Classical and Modern: The Power of Architectural Vocabulary on Behavior

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Driehaus Foundation Built Environment Symposium 2019
Chicago, Ill., October 23, 2019

As architecture evolved from a basic need for shelter and security, it became an artistic craft that activated our thoughts, emotions, and desires for an expression of beauty. The success depends on the visual relationship that is formed between parts and patterns and one's perception of them. What holds our attraction to some forms of architecture over others? Why does this appeal remain as civilization advances? By comparing the Parthenon in Athens, Greece, to the S.R. Crown Hall in Chicago, Illinois, the symposium will expand on the ideas and themes of these structures through the lens of architectural vocabulary and cognitive science, providing insight into the understanding of ancient and modern architecture on behavior.


Stuart Cohen, Cohen & Hacker Architects LLC
Kevin Harrington, Professor Emeritus of Architectural History, Illinois Institute of Technology
Aric Lasher, President and Director of Design, HBRA Architects
Frederick Marks, President, Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture
Patricia Normand, Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Preventive Medicine, Rush University Medical Center
Cynthia Vranas Olsen, Director, Mies van der Rohe Society
Ullica Segerstrale, Professor of Sociology, Illinois Institute of Technology
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