Nobody Has Seen God and Lived - But What About Moses?

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Scripture tells us that nobody has seen God and that nobody can see God and live. But scripture also tells us that God spoke with Moses face to face.

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Blessed are those who have not seen yet believe.


The bible says that God's glory passed by moses and that God covered his eyes as he passed by then Moses saw God's backside. It's says that Moses face shined so brightly that he had to wear a veil that he wouldn't freak out the people. Very interesting.


The Hebrew for "face to face" can easily be translated "in the presence of". The Scriptures have no contradictions, but every translation has contradictions. It is easy for translators to become so focused on the passage at hand that they lose sight of how their choices relate to the rest of Scripture.


"The face of a person reveals the most information about a person..." Accurate and interesting statement, especially when we consider that most of the world today has to keep their faces covered!
Great video, thank you.


In Jesus Christ the veil is removed " And we all, with unveiled face, seeing the glory of the Lord, are being transormed into the same image from one degree of glory to another . For this comes from the Lord, who is the spirit " ( 2 Cor 3 v 18 : A passage which compares the glory of the old covenant with the surpassing glory of the new one, in Christ)


How do you know those televangelists hadn’t indeed gone up and hung out in Heaven if you haven’t called their toll free number with your credit card in your hand to order what they are selling for only $39.95 (plus s&h)? Of course you would’ve had to order fast as it was only “for a limited time”...


The fastest way to determine a "Christian" hasn't gone to heaven and or spoke with God face to face is if they tell you they have.


I love your clear way of explaining biblical subjects. Thank you and may God bless you <3


It is right to question and even doubt those who claim to have been taken on a tour of heaven as if some how the scriptures we have are not sufficient for salvation. If you have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit who is to lead one into all truth then it would redundant to have to go to heaven for confirmation of what we already have here on earth. Oh ye of little faith!


Please do more of these types of videos, so useful in apologetics! Also, I would recommend leaving the scripture slides up just 1 or 2 seconds longer because we are trying to listen to you while reading them. ALL of your content is really good--keep it up brother!! God bless.


Thank you for putting the verse in context.


Thank you for biblically clarifying these verses. If they aren’t understood in the biblical context as a whole, we get people who can easily twist the intended meaning to justify their lies/imagination about visiting heaven.


Thank you Sean for another great (as usual) video.


Thank you so much for this! So appreciate this video!


People don't want sound doctrine from the straight and marrow path anymore. They want the magical mystery tour on the long and winding road in the days where anything goes. (hat tip to The Beatles and Sheryl Crow)


The Bible says the Father is not a God of confusion.

Jesus clearly stated, “No man has ever seen or HEARD my Father.”

HEARD. Get that through your head.

Maybe then you’ll start to realize what Jesus meant when He told the rabbis, “You are worshipping the DEVIL!”


Well done and well explained. Thank you Sean.


This is simplified and explanatory with relevant scriptures. God bless you


This can be figurative, but also this could be a 'Christophany' where Moses was speaking to the pre-incarnet Jesus. We see this with Jacob, Abraham, David, King Nebuchadnezzar and many others in the OT. Yes, Moses did see God but from behind as Moses asked to see God's glory and was told that no one can see that and live, so God put Moses in the cleft of a rock, covered His hand over it and then passed by removing it only so Moses could see the back of God and not His face. Remember that Jesus didn't become Jesus when he was born on earth and thus was a 'created' being. He is part of the divine trinity and has always existed; so seeing him before his actual birth is not a stretch here.


Excellent video, Sean. I've been studying the book of Exodus from an old bible commentary put out by Matthew Henry & Thomas Scott. Here is a quick summery of Moses' encounter with God: The Lord appeared to the people from the mountain in a devouring fire, but to Moses, He appeared as a pleasant sapphire. I believe what Moses saw on Mt Sinai was a glimpse of God's glory, for no manner of His similitude or the totality of His being no man has seen or can see. 1 Timothy 6:16
