a title. Maybe those claims can come in handy if you don’t already own their families de jure land.

With my heir I would alternate between males and females each generation, the males would marry for traits like genius/strong/attractive and forge their own bloodlines, while their female heirs would matrilineally marry one of the bloodline vassals or courtiers who already had 2-5 existing bloodlines. This way you avoid inbreeding with your own family and the risk of losing any genetic traits.

Inviting females into my court is how I got Ragnar, Sassanid, Ashina, and Attila blood onto a Catholic Anglo-Saxon bloodline. Once in my court by invitation or imprisonment, I could convert females of those bloodlines to Christianity and marry them to courtiers and bring their bloodlines into my own. The only bloodline I missed was Solomon’s because the Abbassid’s wiped them out before I could reach them.

Per Aspera Ad Astra!


I wear the inbred trait as a badge of prestige and honor


Avallac'h would be very proud of you men.


great guid thank you, already saved me 15 minutes of navigating trough the bloodlines family trees to find the living relatives every time i want a new bloodline.


4:45 A clarification: The problem of "forbidden to invite (another court's) councillor to your court" is specific to games with Conclave enabled; you can play an ironman, achievements enabled for bloodlines game AND invite other courts councillors so long as Conclave hasn't been enabled; but since the favors mechanic is a Conclave DLC feature it becomes a case of having 50 more disposition with a candidate than their liege has with the prospective invitee (and even then there are some exceptions like monks, nuns, liege is character's not-yet-of-age child).


There is an ironman compliant mod that tells you if you can use a favor to invite somone to court - Favor: Impossible Invitation Warning


Brilliant. Explained the important bits and the fun bits. A lot of guide makers could take a page from your book.


Very cool video, ive been collecting bloodlines as well, fortunately my dynasty has over 450 members so im able to use distant relatives in court as my blood line harvesters and mat marry them into my inheriting bloodline pool. this way i have several elector bloodlines that be married as needed to combine with the main super bloodline. ive been relying mostly on guesswork but so far ive managed to not have many children with negative traits.


I have been playing on one world from start date and I have made five major dynasties. All of them have at least six bloodlines on average 90% of the world is controlled by somebody with three bloodlines that I've built


Oh I see, the genius part of it !!! When you matrilinealrely marry a girl of a cadet branch of your dynasty, it will stay in your dynasty and your heir and his heirs will stay in your dynasty too ! Thus preventing you from Game Over ! Fucking genius.


Bro you talk so fast wtf go become a caster or something


@Rather Incoherent
Subscribed thanks to your tutorial about bloodlines, looking forward to see your videos.


Just raid, capture the women and recruit them, than breed them into your bloodline


The only problem I have with it is sometimes when inbreeding they don’t have children! Once in awhile character just derp out and despite getting married at a very young age they never have any baby at all and I don’t want to use consol command to add baby.


Great video! But how do you just have tons of artifacts lying around?


is there any famous bloodline option for no DLC ?


So I want to get the blood of ragnar lothbrok and I want to found my own unique bloodline do I need to have a daughter have her be my heir and then get some male descendant to agree to a matrialmenialy marriage so then I can get both?


What if you have matrilineal marriage off?


I've seen the whole video. Where's my diploma?
