Archaeologists Were Shocked When They Found Out This Baby Was Born AFTER This Woman Got Buried!

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FYI: Babies are born head first, so its body is laying the wrong way. So it's more likely that the baby also died when its mother died & was buried with her, rather than digging 2 graves. Just saying!🤔


How can they say that baby was a coffin birth. It could have died during the birth or beforehand and buried with her. The baby's bones were just too straight. It would have been curled up, surely, and perhaps head first.


That baby appears placed there in that position. Probably mother and child died together, but if it had been born in the coffin, the baby's position would be curled and head downward. My guess it was a childbirth double death. 💔😓🕊️🙏🏼


Why is it that digging up a modern day corpse is considered a grave-robbing crime but doing the same to ancient graves is considered scientific and of historical interest? 🤦


omg... i cant believe that she really gave birth to a baby in a COFFIN, if the coffin was excavated before, the baby woul probably had lived


The coffin birth was confusing. The child looked as if it had been placed there after both mother and child died. Otherwise, the child would have been head down and most likely curled in a fetal position.


The baby's birth, took place, "before' she died, due to the placement, of the baby's head, at her birth canal, and the feet, away, from the birth canal. Most babies, are born, head first. Check, your medical histories!


I agree Casey Tolvenon, both bodies were placed simultaneously or within days of each other. Had the neonate been expelled from the mothers body by the gases of decompositionm they would have come out head first, or if a breach birth possibly not been fully expelled.


There's one major problem about #7 the woman giving birth in the coffin. Babies are born HEAD FIRST. That child was perfectly straight in a feet first position.


The baby skeleton was placed there, if it was born feet first it wouldnt be lying in that neatly placed position.


There's a viking example of coffin birth. The mom was pregnant with triplets but only 2 were born while she was dieing. The third came out after she was buried


Even though it's referred to as a coffin birth, it's a still birth. The baby dies rather quickly after the mother does. There's another comment that explains the gases building up, thus expelling the deceased fetus. That is what happens.


I don't believe the baby was born in the coffin. I reckon that they where both dead when they buried them. The baby is laid out to perfect. Explain how that came to be. As others have said babies come out head first. So did the come out cut the umbilical then think I better get into a perfect position to look good just incase someone exhumes us. Some of the things on origins explained are interesting and informative but I don't think they have to sensationalise stories to get subscribers. Try to keep it real


The “scientist” brakes the jaw off the monkeys skull then puts it back hoping you didn’t just see that


Babies are born head first(most of the time), an upside down birth needs assistance. The positioning of the mothers legs would have prohibited the baby from exiting the womb even if the baby didnt come head first, also just saying


The coffin birth is definitely rare since the birth was breach


And all these cool discoveries is why I always wanted to be an archaeologist!! But for now I think I'm gonna buy a metal detector!! Thanks Katrina, I always enjoy learning from ya!!! 👍🏻🙋🏻


Vid idea: 11 Craziest Public Freak Outs Caught On Camara


Here's a fun fact - the people of ancient Central America had different breeds of dogs for different purposes. One type seems to be the origin of modern chihuahuas & was used as travel food that carries & feeds itself. For long trips, they could bring a pack of little dogs with them; they weren't tied in any way, & spent most of the day hunting small, crunchy, squeaky creatures. If the group stopped for the night where there was nothing for people to hunt, they could get the meat they needed by butchering some of the dogs. It was a smart way to feed many people on a long trip, but I always get the feeling that modern chihuahuas have a genetic memory of that time, & that's what makes them so twitchy & willing to snap at people.


Bit weird it managed to come out feet first, not sure I believe this claim looks too perfectly positioned!
People have been found with their baby buried and positioned between their legs!
