Respect Murderer's Pronouns

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CNN has made it a priority not to misgender the perpetrator of the tragedy in Tennessee.

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Condolences to the victims loved ones. Thank you to all who responded to this planned attack and quickly neutralizing the Evil creature.


They should edit out the pronouns and put in EVIL MURDERER in all capitals


How about whenever this happens we assign a number to them and do not mention their name ever again.


You lose all respect when you decide to murder innocent people


Judge: Sir, You’ve been sentenced to 5 consecutive life sentences for the murder of these children and adult.
Lawyer the prosecution: Your honor please respect the accused preferred pronouns.
Lawyer for the defense ( the state): The accused did not respect the lives of others why should they get insist on their pronouns being respected?


*When SHE & HER gets into prison, SHE is going to make a bunch of new boyfriends that will take what SHE has. SHE will receive justice from them*


We used to ask WWJD? This absurd situation makes me want to react defensively at how insane it is. But then I have to pause when I remember that if I believe the gospel at all (and I do) than that means Jesus died for them too. Not for their pronouns, but for their soul.

So while the media is in lock step with this new religion around certain groups and their pronouns in an effort to protect what it sees as sacred...
it's as though Jesus says: "hold my holy water!" and He does one far better... because while He was hanging on the cross, taunted and mocked for not healing himself (when he could've) and while the Roman soldiers who tortured him and put him up there were gambling over his tunic he lifted his head to the heavens saying: "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do!"
So he died for both the slain and the slayer because only God can truly remake a person, only God can have that kind of love.

And this reminds me just how much higher his thoughts are than mine and his ways that He died for a sinner like me and like you and like them, no matter who you are, we quite literally ALL need Jesus. Because no one's getting out of this life alive... without Him.


Wasn't she female to male? So the correct thing would be she, when she wanted to be called he. Doesn't matter in the end though. *IT* was a murderous monster.


If you're dead, how can you self-identify? So why entertain such an idea. I.e., reference to the dead...."Jane Doe" and "John Doe" based on biology.


That crazy girl killed children she gets nothing


It's time to end The Great F*gg*try of 2023 (use A and O)
