Understanding Testicular Cancer

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This video contains a visual explanation of testicular cancer, aimed at helping students of medicine and healthcare professionals prepare for exams.

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29 yrs, went to doctor for my testicular pain and i felt uncomfortable for a week, they took ultrasound and found 1cm tumor. Then i took mri scan and confirmed there is a tumor around 1cm. Doctor recommended surgery and they told that they will remove one affected testicle. 1 week ago my surgery was done. Now i am feeling better and waiting for my biopsy. If it confirmed as cancer then i need to take pet scan to check whether there is any spread or not. Whatever symptoms you have don't hesitate to share with your family members and don't delay consulting doctors. Anything can be cured if it is in starting stage.


Got diagnosed with testicular cancer a month ago after biopsy of my left nut. It’s non-seminoma, 100% embryonal carcinoma. With beginning metastases in lungs, stage 3A. Currently finished 1 out of 3 rounds BEP chemotherapy. Six more weeks to go. This really sucks, but my medical team says there’s 95% chance of getting cured. I have to get trough this. No other choice.


I have my step 1 in 3 days!!! *In Chandler's voice* "Could the timing BE any better?!!!" <3


Im 34 On 6 November this year, I went to the hospital urgently and was diagnosed with testicular cancer and my operation was on the 12th of November and have been home since but i love this video Explains me about this completely new to me


I’m 32 years old and I got diagnosed with testicular cancer. Unfortunately the only thing you can do is remove the testicle and your other one makes up for the lost one. I might have to get the lymph nodes removed through surgery or chemo. The downside to chemo is although it can get rid of the cancer it damages your body other ways and especially for men it could make you infertile for quite a while. Apparently the surgery is better but it leaves you with a giant scar in the middle of your chest and could also damage the blood vessel to transport your sperm. Not a good start to the year.


Want to add that you could maybe be a bit more specific with side effects of treatment, surgery vs chemo vs radiation, since chemo is where most of those side effects come into play


Being a doctor currently working in istanbul - turkey, I believe not many people are guided to the right hospitals and doctors for treatment,
because of which the patients have to pay extra and return multiple times for either repair or for being treated again.
As im experienced very much in this field, i offer free guidance about the actual costs and where to get the treatments so you get a legitimate treatment in turkey.
Good day


Comprehensive but understandable..Good job..keep it up


I was forty five when I developed testicular cancer. I have a intersex body development and had a number of very large teratoma removed during my life. the largest of these was 17.5 cm.
I was stage three but because of the nature of this situation they really didn't expect me to live.


I am Waiting to go in for a physical cause I found a weird mass/bump on my left testicle.. scared to death it might be cancer. This video helped a ton. My lump is at the very top and seems to either be attached or super close to my epididymus. It is super super super tender when touched and almost makes you sick cause it is soo tender when you push on it move it around.. after hearing what you said and also a doctor friend he said he is 99.99% sure it is a cyst on the epiditimus. Testicle is a little sore or dull Pain but because I keep playing with it lol. Still gonna go have doc feel
It and maybe have a test done but atleast I feel like it is probably not cancer thankfully, based on location and feeling etc.. thanks for the info and peace of mind


18-year-old male here; I'm really torn on whether or not I should get myself checked out... I consistently feel discomfort around my scrotum and lower abdomen, and my testicles feel heavy almost always. However, I've been examining myself and can't seem find anything at all that could be considered out of the ordinary. Getting a doctor where I am is a pain in the ass so I really can't decide whether I should wait for any developments or if I should try to get checked.


Perfect video for understanding
Great efforts 👌👌👌


a little bit of knowledge is very helpful
thank you


after it is cured, do you live a normal life? or do you have a shorter life


Which best treatment..!
1. Rediotherapy
2. Chemotherapy


I'm 15 years old pushing 16 next year, I have a small rice grain hard lump on my right testicle beneath the epididymis, I have no symptoms of testicular cancer so far and has already had my testicles checked in the doctor but there was no lump that time, I've have this lump for around 1-2 months I reckon and it hasn't gone bigger, and it doesn't have an irregular shape, any answers would be appreciated, I'm quite worried and nervous watching all these videos, do i get it checked or not? the more i look it up, the more i start overthinking. pls help


I might have testicular cancer but im unsure i have a lump on the right side of my testicle that is rather small and diss colored and if i press on it i feel pain i am unsure if it is or not and i am going to have a talk with my doctor


Can a lump on the top of the testicle be a tumor? Or do tumors usually happen in a specific area ofbthe testicle.


so are said germ cell tumours subdivided into seminomas and non-semionomas? cos you said TC can be either non germ cell or germ cell, or either seminoma or non seminoma which is mildly confusing. i need a flow chart


Does having a pelvic CT scan greatly increase your chance of testicular cancer?
