Handpan Build a Beat ep.2 // Beginner Groove

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Thank you for joining me in this second beginner handpan lesson focusing on groove.
In this tutorial:

00:00 - intro
00:25 - What it looks like
00:43 - Which sounds we use
01:26 - Elements of the groove
04:54 - Play Along

Thanks so much for watching, happy practicing!

💚Handpans I use💚
👉Meridian Handpan - D kurd
👉Meridian Handpan - F Low Pygmy
👉Meridian Handpan - E Sabye
👉Elaia Handpan - Desert Rose (C# harmonic minor)
👉 RAV Vast - B Rus
👉 RAV Vast - F Astronaut

💚5% off any Rav Vast purchase💚

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💚What I use to record💚

💚What I use to film💚

#handpan #tutorial #beginner
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Hi friends! Thanks so much for joining me here today!

☀️For more handpan content (and more), join my Patreon community!


New member. New pan.
Learning how to play with Amy's lessons and progressing well. Lovin it. 😊


Your tutorial is really great! I started to practice with your video and it is really comprehensive and easy to play along!
Thank you! I will keep practicing with your video :D


You are amazing! I am so glad I found your tips :) Thank you so much ✨


Sounds very cool - even in slow tempo! Thanks alot!


love the way you describe playing. Your videso are great. you please just reminds us what fingers you are tapping with a bit more as i am a total beginner and not alwys sure which part of the fingers we are meant to be using to make the correct sound for the notes and postion on the pan. many thanks x


🎼 Very groovy, and into the file it goes. Many, many thanks, 🙏


You are just sooo fun!! Where the heck did you come from?? Lol just discovered your channel last night and I’m instantly hooked! You’re so fun to watch and listen to! Your bubbly personality and your attention to detail and split screen cam angles and video editing and the way you make the simplest beat so groovy is just amazing! I love your progression on learning the beat to the songs on your site. It makes it so much more fun and groovy than listening to a metronome. Like, are you some famous musicians daughter or something? Came outta nowhere! Lol 😃 your videos popped up and you’re just amazing! Love your teaching style and can’t wait to watch all your videos and comb thru your site. Great Job on all your content! Sooo awesome and you’re sooo much fun! 😃😃


Brilliant, I did try the finger trill as well, found that really difficult, but learned so much thanks Amy for this...


You are amazing.... I wanna shout out loud. :D


Great Stuff.
Thank you for this.
Cheers ... Stefan.


This is so perfect, I was hoping this would turn into a series 😋


Amy, I'm actually learning how to play my new tongue drum, but your videos are still very helpful! Told myself if I stick with it, next summer I'll buy myself a hand pan or maybe a rav vast. Thanks again!


Super nice.. But I'm still trying to figure out how u played that groove in the end 😊😊


Génial merci pour vos explications grâce a vous je m’améliore… mais c’est long….


Just here to say I love your tutorials! Especially the ones with notations. I’ve been taking David Charrier‘s lessons so I really love to reflect back on the notations as a beginner. I have a weird question though, I own a rav vast B RUS tongue drum… Where is the tone field between the ding and shoulder for a tongue drum? Is it the wing note on the ding?


You are a wonderful girl and i like your smile.
thanks for showing.
Greetings from Germany


I have really enjoyed your videos! They're so helpful as a complete beginner!! The part you did at the end was very cool, where you I think were playing the other tones instead of the ghost notes? Are you playing different substitute ghost note tones for each hit or are they repeated in some fashion? I'm not so great at listening and then knowing what you're doing.


Hallo Amy, vielen vielen Dank für deine Videos. Ich bin Anfängerin und deine Erklärungen sind für mich sehr hilfreich.
Anfangs probierte ich aus, an welchen Stellen der Anschlag am Besten klingt und empfinde ihn an der Kante von der glatten Klangfeldfläche und der Mulde am klarsten. Nun sah ich in deinen Videos, dass du nur das Klangfeld anschlägst, also nicht die Kante. Ich nahm an, dass dies deinem ganz persönlichen Interesse entsprungen ist und schaute mich bei youtube in Zeitlupe um. Ich bin überrascht, dass bis auf eine Person alle so spielen wie du und ich fragte mich, warum. Hab ich ein anderes Klangempfinden oder hat es damit zu tun, dass ab einer bestimmten Spielgeschwindigkeit die Kanten nicht mehr sauber getroffen werden können? Über eine Rückmeldung von dir würde ich mich freuen. Wie du schon sagst: etwas falsch Gelerntes umzulernen ist viel schwieriger, als es gleich richtig zu erlernen. Vielen Dank im Voraus und liebe Grüße aus Deutschland


I am thinking about getting into that, what model is that?
