DDE OS#3, Community vs Society, 2022-07-19

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Democratic Dialogic Education, Open Symposium#3, 2022-07-19
"Community vs. society: The normative vision of sociality in joint self-education" by Eugene Matusov

Abstract: In this theoretical essay, I argued that the normative sociality of joint self-education is a society based on pluralism and tolerance of culturally and educationally diverse communities and individual educatees, their synergy, voluntary participation, and acceptance of the final sovereignty of their educational decision-making. I rejected a proposal that community (e.g., “community of learners”) should be the vision of this norm for such educational sociality. At the same time, I accept that an empirical community can be a very important part of a normative notion of society as applied to joint self-education. Balancing between communal, often centripetal, and societal, often centrifugal, processes is often necessary for maintaining a joint self-education endeavor.

Mentioned References:
Becker, H. S. (1982). Art worlds. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Graeber, D., & Wengrow, D. (2021). The dawn of everything: A new history of humanity. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Ochs, E. (1988). Culture and language development: Language acquisition and language socialization in a Samoan village. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Rietmulder, J. (2019). When kids rule the school: The power and promise of democratic education. Gabriola Island, Canada: New Society Publishers.
Schwartz, H. (2014). The culture of the copy: Striking likenesses, unreasonable facsimiles. New York: Zone Books.
Shklovskii, V. B., & Sher, B. (1990). Theory of prose. Elmwood Park, IL: Dalkey Archive Press.
Sidorkin, A. M. (2002). Learning relations: Impure education, deschooled schools, & dialogue with evil. New York: P. Lang.
Strathern, M. (2020). Relations: An anthropological account. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Tan, A. (2019). The Joy Luck Club. New York: Penguin Books.
Waugh, L R. (1980). The poetic function in the theory of Roman Jakobson. Poetics Today, 2 (1): 57–82. doi:10.2307/1772352.
Рекомендации по теме

Good topic...i am very interested to learn particularly on dialogic pedagogy in the perspective of Paulo Freire...what is the history of this dialogic pedagogy? Hope you can help
